
Chapter 2 - Small Town, Big Hearts

Jack smiles at me which brings my attention to the dimple in his right cheek that has me wanting to dive into his embrace. A thought I hadn't had in a while. For anyone. The world around me seemed to melt away as i fell deep into whatever spell he had cast on me.After taking in his alluring features framed by a head full of thick, jet black hair, my eyes slip from his mouth to his broad shoulders and down to a chiselled core almost ripping through his t-shirt.

He gave a small cough making my eyes dart back to his. His eyes were locked on me and a knowing smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. Ah. I forgot that he was talking to me.

"I'm Sarah. I don't need a doctor" The lie slipped easily past my lips. I went to stand up so I could evacuate the situation as quickly as possible. Someone who looks like that definitely wasn't trustworthy. Although temporarily dampened, my instincts flew back into full force, red danger signs flashing all around me. I needed to get away.

As I rose, dizziness engulfed me forcing me back to the ground. My hand shot up to my head in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. Only then did I notice the scale of the "pretty" bump on my head.

"Sarah, love, I don't think you have much choice" Jack urged. The worried expression flooding his beautiful face caught me off guard but he wouldn't be the first person to pretend he cared about me.

"NO!" I shouted much louder than expected, startling him. "No, please, I just need some rest." I whispered, trying to correct my mistake. I looked up at him through my lashes hoping he would see I wanted to be left alone.

At first, a questioning look filled his eyes but it quickly changed to a comforting one. I didn't like the way he seemed to read me so easily.

"Okay, but you'll need someone with you for the next 24 hours. I think you've got a concussion. Let me at least walk you home."

Statement. Not a question. I had no choice and it made my skin crawl. Before I had a chance to react he had lifted me up and had an arm around my waist holding me upright. His hand on my hip filled my brain with clouds and I couldn't help but melt into him. I might have to give in; the only other option is hospital, right?

"So… where is home?"

"Next right and it's the first house." I gave in.

"Ahh Old Pats. I figured you were the mysterious new tenant. Most of Perry Vale has been wanting to meet you."


He didn't require a conversation and I wasn't sure it was safe enough to start one, so we walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

We arrive at my flat and for some reason I'm embarrassed at how empty it is.

He cocks his eyebrow. "Just moved in?"

I look up at him sheepishly, "Last night," I muttered.

"Car keys?"

"Why?" Panic slowly starts to rise up in me and I think he senses that because he continues.

"So I can help you bring your stuff in while you rest... Small town, big hearts and all that."

I slowly hand over my keys. He smiles as he takes them from me. Lying on the bed, I close my eyes to ease the throbbing in my head. Before I know it, I've drifted off.


Finally he is gone.

My hand reaches down to the liquid pooling between my legs. I lift my hand and the metallic smell fills my nose. The confirmation of what happened ripped a cry from my chest.

NO! Out of everything he could take from me, why this?


Just before I feel the need to vomit a soothing warmth envelops me, ending the nightmare and the unfamiliar feeling pulling me from my sleep. As I come back to reality, I realise I am wrapped in someone's arms. My entire body goes stiff as I look up into my captors' eyes only to be met with the ocean. Again.

I have edited these past two chapters. This hasn't changed the story just added a little background :)

Missbriecreators' thoughts