
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Powers in a Bottle


Damn that was bright. Good thing I haven't unlocked my sharingan yet, otherwise that could've been much worse. Or Kami forbid, I reincarnated as a Hyuuga instead of an Uchiha.

Now, let's see. I seem to be back in my room. Yep, no doubt about it. Everything seems to be the same. Nothing out of place or has been moved.

The sun seem to still be high up in the sky. No ANBU has busted in yet with questions about where I've been. So no time must've passed since I was summoned away.

Let's quickly check to make sure those three bottles of magic potion made it back with me.

"Let's see here."

Ah yes, they seem to be all here and intact. All three looks just as I had remembered them so that's good. It was exhausting to look through all of those potions to only picked out three but I did it. After careful deliberation and planning, these three will offers me the greatest benefits with the least amount of drawbacks. To be honest, that essense of the Kyuubi was tempting just to see how Kurama would react if I transformed into a Nine Tailed Fox in front of him.

"Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Dattebayo!"

Hn yea. I'm never saying that again. Now! enough stalling Sasuke! The first bottle. The Essense of the Home.

"Hn. That didn't taste bad. Quite good actually."

I don't know to describe it. It tastes like Home. That's the best I can describe it. Home. I imagine this is probably what it's like to eat one of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans from Harry Potter. To taste a concept like Home. And with that, I feel something connect to me. To my very soul.

I've never realized how amazing it feels to know that you have a home. Even in my previous life I never truly had a home. I had a place that I lived in. But it wasn't home. Not until this very moment did I truly have a home. To know that, no matter what I do or where I go from here on. I will always have a home to return to.

I can feel the connection growing deeper and deeper. I can feel that right now, my personal home is still new and empty. Without even a single room. But already, it wants to be more. To change and to shape itself into anything and everything that I need. And so I let it. I grant it the freedom to generate itself into whatever it thinks would suit my needs the best.

Through my connection, I can feel that the Home exists outside of this reality. In its very own pocket dimension, similar to Obito's Kamui dimension. Except my Home is practically impenetrable and way better in every way. It can also insert itself physically into which ever reality I currently reside in.

With the ease of a thought, I will my Home into this world. I can feel it physically forming over and assimilating with this Uchiha manor. Becoming one with it. After my Home finished manifesting, I can now feel every inch of this house. From each grains of wood to each furnitures and appliances. I can feel the house subtly changing to have every modern amenities that I was used to having in my previous life while still maintaining the same aesthetic of the original Uchiha Manor.

Walking around while familiarizing with my house again, I am please to see all of the subtle modern amenities. It's so good to have running water. Gas stoves. Flushing toilets! I don't remember exactly if the Canon Naruto world had these modern amenities. I know it had a weird assortment of somewhat modern technologies like wireless radios. I remember Naruto even had a fridge in the anime.

After finishing exploring my new house, it's now time for the second essense. I already know what I want to achieve with this next essense so I am expecting for there to be quite a spectacular reaction. I need some place more private and durable than my room for this next part.

Immediately I feel something forming under the house. A basement. A large basement. Walking over to where I know the entrance to my new basement was going to be, I entered my father's study. I suppose this would be my study now. Walking over to the bookcase along the far wall, I pull on five different books in a predetermined order. It seem that my house likes to be dramatic.


As the bookcase slides open, I can see a door immediately opening into an elevator. I guess I'm Batman now too. Walking in, I take the elevator down.


For what feels like a mere moment, I had already reached my destination. As the elevator door opens, I see before me an incredibly large expansive room. I can't even see any walls or ceiling. No visible signs of light anywhere yet the entire place is completely well lit. Looking up, all I see is a clear blue sky. On the ground, lay a barren and rocky terrain. I can see some rocky outcrops in the distant. Even a few cactus dotted about.

"Aha! I know where we are! This looks almost exactly like a certain cheap candy store owner's underground training area."

My Home is definitely trolling me right now. Whatever, I'm happy it's enjoying itself. Taking a seat at a random spot, I took out the last two essenses. It's time to take the second one. The Essense of the Ideal Self.

Immediately upon drinking this essense, I can feel my self changing. I knew what I wanted when I chose this essense, but to finally feel it now. I can't even describe how it feels.

First, my physical body. I can feel it trying to grow and change to what I thought my most ideal body to be. And what I wanted was a body that was both strong and powerful. A body that can rival and surpass even the greatest of the Senju Clan, Senju Hashirama.

As the changes finally settled down, I knew that I was now at the peak of what a physical body a seven years old could handle. But as I grow older, my body too will grow more and more powerful.

Finally, since I am only seven, I can feel that at this moment I can decide how I want my future looks to be. I know that in Canon, Sasuke grew up to be pretty good looking already so I won't need to change much in that department. If I remember correctly, he grew up to be about 5'9 or 5'10. So let's change that a bit and make sure that I'll grow to be at least 6' or 6'1. And of course, I need to also ensures that a certain other 'department' will be up to par.

I'm sorry all of you short kings out there! One day! You too will get your chance!

Next, I can feel my mind and emotions beginning to change. At first, I was leary about such changes being done to my mind and perhaps even my personality. But I knew that, to survive in this world I have to change. My timid and weak mind from my previous life will not make it here. And I know for sure, I don't want to rely completely on what's left of Sasuke's original mind, knowing how broken he becomes in Canon.

And so, I needed to change. I needed a mindset that would allows me to kill others in this dark ninja world without breaking.

