
If Fate Could Only

Violet Daniels is in love with Mason Jones that's no secret. They have broken up in the past but fate has somehow found a way to reconnect them. However, Violet has her doubts about it. Along with other issues, including a huge family secret, she tries to work through her problems but sometimes fate has other plans.

cheyenneo1017 · Teen
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6 Chs


"Violet, you never learn, do you?! You always think the world revolves around you! I told you that if your grades dropped that you would be punished but, of course, the rules don't apply to you, do they?!" My mother yells

"I told you that one D is not failing. I was missing an assignment and I did the assignment and turned it in so now I have to wait for it to be graded." I tell her rubbing my temples. She gives me the biggest headache.

"I am so sick of your excuses!" she yells.

"Well if you don't believe me, why don't you do your job and check the grades yourself." I snap.

"I shouldn't have to," she tells me.

"No mom, you just don't want to. Like always you find excuses to yell at me." I told her walking away.

I walk past my parent's room on the way to my room and my dad stops me.

"What happened now?" he asks

"One of my grades is a D because of an assignment that I had to turn in and now we are all waiting for the grades, If you are going to pester me I am walking away," I tell him.

"We are so tired of you being disrespectful. Your mother and I work hard..." I walk away before he finishes.

I would love to stay and have him tell me the same things he always does. He tells me how I am ungrateful and disrespectful and I have already had my dose of mental abuse for the day so it was time to retreat to my room and cry. This routine is daily and tiring. My family hates me and are making my life hell since I have turned eighteen, They tell me all the time that they can't wait till I graduate and move out, it really shows me how much they love me. I try so hard to fit their standards but it's like the harder I try, the worst they get. When I get to my room I lay there and just cry. The thing that sucks is that I literally have nobody. My sister, Amanda, who is also my best friend, went off to college in San Diego, miles away from Colorado so I can't talk to her. I grab my phone and FaceTime her to see if it works. She picks up after the second ring.

"Hey what's up?" She asks.

"Oh the usual-" before I finish she cuts me off

"Sorry, V but Chris is calling, I'll call you later." She says hanging up.

"Of course he is," I say to myself and throw my phone across my bed.

I cry even harder at the fact that I am completely alone in this world. My parents decided to home school me in the middle of 8th grade so I have no social life. The only places I go are home and work.

"Why can't you just give me a break?" I say looking up to the sky talking to god.

I finally decide to stop balling my eyes out and decide to pick up my phone. I go through Instagram and nothing interesting on there so I head to the explore page. I came across several funny videos. After seeing the last one I got bored so I laughed to myself and decide to go on Snap chat. I go through all my old friend's stories and they are all the same. Then I get a text from Mason, my ex from like a year ago, saying how he needed someone to talk to. At first, I typed "I'm here for you." But that sounded to weird. After a few times of finding the right words, I finally type out "Are you okay?" And hit send. I am completely nervous for some odd reason. He texted me first plus I dated him a couple of times on and off. He knows me well so why wouldn't he tell me what really happened. A few minutes later it says that he is typing. After another minute it says I have a message from him.

Mason: No. Seems like everything around me goes wrong. I feel like I am losing everything and everyone."

Me: Same here but what's going on?

He doesn't reply for a while, which makes me nervous. I think about double texting him but that seems a bit weird. Then I think, what if he hurts himself. Just as I was about to text him again my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey." Mason raspy voice answers.

"Mason? Hey." I say shocked that he still had my number.

"Can I come over tonight?" He asks.

"Umm yeah just use the entrance you always used," I tell him.

"Okay. See you later." He says then he hangs up.

I look at the time and it's 8 o'clock. I walk out my room past my parent's door, which is closed, I guess they're sleep. They must have to get up early for work tomorrow which gives me the whole house to myself. I go to the kitchen to grab some snacks because it looks like it'll be a long night tonight. I walk past my mothers work desk which catches my eye. She left her computer on. I look closely at the screen which reads "Girls boarding schools." in the search bar. She is planning on sending me away to a boarding school when I'm 18? Stupid. I laugh silently to myself and continue on my journey. I grab the secret bottle of Vodka that I stole from my aunt's house and some cookies and juices. I walk back to my room and lock the door. After I cleaned up a little I decided to take a quick shower. I walk into my bathroom, which used to be Amanda's before she left because this was her room. I run the water and get in. After I shower I walk out into my room and Mason is sitting on my bed. I yelp because I am naked, well under my towel.

"Mason I didn't know you were here. I'll get dressed in the bathroom." I say turning around. He nods. Mason has never seen me naked before so I am not comfortable changing in front of him. I finish putting my shirt on and brush my hair. When I walk out of the bathroom Mason is playing with my music box. He puts it down when he notices my annoyance. He knows I hate when people touch my stuff.

