
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 32: Leash(2)

The carriage finally arrived at the party and Luke and the others got down from the carriage. They then slowly walked towards the entrance.

When they walked in, all the people stopped talking and looked at the guests who arrived. They then bowed at the sight of the crown prince and Duchess Trego. It really showed how powerful these two people were.

After the nobles finished bowing they then stopped and looked at the person standing in the middle between two powerful figures of the kingdom. It was Luke.

Luke looked around and saw all eyes looking at him. He then internally cursed.

'Don't look at me like that damn it!'

Luke then tried to hide his face by looking down and slowly striding away from Paulina and Lance. But his efforts were in vain since the nobles were still looking at him, but thankfully, after a while of staring, the nobles turn back to chattering with each other.

Luke then sighed in relief and look around. He then saw his group eating happily at the buffet and doesn't seem to care about the stares that the nobles were giving them. He then sighed and walked towards them.

The group seems to not notice his arrival since they were busy eating so Luke just decided to mind his own business and look around.

Luke then saw the crown prince walking towards the crowd and talked to the nobles around him with a smile. He then saw two other princes taking a glance at Lance. It seems like they knew that Lance won't let them take any chances to expand their factions.

Luke just ignored Lance doing his thing and looked at his group with a dumbfounded face.

Selena and Lina were happily eating chocolate in the chocolate fountain and the children are picking up candies and eats them. He then saw Klein and Spencer quietly drinking wine in the corner.

"Hmm! You are right Lina! This is delicious!"

"I told you! Here have some chocolate fondue!"

"Waah! So many candies!"

"Ah look! This one is strawberry flavor!"

"Woah! Look! It's a jawbreaker!"

"Careful! Your teeth might get ruined brother!"

"Tsk, I suddenly feel awkward. I feel out of place."

"This is why I don't want to go."

He then heard Nash's voice in his head.

• Hey! Can I go and eat some candies too? Looks yummy!

Luke nodded and he felt Nash jumping from his shoulders. He then sighed and picked up a wine glass and drank it. He then looks at the crowd of nobles. The nobles around them were looking at Luke and his group with annoyed expressions. Luke just ignored it.

'They must be wondering just who we are and how are we invited. Since we look and act like pigs than nobles.'

And it also seems that the nobles didn't recognize them right away as the heroes of Hak and Ceb City, which was favorable for Luke.

Luke slowly drank his wine. He then made eye contact with one of the nobles. The noble looked annoyed and walks towards him. Luke frowned. He suddenly has a bad feeling.

And then, it happened.


'Goddammit, I thought this sort of clichés only happens on main characters?! Why me?!'

Everyone around him gasped and he then heard his group's voices behind him.


"Brother Luke!"

"Are you okay?!"

"Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"What is wrong with you?!"


"Dang it, I kind of predicted this will happen but I didn't expect it to happen to you."

"Holy! Are you alright?"

Luke looked down at his wet clothes stained with red wine. He then looked at the noble who was smirking cockily at him. He seems a bit drunk.

Luke looked around and saw a desk filled with strong alcohol. He then realized why the noble got drunk so fast.

"Oops! Sorry, I didn't see you there! Just who do you think you are to block my way anyway?"

Luke glared at the noble smirking at him.


While looking at the noble, he could hear angry Nash's voice inside his head.

• Just who is this bastard?! I will kill him!

Luke ignored Nash's scary words and looked around. All the nobles are looking at him with pitiful gazes. Luke just continued to scan around and saw the third prince smirking at him. Luke locked his sight at him.

'So this bastard is part of your faction? Just wait, I'll hunt you all down.'

The reason why the third prince must've let this happen was that he saw me entering with Lance, his enemy to the throne. What a petty move.

He then saw the drunken noble smirking at him.

"What? Aren't you going to kneel? You are in front of a noble so kneel!"

'This guy seemed to have lost it. I think he clearly forgot that I and Noah were acting like family just a while ago.'

The noble was about to say something again but flinched when he saw the cold gazes of Luke and the group behind him. It was a sharp and chilly gaze. Their chaotic and cheery atmosphere earlier completely disappeared.

The noble then gasped when he felt a strong murderous aura around Luke. It's coming from Nash.

The noble trembled and gasped for air. He kneeled down on the ground while holding his neck as if he can't breathe. The nobles around Luke also trembled at the amount of murderous aura around him.

Luke saw this and started to get concerned about how the people will see him so he starts to console Nash.

"Hey calm down, I am fine."

• Like hell you are fine! Did you see how this bastard just looked down at you?! I'll rip him to shreds!

He then saw the noble's face slowly turning blue and frowned.

"Stop, he might die. If he dies the group and I will be blamed for it. It will also put you into danger so stop."

He then felt Nash flinching on his shoulder and put his aura back. The noble then finally gasped for air and sat on the ground, he then pointed at Luke and his group who are glaring at him like they were demons. He looked not like a noble as he did that.

"Y-you! You! How dare you! Do you know the third prince won't let this matter go?!"

Luke answered coldly and glanced at the third prince who was avoiding his gaze. Luke then stared back at the noble pointing at him.

