
Chapter 3 - I Wish...

- Jack -

I saw her walk towards me but I didn't have the heart to remove her from the trance that had come over her. Her features had settled into the most tranquil state on her seemingly glowing skin. Her soft lips pulled slightly at the corners. Not quite smiling but not frowning either. Her hair whipped deliciously in the wind making me want to run my fingers through the thick tresses. Her slight frame looked exaggerated by the dark clothes. Almost as if she could disappear into a shadow at the slightest movement. But the one thing I wished for was for her to open her eyes and pull her mouth into a grin. For her to notice me, acknowledge me. So, when she didn't open her eyes, I stood still in her path until… Thud.

Her head dropped instantly and the bubble of peace around her popped. "Oops. Sorry." Her voice, although muffled, was delicate and melodic and I never wanted her to stop speaking.

"It's okay but you know we usually keep out eyes open when we walk, Princess. It helps us see." I joke hoping it makes her lift her head to smile… Maybe not.

I hear her murmur something as she moves to pass me. But I can't let her go that easily. "Hey you look like you're new around here. What your name, Princess?"

"Not Princess." She bites back. For a moment, I'm taken aback as the image of a delicate flower I viewed her to be cracks slightly but I can't help but laugh at the juxtaposing posture she has.

She goes to pass me again so I take one last shot at getting a smile. Heck, even a smirk would make me happy at this point. "You're funny. So… where are you off to Princess Mysterious?" She completely ignores me and I just about give up as she take a step to pass me again when she drops but the equipment I'm holding slows my reflexes and I fail to catch her before her head hits the floor.

I drop the tools and fall to my knees and I make sure there is not lasting damage to her head and that she is still breathing. I was just taking a moment to admire her face up close when her eyes flutter open revealing the beautiful eyes I had wished for: a pair of delicious eyes that looked like pools of honey under the morning sun.

But before I knew it, I was ripped from my little world so feel her whole body tighten up and panic fall like a veil over her. What breaks my heart the most: she looks like she is scared of me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Look I'll take a step back." As I do so, I see her muscles loosen and her breathing slow. "I'm Jack, I think I need to take you to the doctor about that pretty little bump on your head." Hopefully if I explain the situation to her she might calm down. I add a smile at the end to reassure her that she is okay.

When I see her eyes start to wander, I smile to myself.

Is she checking me out?

I cough lightly and her eyes fly back to mine. And, to my amusement, embarrassment flooded her features.

"I'm Sarah. I don't need a doctor," she whispered to me and I could almost see the walls go back up around her as she shielded her emotions.

I know that her head had to hurt so why was she hiding it?

When she went to stand my hands shot out to stop her but the dizziness stopped her first. She isn't okay; I need to take her to the doctor.

When I see her touch her head I urge her to agree with me. "Sarah, love, I don't think you have much choice."

I just about get the sentence out when she shouts, "NO!" I see her pull her emotions back in before she starts again, "No, please, I just need some rest."

Why doesn't she want to see a doctor? Something is going on and I'm starting to believe it has nothing to do with me. But, I know I can't ask her now; she barely trusts the feet below her. So instead I let it pass. "Okay, but you'll need someone with you for the next 24 hours. I think you've got a concussion. Let me at least walk you home."

I can't let her go home alone. She can barely stand. I will walk her home so I know she is safe and maybe check up on her tomorrow. "So… where is home?"

"Next right and it's the first house." When she replied, the exhaustion and defeat showed in her entire body.

"Ahh Old Pats. I figured you were the mysterious new tenant. Most of Perry Vale has been wanting to meet you." More of a mental note to myself so I would remember to come back.

"Mmmm." She replied quietly so I just left her to her thoughts. She clearly didn't want to talk.

When we get to Pats' the only reason I have to believe she lives there is the solitary bag sitting on her bed. "Just moved in?"

"Last night." The coy look made me wade to pull her into my arms but I decided against it. So, instead I opted to help her while she rested.

"Car keys?" She must need something other than what's in that bag and I did see the car in the driveway. I'm assuming it's hers; what with the bedding and suitcases in the back.

"Why?" Fear filled her eyes again.

I quickly responded so she calmed down, "So I can help you bring your stuff in while you rest. Small town, big hearts and all that."

Slowly but surely she handed them over to me and I couldn't help but take that as a small victory.

When I'm finally done bringing her stuff up to her apartment, I see she's fallen asleep. So, I quietly turn to leave but as I do I hear her scream out. I dart back into the room only to see her clutching at her stomach with tears streaming down her face. I pull her upper body up and into my arms willing whatever pain she is going through to go away.

Almost instantly I see her body soften as she relaxes and I am relieved.

Her eyes flutter open and I can see the indecisiveness flash through her eyes. I wish I could kill the person who took away her strength, who dragged her through that turmoil. But mostly I wish that she would realise that not everyone is going to hurt her.

I know I said weekly updates but im having the urge to write now so I thought I would add this chapter on

Missbriecreators' thoughts