
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 41: Newcomers(3)

The second male lead, after hearing that word you must've thought that he is the second love interest of the novel. But no, he is literally the second male lead.


He is a swordmaster with no last name. He is an orphan and luckily met the male lead on his way to become a knight.

After seeing Noah's strength and determination to fight against evil. Liam started to treat Noah like his idol.

He then eventually became close to Noah and pledged loyalty to him. He became Noah's sword, right-hand man.

And also, when Noah is gone, he is the one in charge of leading the group, and he is very proficient in doing it.

But of course, nothing good lasts long.

In the novel, he is the first one to die after sacrificing himself by taking an attack from the demon to protect Noah.

And he is even Luke's most favorite character, even more than Noah, the male lead.


Because of his loyalty. Once he started to trust you, he will protect you no matter what. And Luke like loyal people the most.

If Liam has his own novel, Luke would definitely read it. That is just how Luke liked Liam's character.

Anyway, what Luke planned to do was planning to let Noah and Liam meet earlier than in the novel.


Because he is an important card in the upcoming war with the three kingdoms. He needs to let those two meet and defeat the enemies together.

That's the only way to make his life easier.

Luke then walked forward. He could feel a few people glancing at him on the way but Luke just ignored it.

He was about to head towards the orphanage where he believed Liam was supposed to be but stopped when he heard Nash's voice.

•Hey! I could sense a strong person in that alley over there! He seems to be a swordmaster! He might be even stronger than Noah!

Luke stopped walking and looked at the alleyway where he feels Nash was pointing.

'What? Stronger than Noah? Who?'

Luke walked towards the dark alley and stopped when he saw a dirty man staring at the streets while sitting on the ground. He is about the same age as Luke and he has dark jet-black hair and red eyes. It seems that the man noticed Luke and started to focus his deep red eyes on him like he was looking through his soul.

Luke's heart stopped. The one he's looking for was the dirty man in front of him.


Luke stared at the dirty Liam in front of him. He then flinched.

'Why is he here?! I thought he lives in the orphanage?! And what did Nash just said? Stronger than Noah? How? He wasn't even stronger than Noah in the novel, what changed it?'

Luke frowned at the information that suddenly got to him. His head hurts just by thinking about it and sighed. He just gave up thinking and approached the dirty Liam on the ground Liam also looked up at him. Luke stared at him and slowly started to speak.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

Liam just blankly stared at Luke who suddenly shot an odd question. Luke then heard Liam's stomach growling.

"I guess you are hungry then, wait here."

Luke turned around and went into a stall that sells chickens and refreshments. He bought a whole piece of chicken and two drinks and went back.

Luke then slowly crouched in front of Liam who is staring at him. Luke then offered the bag with chicken inside it.

"Here you go."

Liam hesitated for a moment before slowly grabbing the bag and opened it. He then saw the warm and steamy roasted chicken inside. Liam looked at this and gulp.

Luke saw the hungry expression of Liam and smirked. He thought that Liam would excitedly dig in and munch on the chicken.

But something is odd, Liam is not eating it. Luke frowned.

"What's wrong? You can't eat? ...wait, you thought it's poisonous?"

Liam didn't answer and Luke just sighed. So Liam indeed thought it was poisonous.

Luke then grabbed the bag from Liam and sat beside him on the ground which made Liam surprised. Luke ignored him and opened the bag and rip a piece of chicken. He then pieced it in half and offered Liam the other piece, Liam reluctantly accepted it and Luke ate the other piece in his hand. He then chewed the tasty chicken.

"See? Not poisonous at all."

Liam saw Luke eating the chicken and also ate his piece. He slowly chewed the chicken. He then saw a cup of drink in front of him. Luke sighed and speak.

"Drink it, it's not poison. I just bought it."

Liam accepted the cup and drank the juice inside the cup. Both Luke and Liam then stared at the streets while sharing food. Some people looked at them weirdly but they both just ignored it and kept eating.

Luke didn't know why he is doing this but maybe because of the fact that they are both orphans. Maybe both being orphans managed Luke to sympathize with Liam despite him being a fictional character from a novel. This continued for a while before Luke asked something.

"Hey, want to come with me? If you come with me you will eat lots of delicious food like this."

Liam blinked and finally spoke for the first time.

"But who is the creature beside you?"

Liam then pointed on Luke's shoulder and Luke flinched.

•Wait, he already noticed me? That is amazing!

'He immediately detected Nash? But why Noah, the main lead, still can't feel Nash? Did he already know but just ignored it or he doesn't really know? I don't know anymore.'

Luke sighed and introduced Nash to his shoulder.

"This is Nash, he is a legendary beast. Don't worry, he won't hurt you."

