
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 55: Help(1)

"You are going back already? You just woke up. Are you sure?"

Luke flashed a bright smile at Jasper, who was looking at him with concern. Jasper's attitude towards him completely turned 180 degrees, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, I want to rest at my pa- erm, I mean my house. I kind of miss going back there. "Plus, I got all of the awards I needed, including this document, so that's good enough for me."

"Are you sure you don't want anything? Please tell me, I could give it to you as long is it within my power."

Luke smiled as if he was troubled. It's been two days since he fainted and Jasper kept bugging him to stay. He was really troubled. He looked at the people behind Jasper, who were also looking at him with worry. He then smiled, trying to hide his uncomfortable face.

"Then... What about if you all spread the heroic actions of Spencer and Liam over here?"

Liam and Spencer flinched in shock while looking at Luke in disbelief. They flinched once more when they heard Jasper's croaking voice.

"Y-you really... Hick! You! Just how vast is your heart?"

Luke frowned and smiled awkwardly at the teary Jasper and the people. Well, this is certainly a rare sight. Luke had no idea that interacting with Jasper after a few days would result in this. Seeing a grown-up tan man crying is a very weird sight to see.

"Ahaha... My heart is not vast. But please tell people about Liam and Spencer. I will appreciate it."


"Hold up! What are you-?"

Luke ignored Liam and Spencer's protests. He then whispered to Nash on his shoulder.

"Nash, let's go."

· You good Da-! Haa! Fine!

A magic circle appeared below Liam, Luke, and Spencer's feet. Luke smiled brightly at the people looking at him with teary eyes and waved at them. The light finally covered his sight and when he opened his eyes, he was in front of his castle in the sky. He then saw Lina, Julius, Selena, and the kids rushing towards him. Luke just looked at him and spoke in an exhausted voice.

"We're home."

Liam just smiled while Spencer was just sighing. Liam and Spencer then walked towards the others and Luke just turned around and immediately went inside. He missed his bed. He missed it too much.

Luke went inside his room and went straight to bed. He was about to relax, but he suddenly fell into a bad mood.

"Damn it!"

Nash asked Luke, who was frowning deeply with worry.

"What's wrong?"

Luke just massaged his head while frowning.

"Haa! Nothing."

Actually, it isn't nothing at all.

'I saved the Flor kingdom and didn't even get the power I desired. And I also got a useless necklace and some bothersome information. Fuck.'

Luke sighed and brushed his face with his hands. He then grabbed the communication device in his pocket and was about to ask Nash to connect it, but the device started to beep.

Beep! Beep!

"It seems like he has something to say too. Nash connect it."


Nash connected the call and the stressed face of the crown prince appeared on the screen. Lance looked exhausted and looked like he was about to pass out at any minute. Lance also saw the stressed face of Luke and frowned even deeper.

· You bastard, judging from your face. You have another stressful information for me, right?

"I could say the same thing to you, your highness."

Lance and Luke both sighed in unison. Lance brushed his face and asked Luke.

· So, who's going to go first? Me or you?

"You first."

Lance sighed and poured in all the information without brakes.

· Fine... The Dark Eye joined forces with the three kingdoms of the south. And the allied kingdom's name is 'The Regle Alliance'. The Dark Eye will also ship the first battle brigade to the Regle Alliance in three days.

Luke blanked out for a moment before sighing.

"Man, even the name is so cheesy."

Actually, Luke already knew the name of the alliance of the three kingdoms since he read the novel. It's just that now he has heard it in person... It sounded so cheesy to him.

· I know right? It's like a child named it. So, what's your share of stressful news?

Luke looked at Lance's tired face. He must be tired of handling the restoration of the kingdom and the Dark Eye. It is quite understandable though. Even Luke will go insane if he has too many tasks to complete at the same time. He then sighed.

"Your highness... The empire sided with the Dark Eye... No, the empire is the Dark Eye's dog."

The crown prince was silent. He then sat back in his chair and cursed. He is extremely annoyed by the situation right now.

· Fuck.... What news is going to be more shocking than that? I was about to ask for help from the empire to fight off the Dark Eye and now I know that they are allies... God almighty...

"Things will be messy for you, your highness."

· Who the fuck says that I am alone in this? You are part of this too.

Luke frowned. He noticed that Lance was now used to curse in front of him like a local thug rather than a crown prince. And, he didn't like what Lance just said.

"Why am I part of this?"

· Duh? You save the fairy kingdom from the Dark Eye, save the kingdom from the Dark Eye, save Ceb City, Hak Village, and is the one who gets me information?

Luke's face crumpled. He just wanted to throw the magic device at the wall if he could, but that would be just disrespectful. Furthermore, video communication devices are expensive, so destroying them would be a waste. Luke just sighed in frustration.

