
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasy
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151 Chs


"In the northern city that is situated three hundred kilometers away from here, there is an idle property of our family. I want you to take care of it. As for your treatment, I would never treat you badly."

Pausing for a moment, Yang Yuanzhen continued.

"If you take care of the property, I would give you most of the money. Apart from this, you could ask for anything from me. As long as it is not excessive, I will not reject any request."

"Over the years, you could accumulate enough money which is enough for you to live a decent carefree life."


Yang Ze was stunned for a moment before asking in a flustered tone.

"Why father? Why now? Why so suddenly?"

To him, the situation now was pretty clear. Yang Yuanzhen didn't come here to ask for his opinion, but to tell him about the decision that they made.

This whole thing was orchestrated just to drive him away from the main family.

Even though old Xie told him these things in advance, he never expected it to be this serious.

Listening to Yang Ze's questions, Yang Yuanzhenw was silent for a long time. With a complicated face, he looked at his second son before speaking in a grave tone.

"Since you will know this sooner or later, I might as well tell you now."

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yuanzhen continued.

"After six months, the Xuanwu Martial Academy is coming to Yuyang city to recruit disciples. In this assessment, our family has one spot. I decided to let your eldest brother Yang Hai participate in it. If he can pass the assessment, he would be able to become a disciple of Xuanwu Martial Academy."

When Yang Yuanzhen said the last sentence, there was a little fluctuation in his voice. Though it disappeared soon, Yang Ze still caught it.

At first, Yang Ze didn't react, but soon, he realized the meaning of this sentence.

In the memories of his predecessor, there was some knowledge about these. It is said that some extremely powerful people are able to travel through the air and pass through grounds. These powerful people are the ones who establish many forces. Martial Academy is one of those many forces.

If one can join these academies, they would have the chance to become one of those extremely powerful people.

This time the Martial Academy was coming to this town to recruit disciples. For the people of the town, this was a godsend opportunity. After all, even the nearest Martial Academy from this town is thousands of miles away. To join them there is wishful thinking.

"I had to spend god knows how much just to obtain this information and the quota. In the entire Yuyang city, there aren't many families who got the quota. Our Yang family must use all we have to send our younger generation to the academy."

Yang Yuanzhen's voice was full of firmness. As a patriarch of the Yang family, he knew the immense help a disciple of the Martial Academy could bring.

Looking at Yanz Ze whose face returned to calm, Yang Yuanzhen knew he understood the significance of the event. This matter couldn't be hidden for long, so instead of embarrassment later, it would be better to clear all the misunderstandings earlier.

"If your big brother leaves, then you and your younger brother are the ones who still remain in the direct lineage. And having you here is not very good for the development of your third brother."

Looking at his son, he continued.

"This is why you have to go to manage the family property. If you are able to handle the task well, I will help you gain a position in the government."

Even though Yang Yuanzhen said it easily, he knew his son won't be able to come to terms with the situation. He might look calm, but he must be angry in his heart.

"Father, the youngest is only ten years old, and you have already decided his future?"

Yang Ze's voice was calm, even though he, Yang Hai, and his third brother Yang Shan were siblings, they were born to different women. Yang Hai and Yang Shan were born to the first wife whereas he was born to the second wife. It wasn't long after he was born, his mother died too.

The current Yang Yuanzhen loves his only wife very much, so it was natural for him to love his other two sons more. In his fatherly love, he was oblivious to the suffering the second child was going through.

He already had a plan in his mind. If Yang Hai could join the academy, then he wouldn't be able to take care of the Yang Family. In this case, the third child whose mother has a lot of property in the city could help the Yang family develop steadily. As for Yang Ze, he could take care of the remote property so as not to arise any dissatisfaction from other members.

"The Martial Academy, don't I have any hope at all?"


After a long sigh, Yang Yuanzhen shook his head.

"In this assessment, we only have one quota. In this family, your elder brother is the most talented one. It is obvious that we would send the most promising youth of the family."

"I need some time."

Looking at the decision that was already made, Yang Ze said in an emotionless tone.


Nodding his head, Yang Yuanzhen stood up and walked out of the house.


Looking at the back of Yang Yuanzhen, Yang Ze sighed for a long time. If his plugin worked, then it wouldn't be impossible for him to enter the Martial Academy. He was sure that he could become a powerhouse once he joined the Academy along with his cheat.

But the main problem still lies ahead. He still has no clue about the plugin.

"Forget it."

With such an incident in the morning, Yang Ze was no longer in the mood to meditate or practice. Standing up from the ground, he patted the dust and went to the yard to take a walk.

Standing on the ground, Yang Ze punched out. It was the most basic boxing skill that was taught in the Yang family.

Punching in the air, he seemed to take out all his grievances.

It wasn't until the sun went down, that he stopped. Right now his clothes were drenched in sweat.

After taking a bath, Yang Ze finished the meal that old Xia brought him before going to sleep.



Looking at the progress Yang Ze smiled for a moment before taking a walk around the house. In his thirty days of staying here, he never once bothered to explore the Yang family fully.

After making up his mind, Yang Ze opened his door, but before he could see anything else, he was greeted by a figure standing at the door with a smile on its face. The only difference was his smile which was filled with malice.

"Yo. I didn't expect the second young master to come out today." Before Yang Ze could have spoken, he was greeted by the man that was wearing the grey robe.

'Oh great. Just when I decided to take a walk, this joker decided to show up. Fucking perfect.'


With a loud bang, Yang Ze closed the door.

The boy who was standing there with a smile suddenly froze for a moment. After realizing what Yang Ze has done, he gritted his teeth before shouting in a shrill voice.

"Yang Ze, are you still a man? I came here to bid you farewell, but you dared to close the door on my face."

Listening to the shrill shout, Yang Ze rubbed his forehead before opening the door.

"What do you want Yang Deyi?"

Yang Deyi who was still gritting his teeth clenched his fist. During the sixteen years of his life, Yang Ze was the only person who infuriated him. Not to mention him closing the door on his face, just his laid-back tone of voice was enough to anger him.

"I heard you are going to take care of the family property. In case you need something, you could ask me."

Though his tone appeared generous, one could hear the disdain in his tone. It was as if he was here just to mock Yang Ze.

Yang Ze looked at him for a long time before breaking out in a smile.