
I.Q SYSTEM Obtain strength through intelligence

What happens when there are crazy scientists after you, and there is a new threat. {System activated} {Let's start this journey} Brent Caesar, an extremely intelligent boy, lost his parents and starts a journey with no end in sight. Blake his twin brother, joins in this journey Do they really know where to stop? The story is mostly about the strong acting weak, trying to get by just fine. They are forced to reveal their strength to the world when the novas arrived, and leading them is no other than the one who forced them to hide their strength. With more troubles than rest, how will the twins get by. Would they remain low key? or Would they fight for a more peaceful and free life? Follow them on their journey and ask yourself a question. What would I do? Add to library, and I promise not to let you down Support with power stones And get more chapters

Wisewrites_0627 · Fantasy
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35 Chs


"So, where I'm I going?"

{To the city of Jun}

"But, I'm in city Camofil, it will take almost a week to get there." I complained

{Quest - Get to the city of Jun in 2 days - Use your intelligence.}

"I guess we're doing this, huh" you know, my like for this system is reducing now.

{Daily Quests - 1. 10 squats, 10 push ups and a 10 kilometer run}

{Quest Reward - 5 exp, everyday}

"OK", then I thought about it "wait, does this mean, during this 2 days, I'll still do this quest?" Just to confirm.


"You're not that helpful, are you?"

{Quest Punishment - Reduce exp by 2, on days of failure.}

"That's a plausible punishment but, why I'm I getting punished?"

{So you wouldn't slack}

After walking for 10 minutes, I found myself in front of a hotel, Grandeur Hotel, the owner of this hotel is known for her love for children so, let's test it out. I walked into the hotel in tears and looked towards the receptionist.

"Ma'am,... Sniff... I- is mom and dad here?" I asked in a tone, that was like I've been crying all this while.

"Oh, little boy, come sit here" the kind aunt, took me in and let me sit. "I'll go get my boss, don't go anywhere OK" she said and left. A few seconds later, she came back with her boss. ' Wow, that was fast' I thought.

"Little boy, what's wrong?" The boss said

Time for the show to start. "Aunty, I - I can't find mom and dad... Sniff... Sob... Sob" I answered while drowning myself in tears.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, here, let's go to my office" instead of letting me walk, she picked me up, 'wow, she can't resist kids, can she? But it's working for me, he he

{New skill obtained - Manipulative - skill description - make people do what you want with your words and other necessities.}

Host - Brent Caesar

Age - 7 years old

Intelligence - 60

Strength - 5

Vitality - 5

Speed - 5

Skills -

Calculative Agility - Level 1

Speed Talk - Level 0

Danger Sense - Level 1

Manipulative - Level 1

Exp bar - 5/100

Others -


Storage space

"Oh, a new skill, let's do this."

"Elsa, turn on Manipulative skill"

{Turned on}

We got to her office, she put me down and gave me candy 'what a nice woman'

"So tell me everything, what happened" She asked

"I-I don't know, I was sleeping and when I woke up I was in a small dark room with mom and dad. Then... They left and said that they would come back, I ... Sniff... I should go through a passage and I got out, but...but mom and dad did not come back... Sob...sob...sniff" there came the waterworks 'man, I'm nailing it'

"Oh, you poor boy, OK what is their name?" She asked

"I-I don't know, I only called them mom and dad" of course, I can't tell her when there is someone after me.

"Oh, you innocent little thing, okay do you have somewhere to go?" She asked as she saw my backpack.

"Yes" I answered

"OK, I won't intrude so you can go tomorrow morning, but sleep here" she stood up and left.

"She's a considerate person"I said eating the candy. Soon after, she came back with some food and a glass of milk, I wasn't even paying attention, I was looking at my legs, 'man, I'm so small, my legs aren't even halfway down this chair'

"Here eat" I heard someone say, so I looked up.

"Thank you" I said and ate. After drinking the milk, I fell asleep.