
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 6: Part of the Family

As soon as Jane left the dining room she was suddenly swarmed by countless people and was faced with different kinds of questions from them.

"Hey, what happened?"

"What did you do?"

"Why is the miss acting weird?"

"Why is she calling you sister?"

"How the heck did her mood suddenly flipped?"


I frowned at them and expressed my discomfort at them. But my attempt was futile because they didn't care and continued to send barrages of questions. I scratched my head and tried to ignore them but they still won't stop. She suddenly heard an annoyed voice inside her head that was from the black beast.

• So annoying, why are they gathered in the front door while being noisy?

'I know right? Especially since the two owners of this mansion are inside the dining hall that they gathered in front in.'

Jane couldn't take it anymore and speak to them in a low voice.

"Don't all of you have work to do? Miss and Master Noah are still currently inside and you're all making a ruckus in here. If you don't want to get scolded or get your salary to be cut then scram. Hurry!"

They finally realized where they were all chattering loudly and turned pale. In a split second, they all dispersed into different directions and continued with their works. Jane sighed and walked into the hallway. While walking through the hallway, Jane could feel the gazes of the maids in the mansion but she didn't care and continue to walk straight. She got into her room and locked the door. She then stood in the center of the room with her arms crossed.

"Hey, I know you are here."

The moment she said that a black furball appeared on top of her bed and frowned at her. She then sighed and asked.

"So, do you want to come with me?"

"Me? Come to where?"

"I'm going to a place where I could become a man."

The black beast looked at her with confusion. It seems that he is too surprised that he needed to ask to understand.


"Didn't you hear me? I'll set out on an adventure to become a man."

"That's... The most outrageous and dumbest things I've ever heard."

"So you want to come or not?"


The black beast looked at her like she was crazy. He then sighed.

"Fine. I have nothing else to do anyway. And besides, you are weak. I bet that if a horse kicked you once, you'll die immediately."

Jane frowned at the kid in front of her that is spouting harsh truths.

'Damn, he's right. But that is the reason why I'm going to become a man and collect magic containers though.'

"Well if you are with me I'm pretty sure I'll be safe at almost every danger."

"Of course. I'm a powerful being after all."

Jane sighed and sat next to the black beast. She then started to caress the fur on the black beast.

'It's soft.'

The black beast frowned at her while looking at her like she was some sort of annoyance.

"Stop touching me!"

Even though he said that he didn't put his body away from her or he didn't incinerate her hand. And Jane could also see his tail wagging. Because of this, she continued to feel the soft texture of his fur. It was quite addicting.

It went like that for hours but it is interrupted by someone who was knocking on the door.

Knock! Knock!

The black beast immediately turned invisible and I walked to the door. I slowly opened it and saw two surprising characters standing in front of the door.

"Duke and miss, what brings you here?"

Finesse talked to me with a grumpy expression.

"I told you to call me sister."

"Uh, sister. What brings you here?"

Finesse's face brightened and excitedly looked at Noah who was beside her. I looked at Noah and saw him look at me.

"Jane, are you perhaps interested in being part of the Viscellete family? My love said that she would love you to be part of our family. And also, I needed to thank you for bringing Finesse back standing on her own two feet"

I blinked a few times after hearing that and tilted my head with a surprised expression.

'I know that I'm going to be part of a family but I didn't think I would be part of the Duke's family. Well, it is fine because the Ducal Family is powerful. If I become one of them then I could proudly say bye-bye to stress.'

Jane opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally answering.

"I'm sorry, but can I please be part of your family after I come back from my vacation?"

"Huh? Vacation? Sister, what are you talking about?"

"Uh, the truth is. I planned to go on a very long vacation. I have some stuff to do, so can you please wait until then?"

"Long vacation? For how long?"

Noah asked Jane the question. Jane smiled slightly at him and answered.

"About, three months."

"Three months? Sister, what exactly are you going to do?"

Finesse asked me in a worried tone. I smiled at her and patted her shoulder.

"I promise I will return safely and officially become your family."

Jane didn't say 'become your sister' and instead said 'family' because by the time she returned she will be completely different than before... A lot different.

Noah looked at me and Finesse and then concluded.

"Alright then, three months, I'll wait for you while preparing the paperwork."

"Thank you."

"Sister, when will you leave?"

"Maybe next week. I need some time to prepare. I also need to buy stuff at the market."

"I'll come with you! Sister, I want to come with you!"

"You mean with the shopping?"

"Yes! I want to bond with my sister!"

Finesse looked at me with fire in her eyes. She looked so determined that it made Jane feel quite uneasy. But she still nodded because there was nothing she can do. Finesse smiled brightly at her nod and walked away happily with Noah by her side. Jane looked at their backs for a moment before turning back into her room. As soon as she closed the door she saw the black beast revealing himself while staring at her. Jane looked back at him and sighed, she then patted the black beast's head and changed her clothes.

"Are we going shopping tomorrow?"

"Yes, so sleep now and it's already nighttime."

Jane laid down on the bed next to the black beast and tucked herself with the blanket. She then heard the black beast's annoyed voice.

"I don't like her."

"Who? Finesse?"

"Yeah, she is annoying."

"Don't be like that, she is a nice girl."

"How is she nice? There is nothing nice about her."

"Her sister died months ago."

The black beast suddenly went quiet. Jane kept talking because it seems like the black beast has nothing to say.