"Hmm? I wonder?"

"You! What did you just say?!"


The noble flinched and looked at Finesse, Noah, and the crown prince and Paulina rushing towards Luke. Finesse then gasped and looked at Luke's clothes.

"Oh my god, brother, your clothes."

"I'm fine, this is nothing."

Luke then heard Noah's cold voice.

"Just what happened here? Baron Paul, why are you lying on the ground?"

The noble named Paul answered while stuttering.

"I-I, H-he-"

Paul then heard the crown prince butting in. He looks disappointed.

"Ah, I see. Tsk, tsk. Baron Paul, how can you not recognize the famous hero of Hak Village and Ceb City? You need your eyes to be checked."

The nobles all gasped at the crown prince's declaration. Paul's face then turned white. Lance then glanced at the third prince.

"Oh brother, you must keep an eye on your subordinates. It will be bad if they carelessly offended someone. Especially a hero."

Luke frowned.

'You didn't have to call me a hero...'

As Luke was thinking of that, the third prince nervously looked away. He then heard Noah's cold voice.

"Baron Paul, how dare you spill wine at my brother? And I Also heard you laughing at him and his companions. Do you have a death wish?"

Paul's eyes shook intensely and kneeled in front of Noah. His head is touching the ground while his body is shaking in fear.

That is the power of the main character for you.

"I am sorry! I didn't know! Please forgive me!"

Luke and his group quietly looked down at Paul. Luke sighed.

"Brother, it's okay, I am fine."

"B-brother Luke, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay sister, I am fine. And oh, your highness?"

"Hmmm? What is it, brother?"

"Let's now talk about that matter."


Lance, Luke, and his group then turned around and walked away. All the nobles in the party hall looked at Luke and his group's back with shock but the group didn't care and continued to walk forward. The group walked towards the hallway with cold eyes. The silence was then broken at Lina's whining.

"Ahhh! Just when things are about to get good a party pooper then comes in!"

Selena then followed with an annoyed voice.

"Yeah, I can't believe how rude he is! Are all nobles like that?!"

Klein then followed.

"What's his name again? Paul? What a guy, he thinks that everything is below his feet."

The children then talked in an angry voice.

"That uncle is so bad and evil!"

"Yeah! How dare he pours wine at brother?!"

"I was about to cast fire magic but stopped when sister Finesse and brother Noah entered."

"Right?! I should've cast a fire spell before that."

Luke looked at the children spouting terrifying words and then heard Spencer sighing.

"Haa, what an unlucky day."

Spencer then cast cleaning magic on Luke and the wine spill was completely gone. Luke then heard Nash's cold voice in his head.

• I'll remember that bastard.

Luke sighed and patted Nash a bit and looked at the crown prince staring at him. Luke then asked.

"What is it? Your highness?"

"Can you introduce me to your companions?"


'It's quite troublesome but I can't say no.'

Luke then started to point towards his companions.

"That guy is named Spencer, he is a highest-grade mage."

Lance then gasped in shock.


Luke ignored him and continued.

"Those kids are Michael, Josh, Jessa, and Lily. They are all mid-grade mages."

Luke ignored Lance's dumbfounded face and continued.

Mages, even though they are the norm in this world, there are only quite a few people who can become mages. And it's very rare to find five young talents at once like Spencer and the kids.

"Then that is Selena. She is the child of the God of Light."


His reaction is quite understandable, even though this kingdom didn't have an official religion, most of the people here worshipped the God of Light. And now personally seeing the child of the God of Light has got quite an impact on him.

"Then that is Lina, she is a half-elf."

"My goodness."

Elves are very discreet and rarely come out to the human world. It is quite normal to be shocked.

But Luke treats it like it's nothing.

"And this is Klein, he will be a part of our discussion later."

The crown prince was speechless while looking at Luke calmly introducing his companions one by one. He then thought.

'I know that his group was strong since they saved and defended Hak Village and Ceb City but this... This is just crazy.'

Luke looked at Lance's stunned face.

'I can't tell him about Nash yet.'

Luke sighed and spoke to the crown prince to help him snap out of it.

"Your highness, we must go now. We will soon discuss a very important topic."

The crown prince snapped out of it and regain his princely composure.

"Then let's head to my office."

Luke nodded and followed behind Lance. The group then arrived in front of the office and Luke turned towards them.

"You all can go home now if you want, Sir Klein, you wait here until I call for you."


The crown prince then looked at Luke weirdly.

"Is there is something you want to talk about in private?"

Luke just mentioned that Klein will be a part of their discussion but he is making him wait here by the door?

Luke smiled at Lance. Lance suddenly has an ominous feeling after seeing that smile.

Luke saw the uneasiness on Lance's face and smirked.

'If I want to use the crown prince properly, I have to put on a leash on him. And I have the perfect leash to use.'

Luke and Lance entered the office and sat across from each other. They stared at each other for a while before Luke suddenly dropped a massive bomb at Lance.

"Your highness, you are not the Queen's firstborn right? You aren't her son either."