
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 65: Hero(2)

Luke observed Norman, who was sitting nervously in front of him. He didn't notice it since he was busy thinking about the slaves, but now that matter is gone, he finally noticed the facial features of Norman.

'He looks about the same age as Noah.'

Noah is 23 this year and it looks like Norman is the same. His body is slim and he is tall. His hair is neatly pushed back with hair gel and his face clearly screams that he is a noble.

Luke stopped observing him and started to get down to business. He took some papers from his coat pocket and placed them on top of the desk. Norman looked at this with a puzzled expression.

"What is this?"

"Read it."

Norman frowned. He wanted to call the guards and immediately imprison Luke for his rude behavior, but he pulled himself back. Even though he came from unknown origins, he is still the brother of Duke Viscellete. He can't just carelessly seize him because of anger. He calmed himself down and picked up the document and slowly started to read it. His eyes then widened. He slammed the document down on the table and looked at Luke, stunned.

"T-this! This can't be! There is no way-"

"What more evidence could you need?"

The document Luke has just handed to Norman is a list of the atrocities that Baron Durg and his family have committed, including slave trading. He got this information from Tina when Luke called her again earlier.

Slave trading, abusing employees, embezzling money, fraud, etc.

Baron Durg hid his sins so well that even Duke Wervey thought that he was a noble and upright man. That is why he decided to marry their daughter. True, he attempted to humiliate Luke at the wedding after-party, but this was because he assumed Baron Durg had no idea because he was drunk at the time, causing him to be punished.

But now, this document in front of him contains all the evil deeds that Baron Durg has committed, and with evidence too.

"You should immediately stop the engagement between you and Baron Durg's daughter before you regret it."

Norman frowned and gritted his teeth. He then asked Luke, who was sitting casually in front of him, a question in a cold voice.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? Hmmm...."

Norman gulped. He has no idea what Luke will ask for, but he believes it will be something large enough to satisfy all of his greedy needs. No noble could let this kind of opportunity pass.

'What is it? Land? Money? Girls? What? What does he want?'

Norman bit his lip. He then heard Luke's voice.

"Tighten the security of your territory. Make sure that even the rats won't come in."


Norman looked at Luke with surprise. Is he not going to request anything for himself?


Norman wanted to ask that. He'd never seen such a strange noble before. All of the nobles he met were greedy for money and power, but he was different. He then heard Luke's serious voice.

"People's lives in your territory and the kingdom rests on your shoulders. You are the northeast gate, after all. If your defenses and security fail, all life in this kingdom will perish."

"W-what are you saying? Perish?"

Luke sighed. He wanted to finish this as soon as possible, but it seems that Duke Wervey was kind of slow. It's no surprise he clings to his mother.

"Didn't you see the starving and dying slaves back there? If we are a step late, then they will already be dead before we even arrive."


Norman then comes to a realization. This would not have happened if he had simply focused on his territory rather than defending the Wervey family's honor. He was so focused on guarding his honor that he threw other matters aside. And because of that, the defense of his territory has gotten worse, causing rats, such as Durg, to come in and use his territory as he pleases.

Norman gritted his teeth. Now that he knew how Baron Durg took advantage of him and his territory, it sickened him. He wanted to burst through their door and strangle them. He wanted to beat him up so bad that even Luke noticed his animosity.

'Baron Durg, you son of a bitch. I'll kill you!'

Luke sighed and looked at Norman, who was not calming down. Veins are popping in Norman's head and his face is red from anger. Yep, he is one hundred percent wants to murder Baron Paul Durg now.

"Duke Wervey, calm down."

Norman took a deep breath and calmed down. He then brushed his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry, I was too irresponsible. I didn't notice that our security was failing."

"No worries, it's not too late to start over. But, once you start over, you need to keep doing it. Don't let distractions cause your territory to be like this again, ok?"

Norman nodded weakly. He felt ashamed. If Luke didn't come to his territory to show him the poor slaves that were dying, he wouldn't notice it until it was too late. He was grateful to this hero in front of him, who showed him that there was something that he needed to pay attention to more than noble honor. He then asked again.

"Thank you very much, young Master Luke. Is there something that you want? I swear I'll do it as long as it's within my capabilities."

