
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: What It Means To Be An Older Brother.

"ONII-CHAN!" was all the warning Sasuke got before a mini rocket shaped like a little girl launched forward and crashed into him. If it wasn't for his new stronger physique, Sasuke was sure that he would've been launch onto his back. Instead, he was able to catch said rocket with barely any efforts. He was caught more of guard by this little girl suddenly tackling him than the actual force of said tackle.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" The little girl blurted out all in a single breath.

Not knowing what else to do, Sasuke simply remained there as this little girl cuddle into him. 'Hn. This don't feels too bad. I'm so going to jail!' Sasuke mused.

"What do you need me to do onii-chan? I'll do anything for you." The little girl said as she looks up at Sasuke.

"Can you get up off of me first, so we can talk properly?" Sasuke told the little girl gently.

"OK!" The little girl answered as she prepared to jump up.

"Wait! Close your eyes first!" Sasuke shouted. Having just realized that he was completely naked and that all of his clothes had burned up because of the Darkness Flame.

"It's OK onii-chan! I already know what you look like and everything!" The little girl replied innocently with a victory pose.

'OH Kami, take me before the FBI does." Sasuke groaned internally.

Figuring it was a lost cause at this point, Sasuke decided to just swallow his pride and return to his room to find new clothes. Following behind him, a little girl was happily skipping along while humming a happy tune.

After returning to his room, Sasuke puts on a new set of clothes. Then sitting down on his bed, he motioned for the little girl to sit down next to him.

"So what exactly are you? Are you the spirit of the Home?" Sasuke asked.

"That's right onii-chan! I am the Home. If there's anything you need, just let me know and I'll get it done!" The little girl replied while patting her chest proudly.

"And what's about your body? Is that a real human body? Or is it a construct you created?" Sasuke wondered.

"It is a construct that I created to allow better interaction with you onii-chan but it is also a real human body. If this body does not please you, I can change it." The little girl answered seriously.

"No it's fine. But why do you call me onii-chan?"

"That's because I thought you would be more comfortable like this? Or perhaps you wanted me to call you master?" The little girl teased.

*Cough cough*

"Please don't call me master." Sasuke said, a slight quivering in his voice as if recalling a painful memory.

"Does this body not please you onii-chan? Or perhaps this is more to your liking?" The little girl said as she stands up and transformed into a busty onee-chan dressed in a French maid uniform.

"What would you like first Goshujin-sama? Dinner? or perhaps me?" The maid teased.

'Clear mind, silent and serene heart' Attempting to calm himself down, Sasuke chants his new mantra in his mind.

"No, go back to what you were before. I don't think I'll be able to explain if anyone asks where I got a maid from out of no where." Sasuke said thinking of the headache this whole situation is becoming.

"Since you're going to be around permanently now, we'll have to get a story down properly." Sasuke mused.

"Yes onii-chan!" The little girl answered dutifully as she sits back down next to him on the bed.

"Listen carefully, this is how we're going to explain your situation. You were an orphan kicked out of the orphanage. You noticed that the entire Uchiha compound were empty of everyone all of a sudden and decided to sneak in looking for foods one night. When I returned home a couple of days ago I caught you sneaking into this manor. Feeling pitiful I decided to allow you to stay the night and fed you. Eventually you grew attached to me and I allows to you stay permanently." Sasuke explained seriously to the little girl next to him.

"OK onii-chan."

'Good, the simpler the story, the less chance of there being issues going wrong.' Sasuke decides.

"First we need to give you a name. Then, in a little bit I'll take you out shopping for clothes and necessities." Sasuke continued with his planning.

"Why do we need to go shopping for clothes onii-chan? I can just create anything we need." The little girl asked

"Because I can't explain if asked where the clothes you're wearing comes from. We are simply establishing a paper trail so that in the future no one will question where the clothes comes from. Make sense?" Sasuke explained.

"Yes! Whatever you think is best onii-chan!" The little replied.

"As for your name. It will be Mikoto. Uchiha Mikoto. I think my mother would not mind you sharing her name." Sasuke said seriously.

"Thank you onii-chan! I won't let you down!" Mikoto promised.

Walking over to his dresser, Sasuke pulls out one of his simple outfit. A pair of shorts and plain dark blue t-shirt. 'This should be good enough. Mikoto is still young enough to wear my male clothes without raising too much questions' Sasuke mused to himself.

"Here, change into these and then we'll go do some shopping." Sasuke said as he toss the clothes over to Mikoto.

~20 Minutes Later~

Konoha's shopping district. A long main road that runs through the center of the village. From the front gate leading all the way to the Hokage's tower in the center of the village. Filled with various shops, both for civilians and ninjas.

Within the crowds of civilians milling about their day, a boy and a little girl could be seen walking together. These two were naturally a young Sasuke and his new little sister, Mikoto.

Not exactly sure how to shop for a girl, Sasuke decided to just take Mikoto to the clothing store that he knows a lot of members of the Uchiha Clan uses.

Leading Mikoto in, Sasuke motioned to get the attention of one of the female attendant.

"How may I be of service today Uchiha-sama?" The female attendant inquired politely.

"My little sister here needs some clothes. She needs enough casual outfits for everyday use and one set of formal wear for special occasions." Sasuke said trying his best to project an aura of confidence.

"Ara Ara, aren't you a little cutie. Come on, onee-chan will help you pick out everything you need." The female attendant said as she led Mikoto away deeper into the store.

A short distant away, Sasuke can already see the other female attendants gossiping about the presence of Mikoto. Especially the fact that he introduced her as his little sister.

'Good, this is exactly what I wants. It shouldn't be long before this news reaches the Hokage. I should probably prepare for him to either summon me to his office or him visiting the house later.' Sasuke thought to himself. Planning how he should act depending on which outcomes.

A short time later, the same female attendant could be seen walking back while leading a newly dressed Mikoto. Mikoto is now wearing a new light blue sundress showing off her cute and innocent looks.

"How do I look onii-chan?" Mikoto asked as she skipped over and doing a little pirouette for him to see.

"Hn, it looks good" Sasuke answered

Turning to the Attendant, "Have the rest of her clothes delivered to the Uchiha manor. Also send a couple more of my normal outfits as well. You can charge all of the purchases to the Uchiha Clan." Sasuke said with confidence.

"Come Mikoto, let's go home."

Hello again guys!

I hope everyone is doing good.

Finally after a serious start, we have a more light-hearted slice of life chapter.

Don't forget to comment any criticism and concerns.

She everyone next chapter!

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