
Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

A Wizard blessed by winter, Nathaniel WinterHeart, after being summoned by the Great Wizard of Light, Albus Dumbledore, decides to embark on an adventure at the greatest wizarding school that exists, Hogwarts. Holding the position of Teacher of the Charms subject after the tragic death of Ravenclaw House Head, Flitwick..

Monk_of_Souls · Book&Literature
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Journey to the Forbidden Forest

Finally, the Christmas holidays arrived at Hogwarts. Many students returned to their homes to celebrate with their families. Other students, like Harry Potter, remained at the castle.

Today is a day Nathaniel considers special because he has seen it occur rarely, only a few times in his life.

After years of studying his grandfather's grimoire, he discovered that his family lineage, the WinterHearts, is connected to the effects caused by constellations. Tonight, at dusk, both constellations that aided his path as a wizard would be conjoined at the highest point in the starry sky.

Hogwarts is famous for being adjacent to the Forbidden Forest. However, this forest is named so only to deter young students who do not yet have the ability to defend themselves against the creatures that reside within.

The forest spans a vast expanse and houses many species. Along the way, one may encounter: Werewolves, Centaurs, Harpies, Gargoyles, Imps, Red Caps, and the well-known Acromantula that infest a significant portion of the forest with their nests.

"Hello, Professor," a voice called out to Nathaniel, pulling him from his thoughts.

Turning to face the caller, he noticed a small blonde student dressed in Ravenclaw colors.

"Miss Carter, how may I assist you?" he asked, recognizing the girl who participated diligently in his classes.

"I just wanted to wish you a good day," she said. "Even though it's quite cold," she added, hugging herself to ward off the chill.

"I'm used to the cold by now," he replied casually, as his lineage was literally linked to ice.

Melissa, realizing that her seemingly cold and distant professor wasn't as closed-off as students imagined, chuckled upon grasping his thoughts.

"Oh, right... hehe," she laughed. "Especially after the fantastic spell you used in the Quidditch match," she recalled. "That ice Eagle was beautiful! Do you think I'll ever be able to cast a spell like that?" she asked dreamily.

To Nathaniel, Melissa Carter was a young witch born into the Muggle world but with great potential and a keen desire to learn about magic. She had the qualities of someone who would face many challenges and grow stronger by overcoming them.

"Of course, Miss Carter. That's why I'm here at Hogwarts as the Charms professor," he said. "But remember, every year you'll learn something new. You won't become a great witch on the first day," he cautioned her.

Carter smiled at the encouragement she received from the professor and replied, "I know, Professor. You do a great job in class," she praised him. Remembering something, she hurriedly added, "I forgot... I have to be in the library... Goodbye, Professor," and before Nathaniel could respond, she quickly left through the corridors.

'Hogwarts truly is magical. Who would have imagined having a conversation like this with my former self,' he pondered about his past and how people tended to avoid him.

Returning to his path, he resumed his thoughts. 'Centaurs are famous in the Forbidden Forest because of their divination abilities,' recalling information he possessed about the forest, he sighed. "I just hope they don't interfere with my presence," he said aloud.

The clear hours of the day ended, and the previously bright sky turned as dark as a Dementor's cloak. The Forbidden Forest became more active at night, with howls and noises from numerous creatures heard in the midst of the darkness. Amidst this darkness, a wizard with white hair, blue eyes, and dressed in a blue cloak walked towards a specific point in the vast forest expanse.

'Aquarius and Swan are almost in position; I need to hurry,' he thought, observing the constellations above.

Hastening to reach the spot he needed in the Forbidden Forest, he noticed some growling sounds along the way.

From behind the trees, a pack of five werewolves noticed his presence and growled menacingly. 'Indeed, a good day as Miss Carter said,' he thought.

Werewolves were irrational creatures that, in this state, did not comprehend communication.

Ready for battle, Nathaniel merely awaited the creatures' first move to counterattack. He didn't have to wait long.

One of the creatures howled and leaped towards him.

"Stupefy!" and "Sectumsempra!" were the two spells he cast from his wand, aiming to immobilize and wound the creature. However, as werewolves possess a skin that mitigates magical damage, the spells' impact didn't cut as deeply as to kill the beast. It was wounded but unable to attack again.

Seeing one of their own injured, the remaining creatures launched a collective attack to try to eliminate the intruder from their territory.

Nathaniel couldn't afford to waste time, as he had to perform a ritual for the constellations. So, he decided to end the battle swiftly. "Glacius!" his voice intoned the spell, directing his wand forward.

The four creatures were halted in the same spot, trapped in a block of ice. They would die there, trapped until their hearts stopped and the blood in their bodies froze.

Turning to face the last remaining creature from the pack, he decided to end its suffering. "Avada Kedavra!" the spell with a green light illuminated the night.


{Centaur Camp}

"Today, Apollo's stars are restless," one of the centaurs remarked, observing the sky.

An air of anguish spread among them as if something very bad were happening in the forest tonight.

Firenze, positioned in the center of the pack with a prominent stance, contemplated with wisdom what the stars were telling him.

"Today, brothers, we had innocent deaths in our forest," he said with a heavy heart.

For many, werewolves were considered innocent souls that were contaminated. They weren't born as beasts but transformed against their will, losing their ability to reason.

"May the stars guide these souls!" the other centaurs chanted together.


{Abandoned Temple in the Forbidden Forest}

Nathaniel arrived at the place where he planned to perform his ritual.

An abandoned temple invaded by the forest's nature. However, at the center of the construction lay a circle with runic appearances drawn on the ground, where vegetation was absent.

"Perfect," he thought and began arranging the materials for the ritual.

The circle was drawn with eight positions for ingredients and materials to be placed. Seven of the positions were filled with materials by Nathaniel, and the last one would be filled by him.

Ever since he began studying his family's old grimoire, he had performed this ritual only three times. It aimed to strengthen his magical ability and control over his lineage, enhancing his ice-element spells in the process.

Position 1: Dragon's Heart;

Position 2: Griffin's Eyes;

Position 3: Unicorn's Horn;

Position 4: Thunderbird Feathers;

Position 5: Basilisk's Tooth;

Position 6: Grindylow's Liver;

Position 8: Phoenix Tears;

The seventh position was where the ritual caster stood.

With all the materials in place, Nathaniel observed the sky and saw Aquarius and Swan were at their highest point. He then channeled his magical energy into the circle, causing it to glow.


I hope someone notices the reference to an anime that I included in the chapter.

Monk_of_Soulscreators' thoughts