"Sorry I was just messing around." He says standing up. We both sit there in silence for a second. "That's new." He says noticing the bottle of Vodka.

"I am going to need it for the night we are about to have. Sit down and start talking." I point to the bed.

"Okay, so my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, Vanessa cheated on me." He says. I am facing the other way pouring us both a drink.

"Keep going," I say

"I can't believe I was such an idiot for thinking I could trust her. Don't get me started on the toxicity of the relationship. I mean she was such a fucking headache. She always shut me out and constantly played with my feelings, as a game." He spews.

I take a sip enjoying this entertainment. "Sounds familiar," I say pouring another shot.

"Is this what you went through? All of this anger. I feel like I can punch a wall. And to make things worst, my asshole of a father bailed on me again, this time he left at the airport in Ohio. I was stranded for two days before my mother had to come to rescue me and of course, she makes dumb excuses." He tells me.

"First off, Ohio? What could you possibly be doing there? Second, and again, I know exactly how it feels to be with someone like that except mine is sitting here in my room drinking vodka with me talking about his problems." I say

"Hey, I'm sorry for all that. I really didn't know how to treat girls and now that I learn I am failing miserably. And I was there because my dad was there on business but he flew to New York on "business". He says quoting the last word.

"Dude you're dad was always an asshole towards you," I say smiling.

"I think he liked you way more than he liked me." He says rubbing his temples and taking a shot. He winces at the strong tastes. "Jesus I have school tomorrow I can't drink that." He says.

"The Vodka wasn't for you it was for me. Either you drink it or watch me be drunk." I tell him about taking another shot. He grabs the bottle and does the same.

After a few more shots we both are both drunk but he has had way more meaning he is more toward shit faced than drunk. We both sit there and tell stories from when we were dating and all the funny moments.

"Remember when we all sneaked into that bar last year and Samantha's dad caught us because he was there with another woman?" He asks laughing.

"He bought all of us a drink of our choice to keep our mouths shut." I burst out in laughter.

"Samantha's mom was fucking nuts but she loved her kids. No wonder why they all moved closer to her psycho ward." He says

"Remember when she brought peanut butter to the school play in 9th grade and Mrs.Hernandez confiscated it? She kept saying that one line. " I say trying to think of it.

"Give me back my peanut butter you nut sucker." We both day in unison laughing hard.

"God blesses that woman with a crazy sense of humor." He says his voice getting raspy.

He gets up and walks over to my trash can and pukes. I walk over to make sure that he didn't puke all over my floor. I grab a water bottle off my desk and I make him drink it.

"They always say to never drink on an empty stomach but I never listen." He says in a low voice.

"Are you hungry?" I ask

"I want a grilled cheese sandwich," He wines trying to sit up.

"Okay you stay here, quietly, and I will make you a grilled cheese," I tell him.

He nods. I quietly slip out of the room into the kitchen. I gather the ingredients to make a grilled cheese and start the process. My dad walks into the kitchen as I was cleaning up. he goes to the fridge and takes out the milk and drinks it. He is half asleep so he doesn't notice me. When I finish cleaning I take the plate into my room. I expected Mason to be sleep but instead, he was up watching a late episode of American Dad. I look at the time and it's almost 2 am. I hand him the grilled cheese which he scarfs down in seconds. I get out my laptop to see if my grade in Algebra 2 has been raised and in fact, it had been raised to an A-minus. I also decided to check my e-mail to see if anything was going on there. I look over and see that Mason has fallen asleep. I put my laptop up and cover him up. I lay beside him and go on my phone. I have a message from one of my old friends, Amber.

Amber: Hey...

I decide not to answer it tonight because I didn't want to speak to anyone. I lay there thinking about what I am going to do after high school and I really don't know what's next. I look over at Mason who is sound asleep. I love the way he looks when he is sleep more than when he is wake. He looks at peace and happy. I wish his life didn't suck as much as it did because when he is happy, it's amazing. Seeing him so open and vulnerable makes me a little scared because he was usually so tough and closed off. I hated him that way but that was the person I fell in love with. I grew fond of him because I thought that I could change him and open him up after all, it was my talent. For some reason, he was tough. He would budge and I barely knew anything personal. Since he changed after we ended things, I guess his new girlfriend or ex girlfriend know more than I do. I hate know that fact that he moved on. I also hated knowing that I still had massive feelings for him and he had no clue. It was like they wouldn't disappear no matter how hard I tried. I decided to end my thoughts and finally drift off to sleep after locking my bedroom door.