
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 38: Damsel in Distress(4)

The group nodded and rushed towards the battlefield following behind Selena. Noah saw this and put Finesse down in a safe place. Noah then spoke to her.

"Stay here, I'll follow after my idiotic brother."

Finesse nodded and saw Noah activate his blue aura and charged towards the battlefield. Her eyes were shaking while looking at the pile of corpses in the bloody battlefield in front of her. She wanted to scream but held it in. She just prayed for everyone to be safe.

Luke looked at Selena running towards the black orb while slashing enemies that were on the way. He could feel shocked stares directing at their group. They must be all shocked to see an unexpected party come into the battle. Luke ignored it and saw Selena jumping towards the black orb-like she was possessed. He then heard one of the men in a white robe shouting.

"Stop her! Stop them! Now!"

He then could see the people wearing white robes rushing towards them. Some have swords and some prepared their spells but none of those matter to Luke and just slashed his sword towards them without mercy.

Stabbing, cutting, slashing... Blood is splattering everywhere every time he swings his sword.

He just kept swinging his sword while looking blankly at the corpses behind his trail. It was quite the long trail and Luke didn't even notice until he turned around. He then sighed. Unnecessary memories suddenly came into his head in a flash before Luke forcefully tried to forget them. He then just sighed.

'How annoying... This is just like my past world.'

Luke squinted his eyes in annoyance and kept on swinging his sword. With the help of [Herculean Strength] and the regenerative powers of the God of Light's blessings, he could easily slash through the enemies' flesh and bones.

Boom! Splash!

Luke looked up and saw one of the black orbs shattering. The black liquid then came gushing out from the orb like a waterfall. Luke shouted in urgency.


Luke could feel Nash moving on his shoulder and a thick transparent shield appeared in front of the group. Luke could then see Selena rising from the black liquid. She looks fine thanks to the golden light covering her body. Luke was about to shout at her but she then started to run towards the next orb.


Luke then tightly gripped his sword and asked Nash on his shoulder.

"Nash, flight."

Luke could feel his body floating and he then shot towards Selena. He then grabbed her clothes and flew up into the air.

He lifted his hand and saw Selena dangling on his hand. Fortunately, she is not fighting back at Luke's grip but her face was all blank and was just staring at Luke as if she was crazy. Luke then cursed when he saw Selena's condition up close.

"Damn it!"

Luke could see black spots in Selena's arms, its withered souls. Even though she is protected by the golden light, it can't block all of the withered souls. Luke frowned and then landed on the dirt wall where the fairies and the queen is. The queen asked in shock.

"Who are you?"

"There is no time to explain. We are here to help you. Please take care of her."

Luke then passed the unconscious Selena to the fairies and jumped down the dirt wall. He then went towards his group behind the shield.

"Guys! Go on top of the dirt wall!"

They all nodded at his words. Noah then rushed towards the bushes and came back with Finesse in his hands. Spencer and the kids then cast flight magic on everyone and flew towards the dirt wall. The fairies on top of the wall looked at them with shock and confusion but Luke ignored it and faced the army of enemies up ahead.

He then spoke to his group who were all waiting for him to speak.

"You guys defend this dirt wall."

"What about you?"

"I'll destroy those catapults."

The group's eyes widened. Spencer then shouted.

"You can't! You idiot! It's dangerous!"

"Don't worry, I'm not exactly the one who will destroy those."


Luke smirked and turned his head towards the black orbs. He then activated [Shifting Earth]. This is his first time fully using this power so he doesn't know how this will turn out.

'Hope that this won't make a mess.'


The ground starts to shake and both the enemies and the fairies stopped to see what is going on. They then looked at the ground in shock.

Rocks started to gather together and took form into a golem. The ground vibrates terribly at the large lump of rocks gathering into each other.

The five ten-meter golems then stood after being fully built and stood around the dirt wall as if they were protecting it.

The fairy queen's mouth opened in shock. Her eyes were shaking and her lips were trembling. This is the first time she felt such a purely natural power before.

"Go, destroy those and absorb the withered souls."

The queen turned her head and saw a silver-haired man with a black coat calmly commanding the golems. She then saw the golems starting to move at his words and headed towards the catapults. The army of enemies then started to step back and then started to run away in horror from the golems.


• Got it.

A large barrier then appeared in front of the enemies running away. They desperately tried to break with magic but they can't possibly break a barrier made by a legendary beast.


The enemies then turned their heads and saw the terrifying-looking golems destroying their catapults and absorbing the shrieking withered souls into their rocky bodies. This unexpected intrusion of giants already baffled them and choked them with fear but after seeing what more the giants could do... They were afraid, terrified.

