
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 73: Snow(5)

Luke walk around the castle while scanning each of the maids faces. His staring made the maids confused and flustered but Luke ignored it. He then kept on walking while looking around. After an hour of scanning, Luke frowned, he can't find Yulia anywhere.

Yulia is the direct Priestess of the God of Darkness. But she doesn't like being a priestess because she was always inside the church, praying to God everyday with no freedom so that's why she ran away.

After she ran away, she then started to hear the God's voices in her head. This made her annoyed. She thought that she finally got rid of her ties with the temple of Darkness but now the God of Darkness himself approached her. But instead of returning to the temple, she continued her life being a maid here in the castle of the royal Ysul family.

In the novel, Yulia worked as a maid to gather money to travel around the world. It's been always her dream. Until Noah met her and dragged her to war. She died in the war, unable to even see the rest of the world like she dreamt to do. But it's different this time, this time, no one has to die. That's is what Luke promised to do. Of course, his safety is always no.1.

Luke sighed he then heard Nash's bored voice.

· Just who is it that we are looking for? I'm bored.

Luke frowned and scratched his head. Should he just give up? Luke looked out of the window beside him with a tired expression he then noticed something outside the window..

· Hmmm? Is that a little girl? What is she doing outside? And her clothes are thin too!

Luke stared at the little girl with silver hair outside. She is wearing thin clothes and is sitting in the middle of the snow while sitting and hugging her knees. Her face is turning pale and her whole body is shaking from the cold.

Luke frowned and dash out of the castle. The maids in the hallway are surprised with Luke's sudden dash outside but Luke just ignored them and pull out some spare winter clothes in his pocket. When he's finally outside the castle, he then dashed across the thick snow towards the shaking girl. When Luke is near the girl he then shouted in annoyance.

"You idiot! What are doing outside with thin clothes?! Are you planning to kill yourself?!"

The little girl heard Luke's shouts and looked at him. Her eyes were light blue, just like Nash's. This made Luke run even faster while gripping tight on the spare winter clothes in his hands. While looking at the little girl's condition, Luke suddenly remembered a very bad memory.

'Psh! Is this all you've got?!'


The children of rich families that happened to pass by kicked the thin little girl who is sitting quietly by the trash can. That girl was Jane when she is still four years old. She is wearing a thin blanket around her and is freezing from the winter cold. Unfortunately, some spoiled kids spotted her and decides to make fun of her.

'Geez, this is no fun. She didn't even cried.'

'Right, let's leave. She'll die soon anyway.'

The kids then turned around leaving the bloodied little girl on the cold, winter grounds. It was a memory that Luke would never forget but wished that he could. Luke gritted his teeth and immediately covered the little girl's body. Luke then frowned at the blank face that the little girl is giving him.

Luke sighed and carried the little girl's small body. She seemed to be around seven years old and she is unnaturally light. Luke then started to walk with the little girl in his arms back to the castle. He then also started to scold the little girl who is just staring at him while walking.

"Just what are you thinking? Do you want to die?"

The little girl didn't answered for a while before answering in a weak voice.

"Y-yes... I want to disappear."

Luke frowned. Great, he just saved a little girl who is planning to suicide. How heroic.

"Don't say such things when you are still young. Life is full of surprises so don't cut your life so easily like that."

Luke then entered the castle. The maids then approached Luke while looking at the little girl with worry. Luke then spoke to the maids.

"Please prepare a warm bath for her."

"A-ah, yes!"

The maids then hurriedly prepared a bath. Luke then passed the little girl to one of the maids and the maids hurriedly took her to the bathroom. Luke saw the little girl peeking at him from the maid's arms. Luke just sighed.

"Come to my room once you are done."

The little girl slowly nodded and let the maids take her away. Luke then turned around and went to his room. He then slumped down the couch. He then saw Nash slowly appearing beside him.

"She looks older than me!"

Luke nodded.

"Yeah. She might be around seven years old."

"Really? Then, can I play with her?!"

Luke stopped for a moment before speaking in a serious voice.

"Turn into a human using polymorph."

"Huh? Why?"

"The girl is frail and weak. She might be startled to death is you appeared in your original form."

Nash then made a face as if he understood.

"Oh! I get it! Okay then!"

Nash then turned to his polymorph form. His black coat that he wore last time is with him as he polymorphs. A small, three year old boy then popped up beside Luke. Nash then smiled at Luke who is looking at him with a blank face.

"How do I look?"

Luke patted Nash's head.

"You're cute."


Nash seemed to be energized all of the sudden. Luke just ignored him and waited for the little girl to come back. After a few minutes, the little girl entered with some maids guiding her. Her clothes now looks casual and comfortable unlike her thin clothes earlier. Luke nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Please don't mention it."

The maids then bowed and left. After the maids left, Nash started to wave towards the little girl.

"Here! Sit beside me!"

Nash then happily taps the seat beside him. The little girl then slowly walked towards where Nash is and climbed up to the couch to sit down. Nash then offered some cookies to her with a smile.

"Hey, want some cookies?"

The little girl nodded and slowly ate the cookie in her hand. Luke just stared at them and asked the girl.

"Hey, what is your name?"

Luke then saw the girl flinching. She then spoke in a quiet voice.

"....I have no name."


