
Ice King (Harry Potter fanfic)

Abel Alves, a young man who didn't know how to deal with grief or the heat, receives an opportunity from our dear, well-known and knowledgeable ROB. Watch as he masters the Harry Potter verse and gets a new family. This time, the heat will not win.

FanboyDeowerpower · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Daddy and mommy

"This is just an additional chapter"

Once upon a time there was a girl named Catherine Leblanc who lived in a picturesque village in France. Catherine was a unique young woman, being half veela and half witch from an ancient French family. She was captivatingly beautiful, with snow-silver hair and bright turquoise eyes that reflected her inner magic.

Growing up, Catherine always felt different from others due to her mixed magical heritage. She struggled to find her place in the world, but her determination and love of magic drove her to overcome any challenge. It was during her studies at the renowned French magic academy that her fate crossed with that of a young crown prince, Dante Fullbuster, from the powerful Fullbuster family.

Dante was a charming young man, with dark blue hair like the night and piercing blue eyes that demonstrated his confidence and wisdom. He was known for his powers to manipulate ice itself. His family, the Fullbusters, had been revered for generations as the supreme guardians of ice dragons.

When Dante and Catherine first met at a magical conference, an instant connection developed between them. Their souls recognized each other and they knew they were destined to walk a path together. Despite their different backgrounds, their love of magic and family was the bond that united them.

As time passed, Catherine and Dante spent more time

together, exploring their magical abilities and sharing secrets. They discovered each other on a deep and true level, and their hearts engaged in an enchanting dance of love and admiration. Together, they celebrated the power of their unique gifts and helped each other grow and hone their magical abilities. They were like opposite Fire and Ice, but balanced. She is the Sun, he is the Moon.

And so, every sunset, Catherine and Mater found themselves in a field of iceflowers, wrapped in a warm embrace, with the power of love and magic in their hands. Their love story was just beginning.