
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 95: Meeting Crasher(1)

"It's the worshipper of Nature, Polly."

Luke and Lance looked at each other and started to ask questions.

"Worshipper of Nature?"


"Yes. She said she wanted to come in once the meeting was done. She wanted to say something."

Luke and Lance looked at Julius for a moment before slowly sitting back in their seats. Julius then smiled and looked at the closed door in the room.

"You can now come in, Elder Polly."

'Ho? An elder?'

As Luke thought of that, the door to the room slowly opened and a woman who looked to be a hundred years old came in. Her face was so wrinkly and her back was bent forward. She was also holding a staff while walking, making her look like an old grandma that was about to die at any second.

Polly then slowly walked towards her seat with the help of Julius. Seeing how the prince personally guided Polly, she must be a respectable figure in their kingdom.

Luke just stared at the grandmother sitting in her chair. He then started to think.

'I've never read about this person. I also didn't see her in the kingdom. And... Worshipper of Nature? What is that?'

Luke frowned internally at the unsolved questions in his head. But he then flinched when he felt a strange feeling in his body. He then looked at where he felt like it came from and saw the old woman staring at him intently. Luke looked back at Polly with a slightly disturbed expression. He felt that if Polly started to speak, it would be bad for him... But why?

And then it happened.

"You... I can not read you."


Luke looked at Polly straight in the eye. He then saw her deep, fading blue eyes. He was so focused on her that he didn't even notice the representatives' confused and shocked expressions. Polly then spoke again.

"I can not read your future. Your future is blank. But I can read the future of those around you.... "

Luke gulped and then Polly spoke again.

"I can see... Cheering, crying in joy.... "

Luke's eyes squinted at Polly's words. But he then froze when he heard her next words.

"I can see them crying in agony and pain, standing in front of the grave of a hero..."

Polly then started to point at Lance and Liam as she said that. Luke, Lance, and Liam's faces started to stiffen up. They could feel their backs starting to get cold.

But Polly didn't stop.

"You... you will disappear."

Polly then pointed at Luke. Luke looked at the finger pointing at him with a disturbed expression.

Soon, the air in the room turned chilly. They can not say a thing. What Polly just said struck them like lightning. They then slowly looked at Luke, who was sitting quietly in his seat. He seemed to be thinking about something. And they were right.

'Disappear? Me? Why? And the grave of a hero? Who? Is it... Liam?'

Luke then looked at Liam, who was standing silently with a chilly aura around him. Luke then started to frown.

'God damn it. Don't tell me he'll die?'

Luke sighed. And slowly stood up. But he then flinched when he heard small growls on his shoulders.

•What did she say? Disappear?

'Oh no...'

Luke sighed and secretly put Nash in his arms and slowly patted him. He then flinched when he saw Polly staring at him. More precisely, on his arms.

'Does she also know about Nash?'

The feeling of discomfort finally came over Luke, so Luke decided to leave as soon as he could. He really doesn't like the vibes Polly is giving him. Luke frowned and slowly stood up. Liam and Yulia followed behind him.

"Your highness, I shall go first."

"Y-yeah, take care."

Luke nodded at Lance and teleported to the floating island. When they returned, no one said a thing. Luke sighed and looked around. He then saw the children playing in the distance.

"Nash, go play with the kids."

"N-no, I don't want to."


Luke just sighed and went straight to his room. He then frowned when he felt Liam was following behind him.

"Uh, Liam, no need to follow me."

Liam stopped moving. Luke stared at him for a moment before asking what he needed but stopped when Liam suddenly bowed.

"I'm very sorry. I shall now leave."

"Uh... okay?"

Luke stared at Liam's back that was going back from the direction where they came from and frowned.

'What's wrong with him?'

Luke just sighed and continued to venture towards his room. Once he arrived, he and Nash then plopped down on the bed. Luke was about to relax, but he suddenly remembered.

He still has a butt-ton of things to do.


Luke sat up on his bed and pulled out his magic communication device. He then stared at Nash, who was quietly looking at him. Nash immediately knew what Luke wanted and connected the call to Tina. Luke just patted his head and then focused on the magic device in his hand.

The call soon connected and Tina's sharp but cunning face appeared.

•Long time no see boy.

"Is the address I gave you correct? Or is it a trap?"

Tina bursts into laughter at Luke's straight question. After a while of laughing, her face turned serious.

•Yes, it is correct. And we also found the merchant guild responsible for the slave trade. They are quite good. It seems like they have been doing it for years.

Tina's face darkened. Thoughts then started to come into her head.

What if she didn't meet Luke and what if her daughter didn't meet Luke? What will happen to her daughter? Tina knows for sure that her daughter is smart and strong, but what if there was a scenario where she was empowered and became one of the slaves that had been traded in the empire? Tina couldn't bear that thought.

Luke just stared at Tina's darkened eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking, and she was not wrong. Even Nash's mother has been empowered by Dark Eye despite being one of the most powerful beings in this world. Tina's worry is natural. Luke then just sighed and stood up.

"We'll discuss more after I come over there. Please wait there, I'll be there in a minute."

•Okay, I'll send you the coordinates. I'll be waiting.

Luke nodded and went out of his room.

It's time to start messing things up.