
I Wished For A Loving Wife But Got Two: Ara~Ara & Tsun~Tsun Oneesans

This is an AU Demonslayer. Mostly slice of life and a bit of romance. Don't expect action scenes. There is nothing of that sort in this book. I'm a novice writer. I am doing this for fun. Well, I was bored. So, don't expect a good quality story telling and writing. Just read it if you want. Criticisms and suggestions are open. But know that I'm a biased. Heh~! I'll do what I like. Whatever that means... NO Fixed Number of Words Per Chap Expect 3 Chapters / week or that can be further stretch out depending on my mood. Comment whatever you want. Bitch if you feel like it. BS is strong in this fic. Don't take the story seriously. Because it'll destroy your braincells. ✅Disclaimer: Demon Slayer not mine. All not OG character and settings >> appear I don't claim. Cover Pic not mine. Contact if you want delete cover page.

BeenANEET_4_YrsNow · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 47: A Shocking Revelation

"Hmm, hmm." The demon nodded his head repeatedly. He was unbothered by Kanae's insults.

He continued his explanation with a bragging tone.

"Well, But there was another function of it, you see…"

"With my command, I can trap that registered person inside a fake reality and be my slave for as long as I allow it."

"However, the downside was that, whoever escapes this fake reality, will forever neutralize the second function and won't be subjected ever again to that state."

"Which is why it made me a question, how were you able to escape from it? In more than a millennium year, I've existed, no one has ever escaped from this technique. This is surprising to me… How'd you do it?"

He asked Kanae again with a curious voice.

"...Heh, you haven't realized?" She mustered her strength to speak.

With Kanae's excellent job of regulating her breathing, she managed to speak fluently even though at the same time suffering from that lingering pain.

"Hmm?" Question marks appeared on the demon's head. 

Kanae made her point:

"What's important is that I broke away from it. That only means you're artifact is fake. Ptuu!" She spits on him. She showed him a disdained expression.

She wouldn't cooperate with the demon on this. If she complied, that would only mean helping the demon realize its weakness.

She doesn't want him to benefit from it. 

"Hmm, hmm ~ I didn't expect you to answer it anyways. Ever since the beginning, you have had a negative outlook on me. I don't think I deserve this treatment. How cruel~"

He wiped the spit on his face nonchalantly as he spoke suggesting that he was the victim here.

This only made Kanae's anger rise.

"..." She glared menacingly at him.

The demon would have been decimated several times by now if only looks could kill.

"It's a shame that we couldn't talk properly. You're a racist aight, I get that. Or are you just the unfriendly type."

"I wonder… I wonder why? Hmm, hmm ~" The demon spoke in a sing-song voice.  

He was being sarcastic.

"..." Kanae silently gritted her teeth.

"Well, in the end, you're the same as dead to me." 

He once again released a suffocating pressure and directly send it to Kanae. 


With her injury and the lingering effect from his pressure before, Kanae was barely holding on to her consciousness. 

Yet now he intensified it more which burdened her further.

"Ackkkk! Ackkkk" 

This broke her breathing technique.

"Heuuuu! Heuuuuuu." 

She breathed in a labored manner, gasping for air.

Then half a minute later, the demon released his pressure.

"Haaaah, Haaaaaaah." Kanae desperately catches her breath.

She was sweating buckets.

Then seconds later,

"Szzzzzzzt." She activated her breathing technique again.

Slowly, she was coping and eventually, succeeded in regaining some composure.

"..." Kanae then went back to glaring at the demon. She didn't say anything but stared coldly at him with pure hatred in her eyes.



"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The demon laughed like a maniac.

He was amused.

"You're persistence is commendable. I thought that was enough to kill you yet look at you." He gestured his eyes at her resolute face.

"I wanted you to become my slave but that's impossible now. You seemed a tough woman to crack and I am confident that no matter what I'd do I will never break your will. So I have no choice but to kill you."

"I wanted some of your blood too, but out of respect for you I won't do it."

"But since this will be our first and last encounter, I will share with you an important secret." 

"..." Kanae didn't respond.

She continued glaring.

Since the demon was a chatterbox, Kanae was just expecting that he just like to say what he wants.

Yet, the way he was saying it now, seemed genuine enough.

So she listened silently.

It doesn't hurt to do that anyways — No, she couldn't BE MORE hurt since she was experiencing pain at the moment.

Listening to his story just couldn't hurt her more. 


Cough, Anyways…

The demon continued,

"Rarely, anybody knows about this information."

"Not even dear little Muzan had an idea about it."

'What?' Kanae exclaimed in her mind.

She was confused that the demon was belittling Muzan.

'Isn't Muzan his master?'

From the demon's slayer's information, no one from the demon could as much as mention Kibutsuji Muzan's name without his permission. This applies to all demons in general. 

Some cases found that if they were to do so, they would suffer unimaginable pain, explode and die immediately.

It was a curse made by Muzan.

Forget dying, instead, the demon before Kanae was standing energetically without any hint of suffering.

"Heh ~" The demon was amused at Kanae's confused expression.

He closed his eyes.

Seconds later, he opened it.

His eyes changed.

The symbols that represent 'two' and 'upper-moon' scribed on his red eyeballs were gone.

"..." Kanae was confused even more.

 "I apologize for having yet to introduce myself. How rude of me." 

He slightly bowed, put his arm on his chest, and said with confidence in his tone, 

"I am Doma, a vampire from the noble house of Horseman." 

"V-vampire?" Kanae's eyes were bulging.

She was shocked to hear this.

Though, she had some knowledge about his specie from fictional stories back in her previous world.

However, it was the first time she had heard and confirmed of a vampire's existence in this world.

'That's why…'

Now that the demon had confirmed, that he was a vampire all along, it finally made sense to Kanae. 

She had felt earlier that the demon was different from a 'demon'.


'It's not that he was unkillable, but instead, my sword was ineffective against him.'

Kanae speculated that there had to be a specific type of weapon to hurt him. 

She just didn't know it.

"Hmm, hmm." The demon proudly nodded his head to Kanae who muttered his race.

"In all honesty, I am not working under that failure, him, Muzan-chan. 

"A thousand years ago, Muzan was a human that had changed; a product of my experiment. I wanted to try and create a noble vampire forcefully, in an unnatural way.

"You see, humans could be transformed into a vampire race with a bite. However, they never will become a NOBLE vampire."

"There are only two ways known up to date about how to create a noble vampire."

"First, by being birth from a vampire noble household and secondly, being bitten and transformed at will by a Progenitor vampire."

"I was fascinated with the idea of creating my very own noble vampire back then. So I experimented."

"You could guess by now, and yes it was a failure. A being called Muzan emerged from this."


"Instead of a noble, what I created was a foul disgusting creature called a 'ghoul.' However, Muzan wasn't an ordinary ghoul when he emerged from the experiment."

"Different from usual, he became a Ghoul-King. In addition, not just an ordinary King Ghoul. He became divergent. A unique case."