
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasy
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151 Chs


"Numinous Pavilion... Let's see what you guys got here."

Standing in front of the building, Yang Ze stepped forward with great expectations. Even though he was pitted last time because of the two useless martial arts, he didn't let that overwhelm him. Sometimes, losing money is a part of learning. After all, in the future, he could make a better choice before making a purchase.

"Welcome, how can I help you?"

As soon as Yang Ze stepped in, he was greeted by a young woman.

"You guys got any martial arts or secret technique for sale?" Without wasting his time, Yang Ze immediately stated his purpose.

As soon as the woman heard him, her brows furrowed for a moment before she broke out in a smile.

"It looks like the young master is new to this city."

"Erm... Yes." With a short pause, Yang Ze continued. "Is it that obvious?"

"Hahahahaahahaha." With a small laugh, the woman looked at him before replying with a smile.

"Because of some particular reasons, we don't sell any martial arts or secret techniques here. If you really want to learn them, you should head to the Martial Alliance to the southwest of the city."

"Can I ask why? I bought some martial arts from a different branch a while ago."

"Well, let me put this in simple words. When we first opened our branch in this city, not selling any martial arts or secret techniques here was one of the prime requirements. The three main families have opened up a martial alliance that teaches martial arts and secret techniques. You can try your luck there."

"I see."

"Anything else I can help you with?"

"No, I think I will just take a look around." Shaking his head, Yang Ze slowly started roaming inside the pavilion, and it didn't take him long enough before he came across something interesting.

"Hey... How much is that?" Pointing to a thick book placed in the corner, Yang Ze asked the woman.

"Let me see." Picking up the book, the woman nodded while speaking. "Aah! Basic formations. This thing is useful for martial families. This costs a hundred and fifty spirit stones."

'What the fuck? So costly.' Yang Ze loudly cursed in his heart. This thing costs even more money than the house he just bought. A few days ago, Yang Ze was content in his heart about how many spirit stones he had, it was only after he came here that he realized how poor he was. Everything here be it taxes, purchasing a property, or even buying some books, everything costs spirit stones.

Yang Ze was silent for a long time, he still had 271 spirit stones remaining, should he spend them or wait? However, this thought lasted only for a moment before he decided to spend the spirit stones. To him, the most valuable thing was knowledge, as for the matter of spirit stones, he can still take a trip back to the city of Ignis to collect some, after all, there was a cash cow waiting for him to milk it.

"I will buy it." After making up his mind, he directly bought the book. Since the battle of the Darati, he was always curious about these formations. He found some of the notes in that elder bag, but they weren't of any use to him. So, after finding the book on formation here, he decided to buy it directly.

"Oh..." The woman was stunned for a long time. It was rare for a boy this young to make such a big purchase in a go. For a moment, jealousy overtook her. If only she too was born into a rich and wealthy family, she could spend money like him too. However, this jealousy lasted for a second before disappearing. It was good to imagine, but, she has to live in reality.

"Here." Putting the spirit stones in front of her, Yang Ze picked up the book before placing it inside his robe from where it directly entered his personal space.

"Thank you for your patronage."

"Oh! Here... Take this... Consider it your tip." With a wave of his hand, Yang Ze threw a single spirit stone to her before walking out of the pavilion.




After buying the book on formations, Yang Ze didn't waste his time wandering around the city but made his way back home. Taking out the book from his storage space, he put it on the table and took a deep breath.

"Oh great, another night of reading... This better be worth it." From the moment Yang Ze entered the city, he had a plan that can help him earn hundreds or possibly thousands of spirit stones, but for the plan to succeed, he needed to find a catalyst. Perhaps it was fate, or perhaps luck, but he somehow managed to stumble upon this book. If everything goes according to plan, then he won't have to worry anymore.

Placing a chair and table in front of the window, Yang Ze smiled before taking a seat. He didn't immediately open the book and start reading it but looked outside the window. The glow of the setting sun along with the long shadows of the people and houses was a scene straight out of a painting. Coupled with this scenery was the sound of slowly rustling water, which was like a whispering melody, making Yang Ze mesmerized.




"Uuugh... Finally done." Closing his eyes, Yang Ze rested his back on the chair and exhaled heavily. Even though he was in the realm of Innate, reading this book took him an entire night. Right now, he was already feeling exhausted.

But even if he was feeling exhausted, he still stood up with great excitement. After taking a deep breath he looked at the screen in front of him with great expectations. Buying this book was a bet. A bet that he was willing to make. If there was even the slightest chance of success, then the rewards that he would gain would far surpass the amount that he spent.

And sure enough, the result didn't disappoint him.


{Name: Yang Ze}

{Realm: Innate}

{XP: 4350}

{Formations: Introduction (2000/4350 XP) +

{Fishing: Locked (120/500 spirit stones needed to unlock)}

{Personal Space: 3 cubic meters}

{Efficiency: 300 XP/day}

{Level: 3} (120/1000 spirit stones needed to upgrade)

{Mark Of Sin: 1/11}


"Hell yeah." Looking at the newly added text, Yang Ze almost jumped with joy. He can now finally start working on the second part of his plan. As for the matter of it taking two thousand XP, Yang Ze didn't take it to heart. Right now, the thing he was lacking the least was the XP.

Without wasting any time, yang Ze pressed the '+' sign. As soon as he pressed it, his head was suddenly flooded with memories. Feeling dizzy, Yang Ze slowly crawled his way to the bed before lying on it. It didn't take long for him to drift into darkness.






"Wake up."

"WAKE UP..."


In a dimly lit room, a young girl was shouting at top of her lungs to the boy in front of her. The boy who looked to be in his teens was sleeping there soundly.

"Geez. It looks like I need to do the usual."

With a snort, the young girl walked to the corner of the room before picking up a small pot that was filled with water. After picking it up, she made her way toward the boy before shouting once again.






As soon as she finished speaking, she poured down the entire pot at top of his head.


The young boy who was suddenly showered with cold water shouted at top of his lungs in anger.





Yang Ze who was now completely awake after being drenched looked around in confusion.

"Where... Where am I?"

With a trembling voice, he looked around the unfamiliar house and the unfamiliar girl standing in front of him before speaking out.

"I... I remember I was still on the school bus... Did I transmigrate?"

However, as soon as he spoke these words, an intense headache overtook him. And with this intense headache, came a flux of memories that flooded his mind. It wasn't long before the pain subsided and he looked around with eyes that were full of disbelief.

"I... I actually transmigrated..."