
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 70: Snow(2)

"Let's travel, pack your bags."


Spencer sighed at Luke's announcement and took out his bag. He had been preparing ever since he learned that Luke would save the princess of the Thea kingdom. Meanwhile, Julius and Liam, whom Luke invited, just blinked towards him. They couldn't believe it. They heard the details from Spencer. Liam clenched his hands.

'He's going to save someone again. He won't cough up blood this time, right?'

Liam made a face of uncertainty. He then looked at Luke's calm face. He sighed. Even if he tried to stop Luke, he wouldn't really listen to him. Meanwhile, Julius is just standing there blankly while looking at Luke.

'Thea kingdom huh....'

While Julius is immersed in his thoughts, Spencer has already activated the teleportation magic. He then teleported himself and the group to the northeast border, where Norman's territory was close by. He then looked at Luke.

"I figured that taking the carriage from here would take us faster to the north."

Luke nodded and smiled. He then called for a carriage and the group started to ride towards the north. While inside the carriage, Luke took out some winter clothes from his pocket and handed them over to his group and Nash. Luke then spoke.

"We are going to the north. Don't tell me you're going to Thea dressed like that?"


Liam gasped. He then finally noticed that they were wearing thin clothes. Even as a swordmaster, he is not completely vulnerable to the cold. He then smiled brightly at Luke, who was blankly looking at them.

"Thank you."

Luke just looked out of the window.

"Don't mention it."

Liam still smiled despite Luke's rude behavior. Luke is always like that: whenever he does something good, he just turns stoic. Liam doesn't know why he is like that, but he guesses that it's a part of his charisma.

The journey to the Thea kingdom went off without a hitch. After a few days of traveling, they finally arrived. As the carriage began to return to the back behind them, Luke and the group just stared at the completely white environment around them. Luke commented while observing the area.

"It's empty... And white."

"And it's cold too! Dad! Are you feeling okay?"

Nash then casts thermal magic on Luke's body. Thanks to that, Luke felt better. Luke then patted Nash, who was wearing a tiny but thick cape around his body. Luke especially ordered this for him, he was glad that it actually fits his small body.

Luke and the others then started to walk forward. They were dropped close to the capital because the thick snow was blocking the way, so they had no choice but to walk. After traveling across the thick snow, they finally arrived in the capital. They then entered and saw a rather surprising lively atmosphere. Across the street, people are selling fish and some are selling meat. Luke and the group looked around while walking toward the large white castle in the distance.

· Hey! Look! That castle is also white! But it's not as pretty as ours!

Luke nodded. Even though the castle is white, it is not as pretty as theirs. Luke smiled at that fact. That means that his home is the best of the best. They walked for a little while before reaching the gate of the castle.

The guards then immediately blocked their way. They seem to be members of the 'White Knights'. Luke then heard Nash's shocked voice.

· Wow! They're both high-grade swordsmen!

Of course, to be a white knight, you need to be at least a highest-grade swordsman as a requirement. Luke then smiled gently at the two knights and approached them. One of the knights asked cautiously.

"State your business."

Luke stopped for a moment before smiling like a holy priest.

"I am here... To cure your princess."

The knight's eyes widened. They then frowned and pointed their swords at Luke's neck. Their actions made Liam and the others agitated. Liam pulled out his sword and pointed it at the knights. He then gave the knights a deadly glare, which made the knights step back a bit. Luke noticed this and sighed. He then pushed down Liam's blade.

"Calm down, it is only natural for them to react that way since it is their beloved princess we're talking about. We are here to save, not to fight."

Liam frowned and put his sword back. But he kept staring at the knights. Luke then whispered.

"And you too, calm down."

· They dare to point their swords towards you! They don't deserve to live!

Luke sighed.

"I am fine, so calm down."

Luke then heard Nash's quiet sigh on his shoulder. It seems like he finally calmed down. Luke then smiled again and spoke.

"Please let me talk to your king."

After saying that, Luke and his group were suddenly put behind bars. Luke frowned. He then grabbed the jail bars and looked at the guards walking away with annoyance.

'What the fuck?! Why are we suddenly in jail?!'

Luke flinched when he then heard Liam's cold voice.

"As expected, we should've killed them from the start. It seems like they are too cold to notice brother's kindness. They don't even deserve it in the first place."

Luke looked at Liam, who was tightly gripping the jail bars, and the knights took his sword. He could've just resisted, but bad things might happen to the group if he created a scene. He felt numerous high-grade swordsmen nearby, so it would be bad to fight them.

Liam gritted his teeth and grabbed the bar too tightly that it actually bent. Luke gulped when he saw Liam's menacing aura completely visible. He then flinched again when he heard Nash's colder voice this time.

"They dare treat my dad's goodwill as evil?! I'll destroy them! I'll destroy them all!"

Luke sighed. Liam and Nash, the two strong blokes in the group are angry. If Luke can't calm them down in time, they might explode and really destroy everything.

"You two, calm down. Blowing everything up is not always the answer."

Liam and Nash appeared to sigh and simply frown. Luke sighed and turned around and saw Spencer frowning while sitting on the ground of the cold cell.

"Good grief, I am now locked up in a cell and now have a jail record. How am I supposed to face my siblings after this?"

Luke just ignored Spencer's mumblings and looked at Julius, who seemed uncomfortable.

"Julius, get us out of this cell."


Julius looked at him with a puzzled expression. Luke's eyebrows twitched.

"...Don't tell me that you forgot that you could transform into a five-inch fairy?"


Julius gasped and finally remembered. He's been in his fairy form for so long that he's completely forgotten about it. Julius was about to transform, but he stopped when he heard some footsteps coming their way. Luke turned his head outside the cell and saw someone approaching. He then heard the voice of someone he had been waiting for.

