
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasy
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151 Chs


Looking at the departing back of old Xie, Yang Ze sighed heavily. After living in two worlds, there are many things that he could guess.

Fights between him and Yang Deyi aren't exclusive secrets. Before he came to this world, both Yang Deyi and his predecessor were engaged in small fights and arguments.

Yang Deyi is the grandson of an elder of the family. Both of them are the same age. The only difference is Yang Deyi comes from the collateral line of the Yang family. So the resources he obtains are much less than those of Yang Ze.

Compared to Yang Ze, his innate talent is much better. Using much fewer resources, he was able to step into the first layer of Seaheart Art. A few months ago he even reached the peak of the first layer, only a step away from the second layer. Compared to Yang Ze, who wasn't even able to step into the first layer, this difference was like day and night.

At the time when he reached the peak of the first layer, he took the initiative to hug the thighs of Yang Ze's big brother, Yang Hai.

Normally he wouldn't talk anything about Yang Ze, but after learning his elder brother wasn't particularly fond of him, he grew bolder and even started targeting Yang Ze.

That's why the first person that came to his mind after hearing from old Xie was this person.

Taking care of the Yang family's industries seemed to be an excuse to send him away from the mainline of the Yang family. He was already infamous in the family, and now leaving the family was enough to ruin his remaining reputation.

"But just Yang Deyi is not able to decide such matters. There must be someone behind this."

Thinking for a while, there was suddenly a person that appeared in his mind.

"Yang Deyi's grandfather."

Yang Deyi's grandfather is the elder of the family. His status is enough to make suggestions to current patriarch Yang Yuanzhen.

His heart suddenly became cold as he started analyzing more things.

The father of this body will not only be able to gain the complete support of the elder. But also improve his image in front of others by allocating more resources to a person from the collateral line of the family.

It was at this moment that he realized how favored his elder brother Yang Hai was. To support him, their father didn't hesitate to sacrifice his future.

"Seems like a lot of trouble."

With a smile, Yang Ze started eating the food. Even though his future was at stake, there wasn't a hint of nervousness or anxiety on his face.

After finishing his food, Yang Ze looked at the starry sky outside before going to sleep. It was clear to him that his upcoming days were not going to be peaceful.


On the second day, in the early morning when Yang Ze was just waking up, there was a loud bang before his door was opened and a figure entered the room.

The figure was of a middle-aged man with some gray hairs on the side of his head. On his flat face, there wasn't any mustache or beard. His face which had a ruddy complex was full of dignity.

As soon as he saw this person, Yang Ze's heart shook violently. This person is the father of his body and the current patriarch of the Yang family, Yang Yuanzhen. This is the number one expert of the Yang family. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was the foundation of the entire Yang family.

The appearance of the Yang Yuanzhen was very abrupt. The difference in strength between Yang Ze and his father was so great, that he wasn't even able to perceive his footsteps, much less his presence.

Looking at his father who was observing him silently, Yang Ze couldn't understand the reason for his arrival.

"It seemed the old Xie didn't lie. You are indeed more diligent than before. In the past, you never woke up this early."

"Come here, sit with father. There is something we need to discuss today."

While he was speaking, Yang Ze already sat down near him.

"Calm breath and ruddy complexion, it seemed you have been working hard."

Before Yang Ze could have replied, his hand was already being held by his father.

Staying still, Yang Ze waited patiently.


Shaking his head, Yang Yuanzhen released his hand before sighing in disappointment. He had already lost all hopes for this second son of his. If not for his second wife whom he loved dearly, he would have disowned Yang Ze a long time ago.


Perhaps being aware of his thoughts, Yang Ze didn't say anything. To him, the person in front was a complete stranger. The predecessor might have some emotional attachment to this person and family, but to him, all of them were strangers.

If not for the matter of living comfortably and peacefully, he would have left this place the week after he arrived here.

"If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I would do my best to answer them."

Yang Ze's train of thoughts was interrupted by the voice of his father. For a moment, Yang Ze was stunned. The first thought that came to his mind was that the father of this body took some wrong medicine today. In the fragments of memories he received from the predecessor, there wasn't any instance of him acting this way.

Looking at the unresponsive Yang Ze, Yang Yuanzehn's eyes flickered for a moment.

"What's the matter? Can't a father be nice to his own son?"

"No. It's just that there are a lot of questions that I would like to ask. I just don't know where to start." Yang Ze explained quickly before closing his eyes and furrowing his brows.

To others, he seemed to be in deep thinking.

After staying silent for a long time, it was Yang Yuanzhen that spoke first.

"If that's the case, then let father explain the Seaheart Art to you. After all, this is the main secret art of our Yang family. Feel free to ask any questions regarding this."


Cursing loudly in his mind, Yang Ze started to think about the questions. Right now his progress in the Seaheart art was at the level of beginners. One needs to understand the art to ask the questions. For him who couldn't even enter the first layer, there weren't any questions. If there were some questions, he already had the answers to them.

Thinking for a while, Yang Ze's eyes flashed for a moment before he asked: "Father, can you demonstrate the complete Seaheart Art in front of me?"

The Seaheart Art consists of six layers. In the entire Yang family, other than Yang Yuanzhen, there wasn't a single person who practiced this art to the fifth layer.

Even the elders in the family have only practiced the art to the fourth layer. It is said that only the ancestors of the Yang family who found this art was able to practice till the sixth layer.

As soon as he heard this, Yang Yuanzhen's eyes suddenly became a little different. Yang Ze didn't avoid his gaze but looked at him with a slight smile. Right now his posture was of a student eager to learn new things.

"Okay, I will demonstrate the complete Seaheart Art to you."

Without refusing, Yang Yuanzhen sat down on the mat and closed his eyes. Soon with his irregular breathing, the aura on his body began to change. Even Yang Ze who was observing silently took three steps back after being pushed by an invisible force.

Looking at Yang Yuanzhen who was exercising with his eyes closed, Yang Ze's mouth twitched for a moment. He couldn't understand shit. Yet for the sake of appearance, he kept his eyes focused and occasionally nodded his head as if he was really beginning to understand things.

It wasn't very long before Yang Yuanzhen ended his presentation. He wasn't worried about Yang Ze being able to learn the complete set of breathing methods just from observing once. He hadn't heard of any genius who was able to learn others' breathing art just from watching them once.

It's just that he didn't know the exact purpose of Yang Ze asking the question. So, Yang Ze pretended to ask more questions while Yang Yuanzhen answered them patiently.

It wasn't until an hour later Yang Ze bowed to him before speaking.

"Thank you for your guidance father. Today's session helped me to avoid a lot of detours in the practice."

After a deep breath, he looked at him and asked again.

"I still don't know the reason for father's arrival today."

He never believed that the reason for Yang Yuanzhen's arrival today was for his guidance.

Sure enough, the moment he asked the question, Yang Yuanzhen's face became serious and he said something that made Yang Ze's complexion change.