"Clear mind, silent and serene heart"

This next part, I don't know how it would turn out. I know that this essense would clear and heal me of all physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Physically, this body is now already at the peak of its capability. Mentally and spiritually, I don't really have any issues to heal.

However, what concerns me is the remnants of Sasuke's mind and psyche that I can still feel lingering in the background. I know what kind of trauma Itachi has done to this young Sasuke. So who knows what kind of effect this essense would have on those broken fragments. Would his mind comes back and contest for control?

Luckily, my worries did not happened. I can feel the final remnants of Sasuke's soul finally going to rest. Finally assimilating fully into my soul. I now have access to all of his memories. We are now one. More complete and whole than before.

I can feel the love that he had for his family. The way he yearned for his father's recognition. The warmth and love he feels from his mother. How he idolized Itachi. And finally, the pride he had in the clan.

In that vein I too feel the pain and hurt that he suffered. How much he struggles everytime he failed to achieve his father's expectations. How broken he became when he witnessed his beloved brother killing his parent.

All of that and more has now become a part of me. A part of us. But no longer does it affects us in the same way. We can now look back on that night with a more objective view. We can see details that we once never noticed.

We will grow from this trauma and become stronger. We will set things right.

As my minor spiritual enlightenment ended, I could feel the next part of the Ideal Self. The ideal Intelligence. I can feel myself becoming smarter. My thoughts becoming much clearer and faster. The many problems that I struggled with in school in my past life I can now understand. I'm probably not at the same level as Shikamaru, but I can probably give him a decent challenge.

Finally, the last part. This was the part I was looking forward to the most. Yet also the part I dreaded the most. I know what I want but I don't know if what I want is possible. With this essense, I will also gain three supernatural powers that I desires the most. I hope this works.

The first power that I desire, is a dragon's heart. One that functions as a Chakra Reactor similarly to another Mana Reactor that a certain King of Knights had in another universe.

*Thump Thump*

Yes! I can feel it. My heart changing. Growing stronger. I can feel a near limitless source of Chakra within my body. With this, I will be able to spam out and drown everybody in S-rank ninjutsus. Step back Madara! It is now my time to shine!

For my next power. I desires to have a healing factor that surpasses the fourth wall breaking comic book character of Marvel's universe, Deadpool himself.

Bringing out the Kunai that I had prepared, I quickly made one quick cut across my left palm. I watched with fascination as my cut healed with speed visible to the eyes. Within moments, my palm was as if it was never even injured.

And finally, for my last power. I know that the Uchiha Clan tend to specialized in ninjutsus and fire ninjutsus in particular. And, I wanted a power that would compliment and enhance that even further. What I desire was the power to call forth and control, from the deepest depth of the Netherworld, the Darkness Flame!

Immediately, as I professed my final desired power. I could feel the world stilled. Like a prey in the presence of a predator. I could feel everything become silent.


From beneath me it roared forth. Fire. From the very depth of the Netherworld it roared forth. All around me the Darkness Flame burns. Yet here I was, sitting calmly, untouched.


And then it came. The Dragon of the Darkness Flame. It flew forth, wreath in Flame and shaped like a oriental dragon. Finally, it looks down at me. Judging me.

"Do your worse! I called you forth and you will be mine!"

And with that, the dragon flew down into my body. I can feel it burning me from the inside. The pain was unbearable. To feel my inside burning away then healed back immediately thanks to my healing factor only to burn once more.

"Calm mind, silent and serene heart"

I can feel the dragon moving about in my body, looking for a place to settle. In the anime, Hiei sealed it into his arm. But I am different. I have a dragon's heart now. It must've sensed it because it started making its way toward my heart.

As the dragon travels closer and closer toward my heart, I can feel the two resonating with each other. As my insides burns and heals. My veins scorched. My Chakra coils stretch and ruptured. Finally the dragon merges with my heart.

ARG! For one final time my body erupted in flames. As all of the fires around me get absorbed back into me, my body burns.

And then it healed. For five whole minutes, I laid there. My body a charred black mess. And then, like a caterpillar breaking free from its cocoon, my charred dead shell started to flake off. Revealing beneath perfect white and unblemished skins. This must be what those Wuxia MCs feels everytime they undergoes these metamorphosis.

Sitting up, I could see the scorched grounds all around me. Already, the house has started to repair the damages done. Looking down, I see the last bottle. The final Essense. At least this last one will be no where as dramatic. But no less impactful if not even more significant.

"The Essense of the Blank"

Without hesitation, I gulped it down. True to its name, I tasted nothing. Truly blank. Unlike the other essenses, this one grant only one boon.

On a fundamental level, I knew, my potential has becomes limitless. I am now able to learn any discipline or skills, even if I shouldn't be able to learn it. And not just me, I can feel the Essense of the Blank fusing into my two other essenses. Unlocking the limits of my Ideal Self as well as the Home.

With its limits completely unlocked, I can suddenly feels a strong desire flowing through my connection with the Home. A desire for life. A strong will wanting to not only survive but to be alive.

With a thought, I gave my consent. I allowed it to have the greatest gift of all. The gift of life. I had allowed the Home to truly come to life. To gain sapience.

And right before my eyes, she appeared. A little girl with bright sparkly eyes and silky black hair. Dressed in a beautiful dark blue kimono with the brightest and happiest smile I've ever seen.


Hey Guys!

Here it is! The three essenses that I chose.

This was a super long chapter. I couldn't find a good way to break it up so I decided to just do it all in one.

I hope you all enjoy reading this as I enjoyed writing it.

Comment on what you guys think. On which three essenses you guys would've chosen.

See you next chapter!

TrueStrikecreators' thoughts