"Hello, Liam! My name is Nash Clodwal! Nice to meet you!"

Luke could hear Nash excitedly whispering to Liam. Liam just nodded, surprisingly, Liam is calm despite meeting a legendary beast.

At Liam's actions, he didn't know who really is the main character anymore. Luke just sighed.

"Anyway, do you want to come with me?"

Liam is silent for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Great, we will first finish eating this and we will go straight to our house."

Luke and Liam continued to eat on the streets while watching people pass by. While doing that, they started to introduce each other while starting to talk about some topics that both of them can understand. Sometimes, Nash interrupts them and joins in the conversation causing the three of them to be lively.

After finally finishing the food, Luke stood up and helped Liam stand up too. He then speaks.

"It is now nighttime. We should hurry."

Luke then walked forward and Liam followed behind him like a puppy. Luke could also feel Liam's stares on his back but decided to ignore it and kept walking.

Luke could then feel Liam stopped walking behind him and also stopped walking and turned around. He could see Liam looking down on his clothes. Luke frowned in confusion and asked.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Liam then slowly answered in a shy voice.

"...I am dirty."


Luke looked at Liam with disbelief. He then scratched the back of his head and sighed. He then walked towards Liam and slowly pushed his back to move forward.

"Your clothes are fine. I'll get you a new one once we got home. Now move quickly."

Liam looked at Luke and followed his orders. They then quietly arrived in front of the estate.

Liam looked at the large estate in front of him with a stunned expression while Luke could see the knight panicking when he saw him.

"Y-young master! The Duke and the others are looking for you!"

"What? Really?"

Luke wondered why everyone was looking for him and walked towards the gates with Liam a little faster. The guard then looked at Liam and Liam stared back. The knight then heard Luke's voice causing him to flinch.

"Hey, he is my guest. Let him in."


The knight bowed and glanced at Liam who is walking side by side with Luke. His face is dirty and his clothes are ragged. The knight wondered where Luke even got that dirty beggar.

Luke didn't know this and walked forward. He then flinched when he saw Noah and the others waiting for him outside. It seems like Noah noticed him and looked towards him with a frown.

"Just where the hell have you been? You just missed dinner."

Spencer then butted in.

"You didn't even tell us where will you go and just left."

Selena then asked next.

"Where were you?"

Luke answered.

"I just strolled around the plaza, that is all."

Luke then heard Lina's curious voice.

"Who is he?"

Luke could see Lina pointing behind him. She is pointing at Liam who is quietly standing behind Luke. Luke stood at Liam's side and patted his shoulder.

"This is Liam, I picked him up on the streets just now."

The group looked blankly at Liam who is also looking blankly at them. He then heard Noah's annoyed voice.

"So you got out the estate and came home with an unknown man from the streets. Are you kidding me?"

Luke frowned.

"Hey, don't say it that way, people might misunderstand your words."

Noah then looked at Liam with a glare.

"Then how else would I explain this?"

Liam and Noah glared at each other. Luke could see sparks of tension in the air. He then sighed.

'Aren't you two suppose to get along? Why are you glaring at each other? Is it really too early for them to meet?'

Luke clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"He is my guest. Let's just go inside, I'm tired."


Noah then turned around after clicking his tongue. Luke then saw the children and Julius approaching him. Lily, Jessa, Michael, Josh, and Julius then looked at Liam with fascinated eyes.

"Brother Luke, will he be our new brother?"

"His name is Liam right?"

"Brother Liam!"

"Welcome to the family."

"Ho! A fellow newcomer just like me! Awesome! Let's get along! My name is Julius!"

Liam then shook hands with Julius and the kids. His face looked touched. Luke ignored him and just left him with the kids and Julius and entered the estate. He then ordered the maid near him.

"Treat that man over there just like how you treat me. He is my guest."

"Yes, young master."

Luke nodded and went upstairs to his room. He then sat on his bed and looked at the light blue necklace he has on his hands. He then heard Nash's excited voice.

"Oooh! New power! Take it, Luke! Hurry!"

Luke nodded and crushed the stone. Blue light then started to swirl around Luke before entering his body. He then heard Nash clapping.

"That's amazing! You became stronger again! But of course, not as strong as me though."

Luke just patted Nash's round head. He then activated his new power, [Bending Water]... The author has a really terrible naming sense.

Luke looked at the glass of water on the desk near him and controlled it. He then floats the water into the air and played around with it. He then formed a dragon with the water and let it dance around Nash. Nash looked happy.

"Woah! So pretty! Amazing! What an amazing power!"

Nash then played around with the water dragon before Luke put the water back in the cup again. He then looked at his hands with amazement.

'I felt like I have become an avatar or something.'

Luke just sighed and lay on the bed. He then started to fall asleep.