
I woke up as an Ancient Slab, what is the Meaning of This!?

Evan Myers was an ordinary, everyday college student, he was boring as hell, but one day while he was power napping, instead of waking up on his apartment couch, he woke up in a pure white room with a spin wheel like in those game shows, [ what the hell ] he thought, but he spun the wheel anyways, he got option 7, [ hell yeah my lucky number is 7! ] , little does he knows that option 7 means he will reincarnate as a Slab. Follow his stupid adventure as he tries to gain a mortal human body and maybe slay the Demon King? Nah, he probably won't slay the Demon King.. Fair warning : This story does not take itself seriously. If you like a more serious, intense storyline, then this might NOT be your cup of tea. It's like the difference between an epic waterslide and a lazy river. This story being categorized as the latter. Also, this is positively isekai T R A S H. Also also, the whole thing is a m e s s, but do I care about it? Of course! It keeps me up at night :)

Dheafarccane · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 14

[ Evan's POV ]

Yesterday's birthday party was a success. Luke was caught completely off guard by the surprise gift from Maxim and Rose.. Mostly because the gift was me, though. Being an attendant was a surprisingly simple job, I just have to stand beside Luke silently until I was called upon. Luke seemed awkward because of it, but it was amusing to see him acting uneasy like that.

Today, I'm heading towards the Adventurer's Guild building to register to be an Adventurer, Then, tomorrow, I'll be partying up together with Luke, well, calling it a party was a stretch, so it's more like a team, more than anything. The morning breeze felt nice against my skin, people were crowding the streets, the majority of them are shopping groceries and stuff, I can see merchants calling out to the customers, there were several soldier looking people as always, there were workers unloading heavy looking stuff from a wagon, not drawn by horses, but rather drawn by six-legged bison looking creatures. They were unloading the stuff using a giant crab-like creature, it's height was more than twice of mine, while the leg span was approximately 4 meters, harnesses were strapped onto the body of the creature allowing for control, the creature maneuvered the heavy boxes with ease by pinching on the ropes attached to the boxes, it's a fantasy crane or forklift or something, they didn't look like they were in pain, so it's all good.

Averting my eyes from the people unloading boxes, I continued onwards, I think the variety of races has increased since I last went outside, that or I was just ignorant all this time and that they were already here the first time. There were people with scaly skin with horns. There were people with the lower bodies of an octopus. There were people with four arms and furry skin. And many more. I even saw a jellyfish-looking person buying from a merchant. Truly a hodgepodge of various races.

After a while, I arrived at the Guild, the building was full with people, everyone here was armed and armored, from paladins wearing full plate armor, berserkers going topless wielding huge battle axes, warriors with a more reasonable steel plated leather armor, hooded rogues without armor, to mages in robes. Everyone capable of fighting was here, from humans, to other races. There were boards filled with posters for requests both inside and outside the building. It seems like the Guild was sharing a building with a tavern, but it wasn't open at this hour. There were service counters at the innermost portion of the building, it was crowded, I figured I could sign up there, so I went up to the counter area.

There were six countertops with people behind them, I think they're called "receptionists", the line for two particular receptionists were crowded, the reason for that was probably because the two receptionists were good looking, both men, and women were lining up for their counter, the less "thirsty" people were lining up for the more average looking receptionists. But, one particular receptionist's countertop was empty, the person behind the counter was a scary looking uncle, with bulging muscles on his body and a scary face full of scars with a bald head. His counter was completely empty, he looked lonely and sad. Feeling empathetic, I went over to his counter.

" Excuse me, sir. Can I register as an Adventurer here? ". I called out.

" Ya wanna become famous or sumthin'? ". He asked.

" Uhh.. No? I don't? I just want a job. ".

" Listen, kid. Many people get overconfident over killin' a single goblin an' they get stuck up with themselves an' think they're unbeatable. People like those always nev'r come back, Ya know? ". He said. His speech sound like a pirate character in a theater play.

" I'm sure I can hold my own. So please, I want to register, please. ". I said, with determination in my eyes.

The uncle seemed hesitant, but eventually he gave in and he handed me a form.

" Whatev'r, here. Fill out this form. Ya can write an' read, right? ".

" Of course, thank you. ".

I filled out the form, I wrote down my name, race, age, and ID Card number. I lied on the race section, of course. Also about my age, I wrote that my race was Human, and that my age was 15 to avoid unwanted attention. I handed over the form, then the uncle glanced over it once, and then he said.

" M'kay, so, the registration fee's gonna be a single big silver, ya got that on ya, kid? ".

" Of course, here. ". I said, reaching in my pouch. The pouch was just for a distraction. Because I really just use the very convenient, very easy << Pocket Dimension >>. I'm really regretting not using this skill much earlier.

