
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 22: Friend(3)

Light covered Luke's body and white wings suddenly grew on his back and extended for two meters long. After activating his wings, the light faded.

Luke folded the wings in front of him. He frowned at first as to how holy his pure white wings looked but ignored it and touched the white wings. A smooth texture of the feathers could be felt. It's like holding the finest silk that only royals can wear.

But even though these wings may seem soft, they will definitely protect the user from almost anything. Luke smiled for a moment but then started to frown again.

'I will definitely not show these wings to the public. If I do... God knows what will the people think of me.'

Luke felt shivers on his back at his scary thought. He then heaved a sigh.

Anyway, these wings can grow base on the user's desire, it's minimum length is two meters and its maximum can go on for about a hundred meters, but of course, if Luke did that his back will peel off from the weight of the wings.

And he'll never plan to do that. Ever.

When he was done looking at his wings, he then saw the now small Kraken swimming around him.

"Kiiik! Kiiik! Kiiiiik!"

Luke couldn't understand a word that the Kraken was talking about. But he answered based on the movements of the Kraken he has observed.

"Hmm, you want to be friends right? Uh, okay? What should I call you?"

Luke decided to play along with the Kraken because if he didn't, the Kraken might get mad and kill him. Even the [Guardian Wings] won't help if an angry Kraken decided to squash him.

He saw the Kraken forming a sad face, but then brightened and pointed his tentacles to him. Luke asked while pointing to himself with confusion.

"...You want me to name you?"

The Kraken nodded.

"Kiiiiik! Kiiik! Kiiiiik!"

Luke stared at the Kraken for a moment before starting to think.

'I don't want to mess this up. If the Kraken doesn't like the name, he might kill me.'

Luke worked his head off while thinking for a proper name. After a while of thinking, a good name suddenly brushed through his mind. He then smiled at the Kraken who is patiently waiting for him.

"How about... Plankton? Sounds good?"

The Kraken was silent for a moment which made Luke nervous. Luke was prepared to run away but then...


The Kraken then formed a bright face and danced around Luke. Luke made a sigh of relief.

While waiting for the Kraken to stop dancing, a sudden thought crossed his mind.

It was a very, reckless and ridiculous thought...

'Wait, what if I use him...? That will definitely be a piece of cake for him.'

Luke looked at the Kraken for a second. He doesn't know if this will work or not but if it worked then everything will be a lot easier for him.

"Hey Plankton, if I've been put in danger. Will you come and save me?"

Plankton stopped for a moment before nodding energetically. Luke then smiled and asked another question.

"And, do you want to have more friends?"


Plankton nodded energetically and danced around happily. Luke smiled internally and spoke to him.

"I have a few companions who would love to be your friend. But, they will soon face war and fight bad guys. Will you help them?"


Plankton nodded with a determined expression. Luke then smiled brightly.

He can't help it, he didn't know that this will be too easy.

"Then how about this? I'll call you when they are in danger and needed rescue, and then you show yourself and beat the bad guys in front of them. If they saw a very reliable friend appear, won't they get close to you faster?"

Plankton seems to like my idea and his eyes shined brightly. I then asked him.

"Now, is there a way for me to call you...? Like, you know? Like a signal?"

Plankton then thought for a moment before exclaiming like he has an idea and swam back to the trench where he came from.

When Plankton came back, he is carrying a seashell the size of an adult hand and give it to me. I accepted it with a smile and is about to put it in my spatial pocket but Plankton stopped me.

"What? What's wrong?"


Plankton then pointed towards the seashell that I am holding and I lifted it with confusion.

Plankton then moved forward and pointed at a certain part of the seashell. There was a hole in the middle of the seashell.

Luke looked at it with confusion at first but stopped when he saw tiny letters beside the hole.

[This relic is used by the ancients to call forth the destroyers of the seas.

But to use the relic, the blood of the chosen person of the Kraken himself must offer their blood to fully own the relic.]

Luke stared silently at the letters for a while before sighing.

He then pulls out the blade of his sword and poked his finger at it. His finger was easily cut and blood started to flow out from his finger.