"Your majesty! You don't need to come to this place to meet a scammer! We can take care of him ourselves!"

The words used to describe Luke made Julius, Liam, and Nash's faces darken. Liam then mumbled while suppressing his killing intent.

"What the fuck did that bastard just called brother? Scammer? How dare he!"

Luke looked at Liam with surprise.

"Liam, did you just cursed?"

Liam pursed his lips and flinched. He then bowed his head down.

"....I'm sorry."

"A-ah, it's okay...."

Luke just looked at Liam with a weird expression. It is fine to curse, but Luke never expected Liam to curse at all. He never even cursed in the novel. In the novel, he is the good boy of the group. But now... He is cursing?

· How dare they!!! Now I am angry!

"Calm down, you and the others might get hurt if you suddenly destroy everything."

'We'll be seen as criminals if you suddenly blow up the whole place! Stop!'

Nash then huffed and puffed. He was so angry at these people for treating his dad like garbage that he even considered destroying the entire kingdom. But his dad's heart is really pure and vast that he even thinks about their safety first rather than himself. That's what made him calm down.

"...So, you are the one who said that'll cure my daughter?"

Luke turned his head and saw a chilling gaze directed at him. His pressure was no joke and his eyes were seriously sharp. It's like it could pierce into your body at any moment. Thankfully, Luke was used to those kinds of auras and gazes. Heck, he even experienced worse. He was unfazed by this kind of stare. Luke just smiled gently.

"Greetings, o' mighty king of the northern lands. King Berg Ysul."

Berg looked at the young man in front of him with an amused expression.

"Ho... So you are not afraid of me?"

"That's right. That is because my intentions here are nothing for me to hide. By the way, this lowly man's name is Luke. Please forgive me if I offended you in any way."


Berg just stared at Luke's clear face. He really didn't have any bad intentions, based on his unfazed expression.

'He seems normal but... It is not enough for him to come close to my daughter.'

Berg glared at Luke. He had consulted every physician on the continent since his daughter became ill, but he had not found a cure for her. But now, a no-name nobody suddenly springs up out of nowhere and says he will cure his daughter? This is definitely a scam.

"Berg, what took you so long?"

Berg turned his head and his eyes widened.

"Eleanor! Why are you here? I told you to wait! It's dirty here!"

"Don't treat me like an old woman, Berg. I am still young. And it is not like coming here will kill me."

Eleanor took a step towards Berg, with the guards right behind her. The knights bowed towards her and Eleanor just nodded to them. She then looked inside the cell.

"Now, who are the troublemakers that made you make a distressed face- huh?"

"H-hello, mother...."

Julius waved awkwardly at his mother, the queen of the fairy kingdom, Eleanor. Eleanor looked at him with wide eyes. She then gasped as she noticed who was standing next to Julius.

"L-Luke?! Why are you in there?!"

"Hehe... It's a long story, your majesty."

"Wait, you know them?"

Berg pointed at the young in's inside the cell. Eleanor frowned and nodded.

"Yes. One of them is my son and one of them saved our kingdom, like what I talked to you about in the past."

"What?! Guards! Release them! Immediately!"


The knights then immediately opened the cell door. The group then exited the cell. Luke passed by the shaking guards, but Liam just glared at them. He still hasn't let go of the grudge he had earlier. This made the knights shake in fear even more.


Julius smiled brightly and hugged Eleanor, who is transformed to human size. Berg just looked at him, concerned.

"I am very sorry. I didn't know that he was your son."

Eleanor made a face as if she didn't really care about it.

"We all made mistakes. And by the way, son, what are you doing here?"

"T-that, u-Uhm."

Julius scratched his cheeks. Luke answered for him with a smile.

"We are here to save the princess."

Eleanor made a shocked face.

"Princess? You mean Alexia? Can you really heal her?"

Luke nodded.

"I am quite confident about the potion that my friend made."

Actually, it is not tested in the novel if the potion will really cure the princess, it never really happened in the novel, but Luke had no choice but to bet on it. Or else, their heads will definitely roll. He estimates that there is an 80% chance that it will work. He is planning to grab that 80% as much as he can. So that he can gain the Thea kingdom's trust and get the God of Darkness's priest.

"C-can you really do it?!"

Berg suddenly gripped Luke's shoulders and looked at him with a serious face. Luke just smiled and slowly put down Berg's hand from his shoulder.

"Of course, your majesty, why else would I confidently stride in here?"

The king hesitated for a moment before Eleanor said something that made him give in.

"Berg, trust him. After all, he is the one who saved our kingdom."

Berg sighed and then looked at the gentle-looking young man in front of him. He then turned around and spoke.

"Follow me."

Luke nodded and followed behind Berg. The rest of the group also followed behind. Liam stayed wary of the guards while Nash glared at the guards. Julius is talking with his mom and Spencer is just frowning. They finally went out of the dungeon and the maids greeted them with a bow. The maids then looked around at Luke and the rest of the group before returning to their respective jobs.

Luke looked around the castle's interior. Everything is white as if this castle itself is made from white snow. As expected of the king of the north.

Luke and the others finally arrived in front of a room after walking towards the west wing of the castle. Then someone came out of the door. It seems like it's the royal physician. The physician bowed towards the king.


"How is my daughter?"

The physician stopped for a moment before answering.

"Her condition is getting worse, your majesty."

Berg frowned. Luke just looked at this gloomy scene with a blank face. He's here to cure their princess. Why are they still unhappy? Do they still think of him as a scammer?

Luke sighed. He then noticed the physician opening the door for them. As the door opened wide, Luke and the rest could hear painful moans inside.

Ugh! Ooohhhh! Uggghh!

The physician then spoke in a sad voice.

"Please come in."