"I'll just give you the information. That's it. From now on, I'll just stay in the shadows."

Lance scoffed. He can't believe that the person who always steps up whenever there is danger is saying that he'll be in the shadows. He wanted to laugh at him so badly, but the look on Luke's face was dead serious. Lance just sighed.

· Fine... Any other info for you to give me?

"Hmm... Nothing comes to mind, your highness. I will also send you some documents later."

· What kind of sketchy document are you sending to me now?

"I can't explain it. However, you will undoubtedly appreciate it later."

Luke can't tell what will happen to Gron's kingdom to Lance yet. Not until he finished his pile of work; if Lance became ill as a result of overwork, it would be partly his fault. And he didn't want to be part of any of that.

And besides, he also has something to do at Gron kingdom. He will try to get the power that can control the wind. Luke's expression turned dead serious.

'I'll get it this time. Definitely.'

· Right... Anyway, what are we supposed to do with the battle brigade that will be coming?

Luke stopped for a moment, then frowned.

"....Why are you asking me?"

· ...Nothing.

Luke sighed and Lance turned off the connection. The screen disappeared and Luke just threw the device on the bed. He then noticed Nash's solemn expression. Luke looked at him with an uneasy expression and asked him.


Nash stood up from the bed and stood on the windowsill.

"Nothing, I'll be back."


Nash immediately disappeared and Luke was confused at first, but he just ignored it. He thought that Nash was just hungry and disappeared to get some food.

But what Luke didn't know was that Nash was telling about the Dark Eye's movements to the others below. The group listened to him intently with serious expressions. Silence fell after Nash finished speaking and Liam broke the silence.

"Let's go. It's just a gut feeling but I bet that brother Luke will eventually fight the first battle brigade."

Spencer nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, who knows? He might come out from this door behind me and say 'Hey! Let's destroy the first battle brigade of Dark Eye.' He is always a reckless bastard, so we should expect the worse."

The whole group nodded in agreement. They then all flinched when they heard the door open with a bang.


They turned their heads and saw Luke looking at them with a frown. He then spoke.

"Hey, let's go and destroy the first battle brigade of Dark Eye."

The group facepalmed and Spencer spoke with a triumphant expression.

"Called it."

Luke was confused by the group's actions but chose to ignore them.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow."

Luke turned around and shut the door. He then clenched his teeth and sighed.

'If the first battle brigade comes successfully to the Regle Alliance, then the war will be much harder. Much harder which means hard life. Damn it.'

Luke sighed once more and started to prepare for tomorrow.


The sea breeze hit Luke's pale face. He is now on the shore of the southwest part of the kingdom. After delivering the document to Lance, Lance sent back another document to him which pointed out where the enemy battle brigade would be heading to. And Luke went to the middle part where he would greet the enemy ships.

Behind him is his group. Their faces are now covered by black masks and they are wearing black clothes. He then heard Liam behind him.

"Uhm... Excuse me, but what are these clothes for?"

Luke looked at Liam, who was questioning their outfits. Luke just answered blankly.

"We'll fight the Dark Eye, but we can't risk revealing our identities. We need to be cautious."

Liam nodded as if he now understood. Luke ignored him and spoke to Nash.



The group then flew into the air. They then flew straight to the vast ocean. After minutes of flying, they then saw hundreds of ships sailing towards the south. Luke smiled.

"Found you..."

The children behind him looked at Luke with worry. Every time things like these happen, bad things will always happen to him. But they then stopped when they saw Luke pulling out a shell from his pocket. Luke then blew on it.


A clear but quiet sound was emitted from the shell. Selena then asked in confusion.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"You'll see."

Selena and the others then could clearly see Luke snickering from behind his mask. They suddenly got a bad feeling about this.

Minutes later, the ocean started to rock back and forth. The Dark Eye members were confused and held to the railings of the ship and asked in a confused voice.

"Hey?! What is going on?!"

"Call the leader!"

After a moment, the leader of the first battle brigade came out and he then looked at the rocking ocean beneath them with a panicked expression.

"What's happening?"

"We don't know either!"

"What should we do?!"

They then saw something shoot up from the water. It was something large, and they screamed in fear.


"Holy shit! It's a Kraken!"

In the ocean, a large red Kraken had fully emerged. The group looked at this with shock and disbelief. They then heard Nash's excited voice.

"Plankton! It's nice to see you again!"

Plankton heard Nash's voice and looked at the source of the voice. He then saw Luke smiling at him.

"Plankton, these are the people who want to be your friends, by the way."

Luke pointed at the group beside him and they all looked at him with shock. Selena then asked from confusion.

"Hold up, what? Friends-"

Luke cut Selena off in the middle of her sentence and turned to face Plankton, who was staring at him.

"Plankton! These friends need help. Can you please defeat the bad guys inside those ships?"

