
I.Q SYSTEM Obtain strength through intelligence

What happens when there are crazy scientists after you, and there is a new threat. {System activated} {Let's start this journey} Brent Caesar, an extremely intelligent boy, lost his parents and starts a journey with no end in sight. Blake his twin brother, joins in this journey Do they really know where to stop? The story is mostly about the strong acting weak, trying to get by just fine. They are forced to reveal their strength to the world when the novas arrived, and leading them is no other than the one who forced them to hide their strength. With more troubles than rest, how will the twins get by. Would they remain low key? or Would they fight for a more peaceful and free life? Follow them on their journey and ask yourself a question. What would I do? Add to library, and I promise not to let you down Support with power stones And get more chapters

Wisewrites_0627 · Fantasy
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35 Chs


I lay on the ground feeling helpless.

'Did they just... Give their life for me?' I thought to myself.

I slowly got up and sat down, leaning on a wall. I took the tiny box and opened it, inside I saw a needle pointing upwards. I gently placed my hand on it and it pricked me.

"Ow, what the hell!" I quickly shut my mouth as I remembered I was hiding, then I closed the box and put it down , not a second later, I felt a severe headache accompanied by a ringing sound that was getting louder and louder and the next thing I knew I blacked out.

{Host detected}

{System booting...10%...20%...40%...70%...100%}

{System booted}

{Calculating tabs}


Host - Brent Caesar

Age - 7 years old

Intelligence - 60 {normal humans intelligence - 30}

Strength - 5

Vitality - 5

Speed - 5

Skills -

Calculative Agility - Level 1

Speed Talk - Level 0

Danger Sense - Level 1

Others -


Storage Space

Ugh. I woke up and was about to walk around when I heard a voice.

{Good morning Brent}

"What, who's there" I asked, I heard the voice again

{Don't bother looking around, I'm in your head}

"OK so what are you?" I asked, feeling excited for some reason.

{I'm a system made by your parents, to help you through life}

"Okay", I asked a few more questions and the system answered them all accurately. I was beginning to like this.

{Now, let's get started}

{Quest - Find your way out safely}

{Quest reward - 5 exp}

I got up packed everything around me in my new found storage space, I watched everything disappear with amazement, I snapped myself back and began to look for a way out.

"Elsa, is there a time limit?" I asked, she told me to call her Elsa cos I wanted a sister named that and now I have, just not younger, but older, well it's still good.


{Time: 3 hours}

"OK, I think I can do this"

For the next 2 and a half hours, I was searching and finally found it, a brick on the wall opened up small passage and I went in with my flash light. Another 20 minutes passed and I was finally out. I found my self in a very crowded area.

"Elsa, show my tabs" I only thought of it and it happened.

Host - Brent Caesar

Age - 7 years old

Intelligence - 60

Strength - 5

Vitality - 5

Speed - 5

Skills -

Calculative Agility - Level 1

Speed Talk - Level 0

Danger Sense - Level 1

Exp Bar - 5/100

Others -


Storage space

"OK, let's get moving"

And so, my journey began.