He then saw Luke sigh. Luke then smiled at Norman.

"I told you what I wanted, right? Focus on that."


'A hero, a true hero.'

Norman was so amazed by Luke's sense of justice. And he also wasn't greedy. What he's asking for is not for himself, but for the people and the kingdom. All of a sudden, Norman felt small in front of Luke. There was so much he needed to do, but he ignored it all while Luke handled almost everything. He felt ashamed. He then heard Luke's voice.

"I believe I can leave the rest to you now, Duke Wervey."

"A-ah, yes! You can count on me! I will handle everything! Please trust me!"

"Don't worry, I trust you."

'I'll give all the workload to you, so don't let me down.'

Luke wanted to smile brightly. He expected Norman to refuse to accept responsibility for this matter, but Norman's response was more enthusiastic than Luke had anticipated. Luke felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Norman saw a relieved face. He suddenly felt like crying. Even though he clearly showed his unreliable side to Luke, he still chose to trust him. He gave him a second chance.

'He trusts me, no, he trusts us.'

Determination then started to fire up inside Norman. He then vowed to never be an irresponsible territorial ruler ever again. He will focus on his territory and people's needs. He won't even let a rat come in! Not even an ant!

While his determination was raging within him, he noticed Luke standing up.

"Alright then."

Luke stood up and Norman stood up after him. Norman then inquired, concernedly.

"Do you feel tired? I saw you coughing up blood earlier. Should I call the doctor?"

"No, I just need some rest."

"Ah! Is that so? I will escort you to your room then."

He then saw Luke flinching. Luke then looked at Norman with a shocked expression.

'A duke, personally escorting me? What the hell happened to his personality?'

Earlier, Luke saw Norman frowning and glaring at him. But now, he is treating him nicely and plans to personally escort him. He couldn't understand it. He thought that the Duke would care less about him because he was meddling with their affairs. He expected hostility as well, but what was in this pleasant atmosphere?

"Ah, Duke Wervey, I am fine. I can go there myself. You need to focus on the matters before you. I'm sure it will be tough so won't it be nice to finish it early?"

Norman smiled brightly at Luke.

'Ah, he is such a nice person. I am so moved.'

"Don't worry, I insist."


"No buts, now let's get going. Your condition is unstable right now."

Luke sighed and let Norman guide him to his room. They then arrived in front of the room and saw Liam and Spencer waiting for him outside.

"Ah! Brother! Are you okay now?"

"Haaa, why do you always love to worry us?"

· He's right, dad! And you even worked your butt off but didn't get anything in return! You are such a stupidly good Dad!

Luke sighed at all the ramblings around him. He then waved his hands to shoo Spencer and Liam off.

"I'm tired, so you must be too. Go to your rooms, we are leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So soon?"

Luke turned to face Norman, who was looking at him with concern. Luke smiled.

"Well, I am leaving this matter to you. You are trustworthy so I feel like I could leave here without any worries."

Norman blinked for a moment before suddenly forming a face as if he were both flattered and embarrassed at the same time.

"Leave it to me!"

Norman made a determined face and turned around. His steps were light as if he was happy. Luke ignored it and looked at the two, who were looking at him with confusion. They must be confused as to why Norman's personality suddenly flipped 180 degrees.

"Ugh, just go back to your rooms and rest."

Liam made a gloomy face and Spencer just frowned. Luke ignored them and went inside the room. He was genuinely tired, so he didn't have time to explain the situation to them. And also, he has other things to do.

Luke shut the door and sat on the couch. He then took out the magic communication device and Nash connected it. After a while, the person Luke was finally calling picked up. It's the crown prince, Lance. Luke saw Lance's bright smile on the other side of the screen and smirked.

"Are you done talking with the final boss?"

He was referring to Norman's mother, Mary Wervey. While Luke is negotiating with Norman, Lance is handling Mary, who is basically the ruler of this territory, since Norman just follows her and does what she says. Hence, she is the final boss and Norman is the mini-boss.

· Yeah, at first, she glared at me and looked like she wanted to curse me, but after a while of talking... Do you know what she said?

Luke's eyes squinted. Did the negotiation really run that smoothly for Lance to smile like this?

"Uh... I don't know. What did she say?"

Lance smiled and sat back in his chair.