Luke was about to put his finger in the hole but stopped when he noticed that the hole was already beginning to suck the blood that is scattered on the water by itself.

A bright-colored red light started to run through the cracks of the shell, and once the light filled the cracks, the hole stopped sucking his blood.

Luke gulped and thought.

'What a scary seashell. It looks like it was about to suck my whole blood earlier...'

Luke sighed and just chucked the seashell in his spatial pocket and his finger started to heal.

Luke then gave a thumbs up to Plankton and Plankton formed a very bright face. After that, he heard a loud noise at the trench.


A large tentacle then appeared from the trench. Luke was alarmed for a second before calming down. Plankton then swam towards the tentacle.

"Kiik! Kiiik! Kiiik!"

The tentacle stopped moving for a moment before going back to the trench. Plankton then turned towards Luke and Luke looked at him with surprise.

"You have a family?"

Plankton nodded and raise his four tentacles. Luke then gave a shocked comment.

"You have four other family members?"

Plankton then nodded energetically. Luke smiled and then looked up at the surface of the water. It's time to go back. He then talked to Plankton.

"It's nice meeting you Plankton, but I need to go now."

Plankton then made a sad face. Luke patted his head and spoke.

"Why don't you come with me and send me off?"

Plankton made a bright smile and then both he and Luke swam up towards the surface.

Luke could almost see the surface and spread his white wings. He then shot up into the air and returned to the surface.

The wings immediately dried and flapped. Luke floated up into the air and saw Nash flying towards him with shock.

"Hey! What took you so long? What's with those wings?!"

Luke smiled at Nash. Nash removed the water breathing magic on Luke and Luke looked down at the water.

He could see Plankton looking up to him. Nash noticed Plankton and looked at him with shock. Luke then introduced Nash.

"Plankton, this is Nash, a legendary beast. Nash, this is Plankton, also a legendary beast."

Plankton happily waved his tentacles at Nash who was silently staring at him. Nash then floated towards Plankton and smiled at him.

"This is the first time I see another legendary beast besides my mother! Hello! My name is Nash! Nash Clodwal! Nice to meet you!"


Nash and Plankton happily greeted each other and Luke just stared at the two destructive and dangerous legendary beasts happily greeting each other.

Luke then called out to Nash because he can't handle his clothes being wet while floating in the middle of an ocean anymore. It's cold.

"Nash, cleaning magic and temperature magic please."

"Ah, I forgot."

Nash then cast cleaning magic and Luke's hair, clothes, and coat become instantly dry. Nash then cast temperature magic at Luke and Luke started to feel better. He smiled in satisfaction and then said something to Nash and Plankton.

"Okay, now bid your goodbyes. We can't stay here for long."

Plankton and Nash made sad faces at Luke's words and then bid farewell to each other.

"Goodbye Plankton, it is nice meeting you."


Luke looked at the gloomy farewell and said something to cheer them up.

"Don't worry, you'll be seeing each other soon enough."

Nash turned his head to Luke and asked.



"All right! Then see you again next time Plankton!"


Luke then turned around and Nash followed behind him while waving his fluffy paw left and right to Plankton. Plankton also waved his tentacles up in the air to say goodbye before diving back underwater. Nash flew next to Luke and happily speak.

"I like him! I like his name too! He is a good kid!"

"It is a good thing that you were friends already."

"Of course! I'm good at socializing! And by the way, what's up with those wings?"

Nash looked at the wings flapping on Luke's back and Luke answered like it was nothing.

"I found another stone."

"Ooooh! So that is where you got it."


Nash admired the pure white wings for a while before speaking out his thoughts.

"You look like an angel, silver hair and white wings. Just wear a white robe and you'll really look like a real angel!"

Luke flinched and frowned.

'I'll never show these wings unless it is really an emergency. This is too eye-catching... Damn it.'

Luke frowned deeply and flew towards the inn faster. It is late at night in the village and there is not a single soul that could be seen walking in the streets, everything was dark. This is beneficial for Luke because no one is awake to witness him.

Luke landed on the windowsill and deactivated his wings. The wings faded away like dust and Luke closed the window after that. He then landed on the bed with Nash beside him and immediately sleep. Lots happened today so he really needs rest.