
I.. Am God?

Check out my new novel! I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence! Theme: World Creation, Gods, Mixed Matthias died and became something that he least expected. "I.. Am God?" Join Matthias as he travel through galaxies and create all things. ––––––––––––––––– What would you do if you suddenly gained a power that no mortal man could hope to achieve? What would you do if all creation suddenly bowed to your power and glory that only lofty Emperors could have? Heaven and Hell submits to your power, The Immortal Realm fears your existence, The Mortal realm bows before your presence. Would you like for all the realms to bow and praise even your shadow? All gods to bow before you? The Earthly Kings and Heavenly Rulers to sonorously chant your glorious name? Or would you like to live the life of mortal men that are doomed to die? Understand poverty and loftiness? Powerfulness and powerlessness? Comprehend knowledge that arrogant gods wouldn't be able to? Or would you like both? Join him as he tries to live a life of a True God, Ruler of Creation. "Are gods the greatest existence in all of the cosmos? No. Why? Gods are only worshipped by mortals who couldn't reach their power. Gods will be powerless in front of true power. They would be powerless in front of me." (Author's note: MC is not arrogant, portrays himself as a  little bit naive, only becomes arrogant if needed, lives countless types of lives, from urban to fantasy. Not Harem, although he would have wives in some worlds, but he does not entertain the idea of harem. Sorry harem lovers who expected that a god would become a man of a 20,000 women harem. Characters aren't that important except for those who have been to more than one world with him, and expect heartlessness in some occasions.) Disclaimer: The author does not assume/own the rights to the photo cover and would comply with the owner if ever he/she wants the author to take down the cover. You could contact me in my socmed account. Twitter: @WashingDishes07 Discord: MattWashingDishes#4663 Facebook: WashingDishes07

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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264 Chs


"My Lord, Angels have quadrupled in numbers when you were away. There are some special angels that when they arrived here, their souls automatically became an angel." Archangel Alumen answered respectfully.

Matthias' curiosity was piqued. He had seen countless angels in wars on independent worlds. Some angels were so pure and holy that they are the bane of demons on the battlefield. 

It was said that those angels, when they ascended, directly became a holy entity and that the Heavens nurtured them well.

"Bring them here." Matthias ordered.

They nodded and unfurled their wings and flew away.

A while later, they came back with five angels that were shining with pure light.

"They really are the Divine Angels." Matthias murmured.

"Introduce yourselves, my subjects," Matthias said.

"Greetings, Lord. I am your humble servant, Sariel of The Sa Lineage of Elves." A beautiful, elven woman spoke with respect towards him.

"Hm? My humble servants are those of my religion, those who worshiped me when they were alive. Has the Divine Church reached the Kingdom of Ansari?" Matthias asked.

Gloom covered the face of Sariel. Matthias noticed that and a frown appeared on his face.

He walked towards Sariel and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Tell me what happened, Sariel." 

She hesitated but eventually spoke, "Two hundred years after the war against the Orcs, the human kingdoms enslaved elves and abused them, made them sex slaves."

"They abused the power that was given to them and threw the land into chaos. My mother was molested and was killed by a human. I escaped and found the remnants of the First Divine Church. They were believers of the laws, paths, and guides of The Will of Creation."

"At first, I was afraid of humans. But Pope Aldus took care of me even though I was different from them."

"He said that our race were humanity's elders because we were the first creation. So, they respected me and I became their Saintess."

"Although the First Divine Church's remnants are small, they were filled with solidarity compared to the corrupted New World Religion"

"Years later, we were found out by the people of the New World Religion and were hunted down. We made the younger ones escape but we ultimately perished." Her sad and melancholic voice resounded with her crying.

Matthias was shocked and angry at the same time. He made the laws to at least keep the majority of his believers kind but, looking at what Sariel said, he was mistaken.

Matthias hugged her to comfort her while patting her back. Later, he asked for the other angels' names.

The others introduced themselves as Hanae, a woman from the Age of Unity, when the Sidiun Empire united the continent, Tariel, a man from Sidiun that was conceived in the presence of an elven elder, Krusch, A man from a new kingdom called the Senian Kingdom that was enslaved by the orcs on the Age of War, when orcs invaded the west. And there is Calypsis, a kid that was slain by his father. Alumen said that when Calypsis died, he was still smiling at his father as if the man had done nothing wrong, which attacked the conscience of the father, making him break down.

With what he has heard, he was feeling something bad is going to be seen by his eyes.

Noticing from their stories that a lot has changed since he was gone, he prepared his Divine Kingdom because he might not be going back inside anytime soon.

He waved his staff and granted the five the rank of Domination Angels. He blessed them with his holiness and divinity and made them more holy and have more authority over angels.

He also promoted the first five Archangels into Seraphims, to govern the four directions of his Divine Kingdom.

He then elevated some angels that were once generals of the battlefield and promoted them into Archangels.

Other angels also varied, they were promoted to become either War Angels, Light Angels, and Guardians.

He expanded the domain outside and inside the walls, he created heavenly beasts like the Pegasi, Unicorns, holy doves, Light Deers, High Elks, and so on.

He then left the space. When he exited, he was bombarded by system notifications.

[You have received a total of 7 million CPs.]

[You have received a total of 40 million FPs.]

[As your divinity is filled up, your rank was elevated into Great Deity. You have unlocked new items in the shop.]

[As your divinity is filled up, your rank was elevated into Great God. You have unlocked new items in the shop. You have been permitted to create new worlds.]

[As your divinity is filled up, your rank was elevated into Realm Deity. You have unlocked new items in the shop.]

[Because your rank has been elevated more than two times, you have received a World Tree Seed. You could plant it in a high-rank world.]

[Chaos ensues in your world. Your world is currently 97% destroyed. Once destroyed, it will go into a cycle and reform the world.]

"What the f-" Matthias nearly went mad when he heard the last notification. Although he was elated at first, his world being destroyed is the last thing he wants to happen.

Shyra heard him and turned around. "Master?! Why did your points skyrocketed?! What did you do?" She cried out.

"I've been gone for hundreds of thousands of years, that's why." Matthias answered.