Some mages tried to destroy the golems by magic but there is a magical barrier preventing their attack to reach the golems.

They then finally noticed that they were trapped in a transparent box, because of this, they could only watch the golems destroy their catapults and withered souls in horror.

Oh, how the tides have changed. Earlier, they were all celebrating at their triumphant force over the fairies but now all they could do was wait for their deaths inside this large transparent box.

After absorbing the withered souls, the rocks on the golems turned completely black which made them look more terrifying and gross than before. Luke watched this and asked Nash who is on his shoulder.

"Nash, they are all ordinary people and mages right?"

• Correct! The only weird one was the guy we defeated earlier!

Luke smirked and told Nash.

"Deactivate the first part of the barrier."

The transparent barrier on the front then disappeared. The people in white robes tried to run away but stopped when the black golems then started walking towards them. Luke just blankly stared at this happening.

"Get a taste of your own medicine, cowards."

As he said that, screams that were louder than the shrieks of the withered souls started to envelop the whole area.


"No! Get away from me!"

"No! Stop! Aahhh!"

The black golems completely crushed the people in white robes. For ordinary people, this is a horrifying scene to look at but Luke just looked at this with calm eyes. He then said something to the fairies and his group who were looking at the horrifying scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"I can't keep controlling the golems any further."

The queen came back from her senses after she heard what Luke said and shouted towards the fairies.

"Everyone! Charge!"

The fairies immediately dive toward the people in white robes. The black golems moved to the side to not get in the fairies' way towards the people in white and gathered on one side and sat in there like they were puppets that has their strings cut.


Luke covered his mouth with his hands and saw blood on his hands. He then continued to cough up more blood.

• Luke! Luke! Are you okay?! Is something wrong?! Why are you coughing up blood?!


"Hey! What's wrong?!"

"Hey, are you okay?!"

"Luke? Luke!"

Luke didn't answer and kept coughing blood.

'Damn it, why?!'

• Idiot.

Luke's eyes widened at the familiar voice in his head that he didn't get to hear for a long time.

• Even though the rock is a powerful power, it might harm you if you overused it. Creating five golems from the get-go is dangerous and your body will have a hard time handling the power.

'Then what I should do then?! You mean that these powers are useless like how it was described in the novel?!'

Luke frowned. And as if the voice can read his thoughts, the voice answered.

• Do you heard the word 'combining'?

'Combining? What?'

• How stupid.

The voice sighed and Luke frowned.

• Releasing one power all out will deal significant damage on your body so you need another power to use so that you can't overuse your power. Imagine a scale. 50-50. One power will release half of its power and the other half will do the same, that way, the damage in your body will lessen.

Luke's eyes widened and looked at the necklace of the queen who was also looking at him. He then heard the voice in his head.

• Yes that is right, if you obtain the power to control water, you can combine it with [Shifting Earth] to form a... I don't know? Mud golem? Maybe? Sigh, earth and water never get along to become a powerful weapon you see, but it won't be too bad to get that power, it will also be helpful for you.

Luke silently agreed. He will need that power in case he ever encountered an unexpected fight on the water in the future. He needed every cheat power he could get.



Finesse supported his falling body and looked at Luke with her shaking eyes. She saw the amount of blood that Luke was coughing out and was about to cry but stopped when she saw Luke smiling. She stopped moving.

"Brother Luke!"

"Are you okay?"


"So much blood!"

The children started to panic when they saw a large amount of blood on the ground. They then heard Luke's weak voice.

"I-im fine. Don't worry."

Thanks to the God of Light's blessing, his pain decreased and his body felt somewhat better. He keeps coughing blood and felt a little bit tired but overall, he feels fine. Luke then heard Spencer and Noah's cold voice.

"Like hell you are fine."

"So this is what you look like when you saved Hak Village and Ceb City? You bastard."

Luke frowned at their voices and heard Lina's urgent voice from behind.

"Here! Lie him down here!"

Finesse carefully supported Luke's weak body and lie him down on a bed of leaves that Lina seemed to have gathered. Luke could also see Selena lying on the bed of leaves unconscious not too far from him.

Finesse carefully put Luke's body down. Luke then saw a fairy with purple hair flying towards him. The fairy's facial features looked familiar but he is too tired to remember. The fairy then spoke.

"Don't worry, I am pretty good at healing."

Luke wanted to say that there is no need to heal but all the energy on his body was drained so he just let the fairy do what he wants. He then slowly closed his eyes and fell unconscious.