· She said that I was a good boy.

Luke was silent while looking at the childish smirk Lance was displaying in front of him. He then spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, she definitely needs some glasses."

· You bastard. I'm not the only one who is described as a good boy. She also said that you were very nice and a good boy too.

Luke looked at the smirking Lance with a horrified look. He then asked in a confused voice.

"How am I good? I am obviously evil."

Luke then heard Nash protesting in his head.

· That is not true! You are very good! Absolutely good! Why are you saying that?

Luke ignored Nash and heard Lance's agreement with his tone.

· Right?

Luke frowned.

"It's the same for you, your highness."

Lance glared at Luke.

· How am I evil? I am obviously a 'good boy'.

Luke just sighed and ignored Lance's good boy face. He then heard Lance speaking.

· Oh, and by the way, Lady Wervey is on her way to meet you.

"Wait, what-?"


Luke flinched and looked at the door. He then saw a woman in her late thirties looking at Luke. She had a very sophisticated and noble look. Luke gulped and stood up to greet her.

"Greetings to the former duchess, Lady Mary Wervey. How may I help you?"

Mary looked around the room and saw Lance's face on the video communication device.

"It seems that I am disturbing your conversation."

· No, not at all. We are actually expecting you, my lady.

Lance and Luke looked at Mary with a respectful look. They can't afford to offend her because she is the one controlling this household despite being a former duchess.

"Oh, you do? I just came here to check on young Master Luke's condition, since I heard that he coughed up blood earlier."

Luke smiled brightly at Mary. It is now the time to make use of his greasy tongue that he hasn't used for a while.

"Oh my, for Lady Wervey to come all this way to check on me. I am deeply touched. Don't worry, my lady, I am now completely fine thanks to your presence and care."

"Oh my, I didn't know that my presence alone was enough for you. You make me shy."

Luke smiled like a good boy and Mary smiled gently at him. Lance, who was watching this, wanted to scoff but pressed it in.

· Anyways my lady, staying up at night is bad for your health. Please rest.

Mary smiled at Lance like he was her favorite grandson.

"Don't worry, I won't be here for too long. I just wanted to express my gratitude to young Master Luke."

Luke then made a shy face.

"Oh my, no need to thank me."

"I insist. You see, this is my first time seeing my son being so dependable. He has always relied on me, no matter what I do, but thanks to you, he has matured into a man."

"O-oh, really? I am glad."

Luke scratched his head with a shy face. Mary realized why Luke was called a hero after seeing how good and nice he was. She then smiled gently.

"Okay then, I don't want to disturb you boys any further, so I will get going. Sleep early, okay?"

Lance and Luke smiled like good grandsons at Mary.

"Yes, ma'am."

· Yes, ma'am

Mary nodded and left the room. After she left, silence filled the room. Lance then broke the silence.

· Wow, we really acted like good boys.

"She seemed to really like us."

· Yeah, she even said that she and the whole Wervey family would support us from now on.

"Isn't that great?"

· Yeah, thanks to you.

Luke smirked.

"Oh my! The future sun and glory of our mighty kingdom is thanking me! This lowly one could not help but to form tears in his eyes from joy-"

· Oh my god, shut up.

Luke chuckled and Lance just frowned. Luke then spoke.

"It seems like Baron Durg will soon meet his end."

· Yes, I plan to make the Wervey family handle him first and handle him myself after they are done with him.

Luke's back started to get cold. He felt like what Lance would do to Paul would be worse than what the Wervey family would do to him. He didn't want to know what Lance would do, so he just kept his mouth shut. He then spoke in a sigh-like tone.

"I'm hanging up, your highness. I need to rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day for me."

· Alright, have some rest. Take care of your body, as you appear to be quite pale.

Luke looked at Lance with a surprised expression.

"Are you concerned about me, your majesty?"

Lance frowned.

· Duh? Who will not be worried? I heard that you coughed up blood and almost died. And just look how pale you are! Eat some vegetables, will you?

Luke stared at Lance for a moment.

'Almost died? Isn't that a little bit too much?'

"Uh, okay... Goodbye and goodnight to you, your highness."

Luke hung up and dived into his own bed. He then sighed.

'Why do I feel like I have to work my ass off tomorrow?'