
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasy
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151 Chs


"And that is about all."

With a deep breath, the young boy looked back at Yang Ze and spoke further. "If you have any more questions, you can ask me now". In his eyes, the person in front of him was unlike any other he ever met. He was generous enough to pay a piece of gold for a service that usually cost 10 silvers, didn't interrupt him while he spoke, and didn't ask any unnecessary questions. Though the person only looks a bit older than him, his mind was completely different, calm, indifferent, and generous.

"The property... Where do I buy one?"

"The city office. You can buy any property there."

After a brief hesitation, he looked at Yang Ze before whispering "Here is a piece of advice, you can pay a little bit more to make things easier."

"I see." Nodding his head, Yang Ze thought for a moment before speaking again. "And what if I want to do any business here?"

"OH!?" The boy was surprised momentarily, before speaking "Well, you need to have a guarantor. Someone, who is already doing business in this city. I suggest you make some friends. This will help you in a long term."

"Okay, thank you." With a nod, Yang Ze thanked the boy in front of him. Even though he paid a piece of gold to the boy, the amount of time he saved was enough for him to make some future plans.

"Then I shall take my leave. If you want to meet me again, you can ask for my name at the Golden Bowl Faction's headquarters. I already showed you all the main buildings and places, so it won't be difficult for you to find that place."

"Then goodbye."

"Yes, goodbye."

Waving his hand, Yang Ze bid farewell to this little guide before making his way toward the city office.





"Hello, how can I help you?" As soon as Yang Ze entered the city office, he was greeted by a person sitting at the counter.

"I want to buy a house." Stating the reason for his visit, Yang Ze waited patiently.

"Left to you room number four." Without wasting another word, the man sitting at the counter pointed him in the said direction before getting busy with another person.

"Okay..." This was a little different from Yang Ze's imagination but he still made his way silently.

Entering the door, Yang Ze was greeted by an old man sitting on the ground peacefully.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I am looking for a house to purchase."

"Do you have any preferred locations?"

Thinking for a bit, Yang Ze nodded before speaking, "Preferably near the waterway, it would be great if it's far away from noisy places."

"Hmm..." Closing his eyes for a bit, the old man pulled out a stack of papers before placing them in front of him. It took half an hour until the man nodded with a smile before putting a paper in front of Yang Ze.

"This... This is the place that perfectly fits your description. Located in the northern area of the city, this is one of the best places you can find in the city. You see, this area is the property of the Xia Clan, so you won't have to worry about the safety and the living conditions. "

Looking at the drawing of the house, Yang Ze nodded with satisfaction. This was a decent-sized house located near the small wooden bridge.

"How much?"

As soon as Yang Ze asked the question, the old man sitting in front of him smiled before rubbing his hands.

"You see, when one buys a property in this city, we need to verify their identity and status. This is a long process that usually takes around two months..."

"As for the price of this house, it is a hundred spirit stones, and 10 spirit stones every year in taxes, so you need to pay fifty in deposits and after we verify your identity, you can pay the remaining fifty stones."

Listening to the price, Yang Ze frowned for a moment. Compared to the prices in other cities, the difference was like heaven and earth. He had to sell himself to marry to even get two hundred spirit stones, and here, just being a house cost half of it. Yang Ze could have asked for a cheaper house, but he didn't want to find a noisy place. He likes places that aren't full of people or bursting with activities 24/7. So after thinking for a long time, he finally made up his mind. Yes, the cost was somewhat exuberant, but it was a necessity.

Other than the price of the house, there was also a problem with his identity. He can not go around proclaiming himself to be a member of the Hua clan of the Ignis city whose name he was using right now. If they really go there to validate his identity, then it would be a huge problem in the future.

While Yang Ze was in deep thoughts, he suddenly remembered the words of his guide. Looking at the old man in front of him who was waiting in anticipation, he sighed in his heart. Truly, even though the worlds have changed, the corrupts remains everywhere.

Taking a deep breath Yang Ze suddenly smiled before putting down 130 spirit stones in front of him. "Grandpa, it must be hard for you to work at this age. Here, I hope these extra stones can ease things for you a bit."

Though his words were full of care for the old man, one could still hear the hidden meaning behind them.

As soon as the old man heard it, his face lit up with a smile. At first, he was a little worried because the person sitting in front of him was a bit younger, but after hearing him, he sighed in relief. In his mind, he marveled at the education that the young masters of big families get to have this mindset at such a young age.

"Hohohoho... Young master, you are too polite. Even though it is hard, it is after all my job."

Even though he was saying such fancy words, his hand had already picked up the bag before glancing at them and then putting it inside his robe. With his years of experience, he could already guess the number of spirit stones just from their weight alone. And according to his experience, there were at least more than 130 spirit stones in that bag. Even if he register a hundred spirit stones for the house, he could pocket the rest 30 spirit stones.

For a person like him, these thirty spirit stones were a considerable amount. Even in his wildest dreams did he not think of getting this many spirit stones for a small task.

"Here, just follow me to the house, I will take care of the rest." With a smug face, he stood up before instructing another man and leaving with Yang Ze.

As for the matter of validating his identity... Heh...




By the time the process was complete, Yang Ze was already sitting inside the house that he just brought. This Mehull city was going to be his place of living for the time being. Even though he had just spent 130 spirit stones in a go, there wasn't a frown on his face. This was his initial investment for the future.

"And this." Looking at the jade token in his hand, Yang Ze wiped it before placing it inside his personal space. Just like the wooden token, this thing was like an identity card with his name etched on it. This thing was the proof that from today onwards, he was a citizen of the Mehull City.

"Now, since everything has been settled, let's take a look around to see if I can find something useful."

Yang Ze hasn't forgotten the purpose of his visit, which was to gather more information, and possibly a way to increase his realm.

Making up his mind, Yang Ze walked out of the house and admired the view for a moment. The house was just like any ordinary house, yet in its simplicity, there was a sense of beauty in it. The house had a small garden in front of it, in the middle of which was a small pond with lotus and some ducks in it. At the corner of the garden was an old willow tree whose leaves were almost yellow. There was a stone path leading through the center of the garden that was connected via a small wooden bridge connecting to the other side.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Ze once again marveled at the clean air that was filled with a sweet fragrance before making his way toward the center of the city.