The little girl nodded. Luke then started to think. While he was thinking, Nash is keeping the little girl company. After thinking for a while, he then finally had an idea.

"What about Snow?"


The little girl stared at Luke who suddenly spoke out of nowhere. Luke then spoke again.

"I said what do you think about the name Snow? Since we found you in the snow earlier."

'Wait, why am I even doing this?'

While Luke was thinking, Nash then made an excited face.

"Snow! It is a pretty name!"

Luke just sighed and asked the quiet Snow.

"Do you like it?"

"I... I like... it."

"Hmm? What was that?"

Snow then spoke more loudly with a flushed face.

"I like it..."

Luke smiled while ignoring the fact that he just picked up a random girl from outside all of a sudden.

"Good. Having a name is better than having none."

Snow looked at Luke for a while before lightly smiling. Earlier, she's about to kill herself by freezing herself to death because of her family. Well, they are not really her family. She was adopted. And her so called family is abusing her everyday, pushing her body to the limit.

She was abused and is seen as a bug that they didn't even bothered to give her a name. She thought that it is better to die than to tolerate the abuses any further but a random stranger stopped her out of nowhere. She was relieved, that someone saved her. She really didn't want to die.

Luke then stood up which gathers the attention of the two children. Luke then looked outside. He plans to search for the priestess later, now, he really needed a break. Luke then heard Nash asking him with curiosity .

"Are we going to go somewhere?"

Luke nodded and looked at the two children.

"Stand up, were going to look around the kingdom."

Nash smiled and pulled Snow up from the couch with excitement. He then pull out a black coat from the corner and gave it to Snow. Luke saw this and asked in confusion.

"Wait. You bought two?"

Nash shakes his head. He then answered with a bright smile.

"I bought three! One is for me to use, one is for emergencies and one is for display! I didn't know that buying an emergency coat will be handy!"

Luke sighed in defeat. Nash ignored him and help Snow wear the coat. Luke just stared at the two. They both had light blue eyes which made them look like siblings. With Snow's silver hair, someone will really say that he is their father by mistake.

Luke sighed and looked at the children wearing the same coat as him. They look like a family now with the matching clothes. This fact made Luke uncomfortable for some reason.

"Haa, let's go."

Snow and Nash both smiled cheerfully. Unlike earlier, Snow seemed to be cheerful than before. Snow and Nash then held Luke's hand in each side. The they walk outside the room. While walking, the maids are looking at Luke with two children holding his hands with shock. They then start to question if they are related or they are Luke's children because they look alike. Luke just ignored their stares and starts to walk outside, but before he could even go outside...

"Brother Luke?"

Luke stopped and the children naturally stopped with him. They then turned around at the same time which made the person in question startled. It's Liam.

"U-uh, who is she?"

Luke answered blankly

"She's Snow."


The silver haired adult and two children nodded at the same time. Liam looked at this with a unexplainable face. He then commented with honesty.

"You look like a family."


Liam nodded at Luke' s response. Luke just shrugged his shoulders and turned his head forward.

"We're going to look around. Want to come?"

"Ah, yes!"

Liam then smiled and walk beside them outside the castle. They then started to walk around the market. They bought a few stuffs and ate some candies. They also bought a few souvenirs for the others.

Luke and the others is currently in front of a clothing store. Luke pulls out a cloth and turned his head.

"Snow, what do you think about this? Snow...? Snow?"

Luke looked around the area. Snow was nowhere to be found. Luke looked at Nash who has a blank face while looking at a distance.

"Nash, where is Snow?"

Instead of Nash answering, Liam answered with a worried face.

"I can't feel her anymore. She just disappeared."

Luke frowned. Where did she go? While looking around the area, Nash just kept staring at a distant mountain.

There's something that he hasn't told Luke earlier. It's the fact that Snow glanced at him earlier while still being in an invisible state. Nash just thought of it as a strange coincidence but he was wrong. He could feel a strange power inside her while they were playing. It seems like she was also aware of what Nash really is. Despite knowing that, Nash just kept his mouth shut because he knew that Luke doesn't like being acquainted to strange people so he just kept it to himself.

He saw Snow being picked up earlier by a strange man. The man's movement were fast that Nash needed to focus to really see what is going on.

' Just who is Snow?'

In a distant mountain, Snow is standing on a cliff while looking down at the market where she has just been to. She is clenching the black coat in her body tightly while looking down the market. Even though it is far, she could feel that Nash is looking back at her.

She already knew that Nash is a legendary beast ever since Luke walked out from the castle to save her with Nash being invisible. Despite being young, she is already at a level of a young legendary beast. She could even fight head to head to Nash, who is a young legendary beast because she was raised that way. She then suddenly thought about Luke, even though she cannot see him, she could feel him searching for her. Snow bit her lip. She then felt someone walking behind her.

"You bitch, just where have you been huh?!"

The man that picked her up earlier smacked her head with annoyance. The man then shouted at her while pointing at her.

"I thought that you are doing something useful but you are just hanging around with a bunch of freaks?! You are so useless!"

The man smacked and kicked Snow a few times. Despite being kicked, she is standing still. After a while of kicking, the man sighed in annoyance.

"Let's go back you bitch. You better explain yourself later."

Snow slowly nodded and the man casted a teleportation spell. They then disappeared without a trace.