"She is probably longing for a family now that her whole family is gone."

The black beast stayed quiet, so I patted his head and went to sleep. I slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Knock, Knock

It is the middle of the night and someone was knocking at her door. Jane opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. She saw the black beast waking up while rubbing its eyes beside her. He slowly turned invisible while Jane walked to the door. When she opened it, she saw a handsome man who looks slightly older than her looking at her. The man has brown hair and brown eyes... Wait.

'Brown hair and brown eyes?'

Jane's eyes widened while looking at the man in front of her. The man smiled at her and said.

"You must be the future sister of brother Noah right?"

Jane took a step back while looking at the man smiling in front of her... There is no mistaking it.

'Brown hair, brown eyes, a handsome face, and the fact that he called Noah 'brother'. There is no mistaking it, this was the disguise that the crown prince often used to roam around freely in the kingdom.'

The crown prince, Lance Sherodd.

Lance kept staring at Jane while smiling and asked.

"May I come in?"

Jane moved to the side to give way for him and said.

"You may come in."

Lance smiled and entered the room. He then sat in a chair in front of the table, Jane also sat at the opposite side of him and stared at him. Lance noticed her gaze and smiled at her.

"Don't need to worry, I'm just here to check who would be my brother's future sister "

• Hey, he is using a magic device to disguise himself.

'I know it already.'

Jane sat back in her chair while crossing her arms. Lance looked at her while tilting his head.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jane took a deep breath before answering.

"Your highness, didn't you know that it is rude to disturb a lady's sleep? Furthermore, visiting a lady in the middle of the night is improper."

Lance flinched while looking at her with widened eyes. He asked in a hesitant and surprised manner.

"How did you know?"

"Your highness, even though you dye your hair and eyes with rainbow colors as long as you have that face people will still recognize you."

Lance fell silent for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Haha! I didn't know that my brother will have such a unique sibling. As expected of a Viscellete."

"We aren't officially siblings yet so please don't call me that."

"Ho? You're quite brave, the crown prince is in front of you and you're talking to me like that."

"I think it is fine since you visited me in the middle of the night, I'm still quite sleepy so don't expect a warm treatment."

"You're funny."

"I'll take that as a compliment. So may I ask why the future sun and glory of the kingdom suddenly bestowed his grace upon this lowly servant in the middle of the night?"

"I told you, I came here to check out what kind of person my brother would have as a sister."

"Hmm, now that you saw me I guess that the task of the future sun and glory of our kingdom is finished?"

"Hahaha, you truly are a funny girl."

The crown prince laughed but Jane ignored it and instead dropped a large bomb that made the crown prince instantly go silent.

"So your highness, did you perhaps already got the wind of information that the three southern kingdoms recently joined forces?"


The crown prince was silent while looking at her with a surprised expression. Jane didn't care and kept talking.

"Since the three kingdoms almost covered up our southern part I suggest that you should start preparing and strengthening our southern borders.

"How did you-?"

"Doesn't matter it is up to you whether you believe me or not. The important thing is keeping the kingdom safe no?"

Lance Sherodd, is the type of ruler that cares for his kingdom over anything else. In the novel, he may be described as a cold and icy ruler but when the war with the demon world begun he was one of the people to fight in the frontlines with Noah while letting the citizens escape. And as you all know, all the people who fought with Noah on the frontlines died, making Lance also a forgotten hero.

"I also heard that the assassins responsible for Viana's death are now dead thanks to the duke. It seems that the three kingdoms will use that petty reason to try and wage a war with us."

The crown prince silently observed me and I did the same to him. We observed each other and finally, Lance began to speak.

"You are right, that is why I am currently visiting the duke."

"You should also check the southwest border, your highness."

"I already sent someone to do that. But, how did you know?"

"I have my ways."


"And I also know that your highness has absorbed the power of [Shield] from a magic container. It seems like his highness do good choices in life because that power is enough to cover the entire capital in the kingdom right your highness?"

"You, how did you know that?"

"I told you, I have my ways. You are still keeping that power a secret right? If it goes out that the prince of the Reece Kingdom absorbed a petty power of the ancient people I'm sure you'll be a laughing stock."

In the novel, this man right in front of me is the reason why I chose the power sealed in the magic containers. While in the war with the demon world, he is the biggest role player when it comes to defenses. He was able to hold out thousands of monsters on his own while letting the people escape. He is like an unbreakable wall in that part of the novel.

"Ha, hahaha! You are right, I'll become a laughingstock if this goes out. But they didn't know, that this joke of a power in their eyes will be the biggest game-changer in any war."

In this world, people believed that the powers sealed in the magical containers are powerless and useless and also, they are hidden in places that are hard for a normal human to find, that is why they all just ignored it.

"That is correct your highness, as expected of the future sun and glory of our kingdom!"

The crown prince smiled at me and I smiled back at him. I put my palm in front of him and said.

"Hush money."

"Hahahaha! Fine, here you go. It is also payment for making me see something amusing."

'Jerk, I'm not a clown.'

The crown prince places a large pouch of golden coins in my hand and stands up. He then headed towards the door. He opened the door but stopped and asked me something.

"You are on our side right?"

"Of course."

I heard the crown prince laugh and left the room. I placed the money pouch on the table and went back to bed. I saw the black beast staring at me weirdly.



The black beast curled up into a ball and started to sleep. I lay down beside him and started to close my eyes and start to sleep.