Plankton blinked for a moment and waved his tentacles and started to destroy the ships one by one.

Bang! Baaaang! Bang!


"W-what is a Kraken doing here?!"

"Who are those guys?!"

Luke saw someone pointing at him and Luke just formed crescent moon eyes by smiling. He then addressed his perplexed group.

"Help Plankton."

Lina then asked in a flustered voice. This is the second legendary beast that she's seen, so she must be pretty happy.

"W-we? Help him?"

"Yeah, he also wants to be friends with all of you. Make certain that no one can flee and report the situation to their superiors."

The group nodded and started to dive in. Luke then saw Plankton get flustered when he saw the group rushing in to help him, but he stopped when he heard Luke.

"Plankton! Relax! They are your friends!"


Plankton raised his tentacles and started to utterly smash and destroy the ships. Luke sighed in satisfaction and saw his group destroy the crew members of the Dark Eye.

Even the children show no mercy as if they are accustomed to such situations.

Julius looked like he wanted to smash all the members. It must be because the Dark Eye tried to destroy their kingdom once, back then.

Lina appeared to be having fun with this, as she always looked at Plankton with a bright smile on her face whenever she took out a member.

Selena is covered in blood while laughing maniacally like a beast released from her cage, and it is absolutely terrifying to look at.

While Spencer just elegantly used magic to stab thousands of members at once, as expected of the future Archmage.

And Liam? Well, he just keeps slaughtering people with a blank face.

Luke just stared at the absolute bloodbath going on in the middle of the ocean. After a few hours of destroying almost everything, the group finally gathered around Luke. Luke looked at them and asked them.

"All dead?"

Spencer nodded.

"All dead, it is confirmed."

Luke nodded in satisfaction and introduced Plankton, who shyly went behind him. Plankton acted like he wasn't the one who made a huge mess just now. But Luke didn't mind at all.

"By the way, this guy's name is Plankton. He is a legendary beast and is searching for friends."


Plankton then shyly waved his tentacles at them. The children and Lina looked at Plankton with shining eyes and flew closer to him.

"Hello! My name is Lily!"

"My name is Michael! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Plankton is your name, right? My name is Josh."

"You were so cool earlier! My name is Jessa by the way."

"H-hello! My name is Lina! It is very nice to meet you!"


Plankton happily greeted them. Liam and the others also started to greet Plankton. Luke then also saw Nash happily approaching Plankton. He then waved his fluffy paws towards Plankton.

"Long time no see Plankton!"


Luke let them greet each other while looking around. All he could see was blood and broken pieces of ships. He could also see corpses floating above the water. Luke just stared at it for a while.

Even though Luke is evil, he is not a complete trash. He knew that some of these dead people floating around the water were forced to join the Dark Eye. Luke just sighed and spoke to his group.

"Hey, let's clean up. Let's at least send them off."

The group turned around and saw Luke looking at the corpses with blank eyes. Then they all thought.

'Even though he said to destroy them earlier, he still had the heart and mercy to send them off despite what they did.'

They then all nodded and started to move. Plankton also helped with the cleaning. Luke also helped and started pulling out corpse after corpse without even batting an eye. The corpses were then all gathered in the air and Selena started to pray for their souls before Spencer and Nash lit them on fire. The corpses burned for hours and finally turned to ashes. Luke just looked at the ashes flying away with a blank face. He then sighed and looked at Plankton.

"Hey, thanks for your help. You can go home now. Don't worry, I'll call you again next time and you can bond with the kids more."


Plankton nodded and waved at the children. The group also waved back at him and Plankton fully disappeared into the sea. Luke then took out his magic communication device. He then looked at Nash. Nash immediately understood and connected the call. After a few rings, Lance finally picked up.

· Hey, why are you calling me this time-... Where the hell are you?

"In the middle of the ocean, your highness."

· What're you-? Wait a minute, don't tell me...

Luke nodded at Lance.

"Correct your highness, we have already handled the first battle brigade."

Luke then saw Lance peeking behind him. He is looking at the destroyed ships and the blood on the sea. He then sat back in his seat and laughed.

· Ha, haha! Hahaha! And just who was it that said that he would stay in the shadows? Hmm? Pfft!

Luke frowned at the crown prince, who was suppressing his laughter. He then spoke in an annoyed tone.

"I am only doing this once."

The group looked at Luke as if they didn't believe it. They then heard Lance's voice filled with disbelief.

· Yeah right.

The group nodded in agreement and Luke just frowned at them. He then sighed and asked Lance a question.

"Is there no other new information from the mage?"

· None, and I'll call you later. I'm busy.

The crown prince then hung up and Luke sighed. He then looked at his group.

"Let's go home. I'm exhausted."

The group nodded and teleported back to the castle.