
I Wished For A Loving Wife But Got Two: Ara~Ara & Tsun~Tsun Oneesans

This is an AU Demonslayer. Mostly slice of life and a bit of romance. Don't expect action scenes. There is nothing of that sort in this book. I'm a novice writer. I am doing this for fun. Well, I was bored. So, don't expect a good quality story telling and writing. Just read it if you want. Criticisms and suggestions are open. But know that I'm a biased. Heh~! I'll do what I like. Whatever that means... NO Fixed Number of Words Per Chap Expect 3 Chapters / week or that can be further stretch out depending on my mood. Comment whatever you want. Bitch if you feel like it. BS is strong in this fic. Don't take the story seriously. Because it'll destroy your braincells. ✅Disclaimer: Demon Slayer not mine. All not OG character and settings >> appear I don't claim. Cover Pic not mine. Contact if you want delete cover page.

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Chapter 48: A Shocking Revelation

"A normal King Ghoul is not capable of creating an elite. An 'elite' is a special ghoul that could use distinct abilities."

"Yes, I'm saying that Muzan-chan is capable of doing that. Which up to this day he calls them 'Moons'."

"It's not just that, he and the moons could use blood arts."

(A/N: Well, in this fic, only them 'mentioned' can use blood arts) 

"In a sense, Muzan became the progenitor of ghouls."

"Still, I was disappointed by the result of my experiment. I don't want a ghoul. I wanted a noble vampire."

"But it seemed a waste to just discard him. Then I thought of something fun. I was bored, you know?"

"Back then, Shiki-chan, my friend, and I decided on an ingenious plan."

"To get to that, one thing that you should know first is that:

Supernaturals such as yokai, vampires werewolves, and any evidence that could prove their existence should be eliminated. A total agreement with each mentioned race was approved which restricted ourselves from involving the normal society."

"If one such case is to happen, no matter what supernatural race you are, you are going to be haunted by everybody and receive a penalty. Rarely does someone survive the harsh punishment enacted by all those who have agreed, just so you know?"

"However, with a new emerging specie, which is Muzan, I and Shiki made it possible to have leverage with this general tacit agreement."


"We created two organization that acts as the good and bad." 

"Heh, ~ Muzan became the public enemy of mankind. And nobody among the races opposes that. It was even beneficial for them."

"Now that there was a public enemy front, every shady thing supernatural beings do would pin all the blame on the unsuspecting Muzan."

"While Shiki-chan created an army of sword breathing warrior that hunts Muzan." 

"About why I am playing as a subordinate of Muzan you ask?"

The demon said rhetorically.

Kanae didn't ask at all.

"..." She was mind blown. She couldn't even express a single word due to the shock of hearing this information from Doma. 

He continued,

"Well, I wanted to have fun so I hypnotized Muzan and made him think that I was his subordinate, as easy as that."

"Also, you might have noticed this already… Yeah, I had something to do with your organization."

"What I'm referring to as Shiki-chan is your leader, Kagaya Obuyashiki."

"He founded the Demon Slayer. Even though they were accepted by the public, but well, they still acted mysteriously so only a select few normal beings have known of the presence of Demon Slayers. One example of this is the government."

"I'll tell you a little about Shiki-chan…"

"Shiki-chan you see… Is a huge psycho."

"He acted as if he was a father among you Pillars right? Heh ~ In truth he doesn't care about anything but the profits and himself. He is a self-centered guy. That's what I liked about him. He's my friend."

"And to tell you the truth about what happened, I had an agreement with him to send me some of his beautiful pillars in exchange for money, and in a large amount at that."

"I wanted to have a woman to become my lover you see. I liked strong girls. Specifically, there is just that strange charm coming from a Demon Slayer."

"The agreement happened a year ago.  But Shiki-chan had just notified me that he had sent you 30 days ago."

"I had no money so, it took me 30 days to gather the amount needed. On my way here I met some peons who attacked me so I had to retaliate, that's why."

"But now, I am disappointed. It's a shame that you are my type even. You are such a strong woman.

"But, I concluded that you cannot be my partner. Not a rude person like you."

Doma talked as if Kanae's action were unjustified. That she was at complete fault for attacking him.


*Slash*  Sound of flesh being cut resounded.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kanae screamed in pain.

*Spuuuuurt* Stream of blood erupted from the cut. 

Doma, using his fan slashed Kanae's legs and cut them apart from her body.

*Thud* Her legs fell from the ground. 

 While Kanae was still screaming painfully at the top of her lungs,

*Slash* *Slash* The demon sent two consecutive slashes.


This time both of Kanae's arms fell from the ground.

*Spuuuuuuurt* Another stream of blood erupted from both of her arms.


Kanae shouted even more painfully.

The demon had mutilated all of her limbs.

As Kanae screamed, after cutting her arms the demon:

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed like a madman with his diabolic voice.

Blood continued to spill from the cut on Kanae's limbs.

Seconds later he stopped laughing and said,

"Hmm, hmm. That is for cutting me back then. Even though it didn't kill me, it still hurts you know."

"This…" Doma picked up Kanae's limbs.

Threw it up in the sky and then,


With a single wave from his fan, he directed several wind-cutter towards the mutilated limbs and then cut them into minced meat.

The cut was very detailed and what was left of these body parts was just a pool of blood that rained upon both of them.

Kanae and Doma were basked in the rain of blood.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He continued laughing like the madman he was.

And finally —


He said goodbye.

Then dealt one final blow to Kanae's chest.


Strangely, the hole in her heart seemed to repair as if time was being reversed.

Then, he dumps Kanae's body to the ground.

And as if on great timing, someone arrives from the scene.


The voice that called for the demon came from an old man.

The old man looked very familiar.

"Mitsu… I'd rather you transform into your original appearance than see a skinny old man. That's disgusting!"

"As you will, Doma-sama."

After saying that, white light enveloped the old man, and a moment later an attractive woman, with scarlet red eyes, pale skin complexion, and gray hair emerged.

"Where are the bodies?" Doma asked.

"It's inside a storage artifact." Mitsu, the name of the woman, responded with a neutral tone.

She had a cold, stoic expression on her face.

"Good. You left no villager alive, I assume?"

"..." Mitsu's eyes gleamed at the question.

She became thoughtful.

Doma, noticing that Mitsu was unresponsive called out to her.

"What's wrong, Mitsu?" He asked with a neutral tone.

"... No, there's nothing wrong, Doma-sama. Yes, I killed all the villagers. No one is left alive."

"... I see." Doma narrowed his eyes at Mitsu. 

But then just let it slide.

"Okay, our goal here is finished. Let's go."

Undoing his vampire count form, he returned to his normal appearance.

Doma then moved in a flash which left a cloud of dust behind.

"..." Mitsu stared one last time at the body lying bloodily on the ground before she also took off following Doma.

(A/N: Are you familiar with setting hinted by Doma? Yes, this is a crossover fic of my favorite novel, MTWBV. Some other anime crossover will happen too. In volume 2, you'll see.)