Oh yeah, that reminds me. I haven't explained the currency system in this world, huh? So, basically. The denominations of this world's currency is as follows : Small Copper, Big Copper, Small Silver, Big Silver, Gold, Grand Gold. One Small Copper can be compared to 10 cents in value. 10 Small Copper coins equals One Big Copper coin. 10 Big Copper coins equals One Small Silver coin, 10 Small Silver coins equals One Big Silver coin. 10 Big Silver coins equals One Gold coin. And finally, 100 Gold coins equals One Grand Gold coin. A simple system. That means that the registration fee was 100 dollars, kinda expensive, huh? Considering that the average worker earns 10 Big Copper coins per day. The exact same amount.

The receptionist uncle received the money I gave him and checks it's authenticity. I heard that fake, bootleg money was a problem around here recently. After the authenticity check, he approved the form to be accepted and submitted it to a back section. He then told me.

" Go ahead an' wait for your Adventurer's Card to be printed. It'll take a while, after that, you'll be tested to see what rank you'll start on. ".

" I understand, thank you. ".

I then plopped myself down on the nearby couch and waited. It seems that people's attentions are directed to me, probably because I chose the counter with the scariest looking receptionist. I pretended to not notice them and took a look around the building, the floor wasn't carpeted, probably in consideration that Adventurer's boots are always going to be dirty from going places, so they didn't even bother. The first floor was an open indoor space with no interior separation walls, just pillars, so there's only one main room and a small section for the Guild staff to work. There was a large set of stairs that led to the upper floors, the signs above the stairs indicate that the floor above was for request remuneration service, so the Adventurers would accept a request from the first floor, then receive their payments on the second floor. Even in the morning, many people were already coming upstairs to collect their rewards.

When I was inspecting the building, a young man came up to me and said.

" Heya kid, you new here? ". He said. This man was wearing a light leather armor with shoulder guards and wearing a yellow colored padded Gambeson underneath which matches his bright yellow hair, he has green eyes and is growing a stubble on his chin. He wields a short sword and a small steel buckler. I didn't know this man, so I kept my answers simple.

" Yeah, I am. ".

" That so? The name's Roy, I'm a warrior, nice to meet you. ". He said, introducing himself.

" I'm Evan, nice to meet you too. ".

" Gotta say, Evan, you're pretty ballsy for choosing that Uncle Micah's counter, he's notorious for being the guy who always shoots down people registering to be an Adventurer like you. How'd you even manage to convince him? ". He said.

" I didn't convince anyone though? At least, I don't think so? ".

" Whatever. The point is, I and my team over there. ". He points at a group of people. " Are looking for an extra member for a request we're taking tomorrow. And you happen to have caught my eye by picking Uncle Micah's counter. What do you say? ".

" I'm sorry, but, I have other plans for tomorrow, so, I can't take up your offer. ". I declined, obviously.

" Whaaatt? That's a real shame.. You sure? ".

" Yes of course. ".

" Alright then.. ". He said, before whispering to me quietly, " You better not regret that. ". He said while smiling ominously then he left alongside his companions. The hell is up with this guy?

As I was watching their retreating figures, the receptionist uncle, which is apparently named Micah, called me over.

" Here's your Card, you want to take your test today or some other time? ". He said.

" I would like to take it today, please. ".

" Alrighty, give me a second. ". He said, while writing some things down.

" Alright, go to the location given to ya in this paper, don't be late, and also, ya didn't promise to do anythin' for that Roy guy, right? ". He said.

" No, why? ".

" Because ya see, those guys are no good, 'cause they lure newbies like you to join their party for a day, only to rob and then kill the newbies, a horrible bunch, those bastards are, a shame we don't got evidence on 'em so we can't do anythin' about it. ". He explained. Even though this Uncle Micah seems scary, he's actually a great person. I'm glad I chose his counter.

" I see, thank you for the advice, uuhh... ".

" Micah, call me Mike or Mikey. Also, do your best out there, yeah? ".

" Yes, thank you very much, Mike. ". I said. What a great man.

Then, after sorting it out, I headed towards the location given to me by Mike, the test starts right after lunch, around 13:30. The location was a training hall owned by the Guild, it was all the way on the other side of the town from the Guild building. Such terrible efficiency.

On the way there, I felt presences following me, suspicious, I turned to an alleyway to lose them, but, my move of escaping through the alley was expected, because I was blocked from the front by people, they looked like the guys who were with that Roy guy earlier. And then, as I thought, a familiar voice called out to me, saying.

" Oy, kid! You must've regretted turning my offer down, huh? Now you're surrounded! Give us all of your valuables! ". He said.

God damnit.. Why must it be this way?

====[ Author's Note ]====

Uh oh! It's the classic bandit encounter in the alley development!

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Please be informed that this is a Fictional work and any and all resemblance to a real Person or Place or Things or Ideas are purely coincidental and know that this humble author means no harm.

And remember kids! Piracy is Frowned Upon! So don't steal stuff unless you want to be turned into a coffee table made of your own flesh and bones!

So I got hit by a car the other day, now my right leg is numb. The pain wasn't too bad, because Adrenaline™ Rush. But the embarrassment was too much.

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