
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 45: Treasure(2)

"Hey did you forget to bring the candies?"

"No, but I forgot my toys!"

"Oh no!"

"Wait! I forgot my books!"

"Uwaaah! I just bought it yesterday!"

"K-kids? D-don't worry about toys, I'll play with all of you!"

"Hey! Can you move aside? You're dominating my space!"

"Dominating what?"

"Hey guys, can you all calm down?"

"Ooohh! Look outside! The trees are so pretty!"

Luke's eyebrows twitched at the rowdy people inside with him in the carriage. Their voices are too loud that Luke can't even concentrate on making his plans. Luke looked at the rowdy members inside the large carriage with a frown but no one seems to notice him. He then couldn't take it anymore and snap.

"Hey... Will you all just shut up? You want me to toss you all out the carriage?"

The group then zipped their mouths. Luke's face clearly says he is annoyed and his expression is dark. The children all gulped while the rest just nervously looked at each other. Luke sighed.

"Nash, introduce yourself to Julius."

Julius then pointed at himself.

"Me? What? Who is Nash?"

Julius then flinched when he saw a black furball suddenly appearing on Luke's shoulder. He then looked at its face with wide eyes and stuttered.

"L-legendary beast? H-how...?"

Nash smirked and puffed up his chest while looking at the surprised fairy with an arrogant face.

"Nice to meet you, Julius! My name is Nash! Nash Clodwal! Remember that!"

Julius stared blankly into the air while looking as if his soul left his body. Luke then heard Liam speaking.

"So that is what you look like."

Nash then started to show off his black fur.

"My fur is very pretty! But when I grow up! It'll be a hundred, no, thousand times prettier!"

"You look cute."

"Thanks! You too!"

Luke just ignored them and they just looked out of the window. Luke could hear them bickering behind him but with a much milder tone so that he will not be annoyed.

Seven days have passed and they finally arrived at the East or more specifically, Paliath.

Luke sighed and walked out of the carriage, the others also went down and looked around the area. They are now at the capital of Paliath. Even though there was a war not too long ago, the people around seemed quite lively. There are also knights roaming around checking every corner of the capital.

'It seems like the second prince did a good job managing Paliath. But I am sure that Lance is the one who handled most of it since he is pretty much likely the ruler because the king just dumped the ruler's responsibility to Lance. That reminds me, just when will the king give the throne to Lance?'

Luke just ignored his thoughts and looked around. He then spoke to Selena behind him.

"Hey, go and find us a good place to stay for a week."

"...A week? We'll just stay here for a week?"

Luke didn't answer and Selena just sighed.

"Hey, Lina, kids. Let's go find a good inn while walking around shall we?"

The kids and Lina nodded. They then heard Julius's shy voice.

"C-can I come with you?"

Michael then spoke to Julius energetically.

"Of course you can brother! Let's go!"

The kids grabbed Julius and dragged him towards the capital. Liam followed behind the kids with a smile, he seems to like children. Luke then heard Spencer's grumbling voice.

"What about me? Why won't you all ask me?"

Luke glanced at Spencer who is looking at the group bonding happily with an unhappy frown and just sighed.

"Just go with them."

Spencer clicked his tongue and followed behind the kids while stomping his feet. He acts like a kid. Luke just shrugged his shoulders and followed behind them. While following them, he looks around various stores on the way. He then heard Nash speaking in his head.

· Hey! That restaurant's food looks yummy! I want to try some! Let's go there next time!

Luke just nodded but flinched when he heard Nash's curious voice.

· Anyway, when will we get some books? I want to read books!

Luke then quietly whispered.


· Tonight?

Luke nodded and looked around the area. He then stopped and saw a very tall building that is about 20 meters long. Luke then smiled.

'Found you, my treasure.'

Luke formed a big smile while looking at the tall ancient magic tower in a distance.


"Oooh! What's with the mask? Are we going to do something bad?"

Luke frowned at Nash who is looking at the mask he is wearing.

"Something bad? Why did you think of that?"

"I read some books about bad guys often wear masks to hide their identity."

"Hmmm, well, I am not going to do something bad but, you are right, I am a bad guy."

Nash immediately protested.

"No, you are not! You are a good guy!"

"I'm not."

"You are."

"No, I -. Sigh, forget it, and let's go."

Nash nodded and climbed on Luke's shoulder. They then flew out from the window of the inn with flight magic. Luke then spoke.


"Got it!"

Luke's body slowly turned invisible. When confirmed that he was fully invisible, Luke then flew towards the magic tower at full speed. Several minutes later, he landed on the very top floor of the magic tower. He then looks around.

The inside of the tower is a mess. Broken pieces of furniture and magic tools are all over the place. It seems like it is true that the second prince just treated this tower as a trophy rather than a historical building. He didn't even bother to clean it.

Luke then landed on the ground and his invisibility disappeared. Luke then took out his bag of mana stones and then started to tap the walls.

"Brother Luke?"

Luke flinched and slowly turned around. He then heard Nash's voice.

"Liam! I knew you're following us!"

"Well, I sensed brother Luke leaving his room so..."

Luke looked at Liam with surprise. Liam just shyly averted his gaze.

"Why are you following me?"

Liam then panicked and then said his intentions out loud.

"I was worried when I sensed you leaving your room so as your knight I should follow you!"

Luke looked at Liam with disbelief.

'That is why you followed me? Wait, how did you even follow me? Are swordmaster's senses that sharp?'

Luke couldn't know because even if he has an aura. He never has the amazing senses and speed of a swordmaster. All he has is an aura. Luke just sighed.

"Fine, tell me if someone is approaching. It will be bad if someone sees us."


Liam's face started to turn serious while keeping his guard up. Luke just ignored him and continued to tap in the walls.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Luke frowned and tapped even more while walking around the room.

Tap, tap, clink!

Luke stopped and looked at the wall that just made an odd sound. He then pushed the wall.

Creak, creak!

The sound of old metal gear is being heard. The wall then changed into a wall with ten holes around a magic circle. Nash then gasped.

"I could feel something weird behind the wall."

Luke smiled and put the highest quality mana stones on the wall. After he put the last piece, they felt the ground shaking. Luke hold on to the nearest furniture and Liam and Nash became alert. Once the shaking stopped, Luke stood up straight and immediately went out. Liam followed behind him.

"Brother Luke, what was that?"

Luke smiled brightly.

"The sign of my treasures appearing."

"Excuse me?"

Luke just ignored him and went down the stairs with light steps. He quietly hummed while taking step by step down. Liam looked at Luke's back and smiled. He thought that Luke is really happy right now, he didn't know what caused it but he is sure that he was very happy.

And he is right.

'Wait for me my treasures! I am coming!'