
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 175: Wedding-Crasher(5)

Everyone in the cathedral gasped as they looked at the unconscious Grand Duke... And Luke, who had just whacked Romeo's head with the Bible he was holding. No one dared to say anything because everyone was stunned.


Except for Dos, who appears to be amused by what Luke has just done.

Luke just frowned at Dos, who was laughing so hard that the tight suit he was wearing ripped.

"Dos! Now is not the time to laugh! GRAB THE GRAND DUKE!"

Luke then made his move and immediately carried Irene in his arms. He then started running towards the massive cathedral doors.

The knights appear to have snapped out of it and began yelling all over the cathedral, alarming the visitors.



Luke frowned and glared at Dos, whom he dashed past on his way to the doors. Dos just sighed and frowned as he noticed Luke's glare.

"Damn it alright I'll take the fatty."

Dos then dashed towards the altar, grabbing the unconscious Grand Duke with one arm. Dos then started to run, following behind Luke and while doing so, countless guards got into his way. Dos just grinned at the knights, who were all pointing their swords at him.

"Thanks for the free sword, you idiots!"

Dos then leaped and kicked one of the guards to the ground. The guard he kicked down dropped his sword, and Dos drabbed it with his other hand as he ran, slashing his way through the hordes of knights on his way.


Luke looked over his shoulder and saw Klein running towards him, but Klein came to a halt as Miya and Lizzie tried to stop him. Klein looks at Luke with shock and a hint of despair, and Luke just smiles.

"Live a good life from now on, Klein! Hope we'll meet again! Goodbye!"

Klein clenched his fists in response to Luke's words.


Luke just sighed and kept running with Irene in his arms. He just kept running with his back turned to Klein and not replying to his shout. Klein just stared at Luke's and Liam's backs, which were rapidly fading as the light from the sun outside swallowed them up, tears welling up in his eyes. He can't believe he'll be so emotional about leaving them.

"Just let them go, Klein."

Miya then puts her hands on Klein's shoulders after saying that to her husband. Lizzie simply looked at her father's tearful face and decided to hug him to console him in some way. The reactions of her wife and daughter made him cry even more. He then cast a bitter glance outside the cathedral, where Luke and Liam were no longer visible.

"Be careful... You guys."


"Luke! Over here!"

Luke's gaze was drawn forward to the bottom of the cathedral's stairwell. Lina, Valerie, and Snow were waving at him from the top of the carriage. Erdene appears to be at ease while sitting inside the carriage, while Jay sits in the driver's seat, admiring him.

Luke frowned as he realized he'd have to cross two flights of stairs just to get down. Luke then clicked his tongue and tightened his grip on Irene which Irene notices.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hold on, we're going to jump."

"Wait a minute, what-"

Ignoring Irene, Luke activated his wind powers and began to jump. Irene looked at Luke as if he were insane, and she unintentionally tightened her grip and drew herself closer to his body to keep herself from falling. Meanwhile, Luke used the wind to propel himself towards the carriage's roof. Luke landed safely and gracefully once he reached the roof. Luke just sighed in relief and looked at Irene, who appears to be ripping his clothes with how tightly she clenched on them.

"You can let go now, Irene."

"Haa, the information that I got about you is correct, you are indeed reckless."

"Uh, you're welcome?"

Irene then let go of Luke's clothes and jumped from his arms to stand on the carriage's roof. Luke just checked to make sure she wasn't hurt before turning around.

"Where is Dos?"

As Luke said that, the crew in the carriage saw Dos jumping towards them from the flight of stairs while explosions happen behind him. Luke and the others were taken aback; it appeared to be a scene from an action film. Luke simply frowned at this.

'Being the second male lead really gives you great visual effects like these huh?'

Luke snapped back to reality when he heard Dos shouting at him while still in the air.


Luke's eyes widened in shock and just looked at Dos landing on the roof of the carriage beside him. Luke then looked at Dos who is looking back with anxiety.

"The Dark Eye is here?"

Dos then frowned at Luke with annoyance while ripping off the ripped tight suit he is wearing. Dos then irritably kicked the driver's seat roof, causing Jay to flinch. Dos also dumped the Grand Duke, who he was holding with his arm, inside the carriage.

"Are you deaf? I told you to move!"

Jay frantically held the reins of the horses and immediately made the horses move.


Dos just frowned at Jay's reaction and turned to see who was following them. They were then pursued by hundreds of knights on foot and horses wielding swords.



Luke looked at the crowd of knights with confusion as he immediately scanned all the areas around them.

"Dos, I don't see the Dark Eye's people."

"You idiot! Don't look at the ground, look up!"

Luke then flinched at the realization and looked upwards, and there he saw them.

"So, that priest is a member of the Dark Eye, huh?"

Luke stared at the priest they knocked out earlier gliding in the air while looking at him menacingly. Three white-robed men are also flying behind him. Dos simply scowled, he seems to be irritated at himself.

"I should've noticed it earlier, damn it!"

Valerie just stared at Dos and Luke as they talked, baffled.

"Hey! Stop focusing on those dudes in the air for a while! We must defeat these knights!"

Luke then turned his attention to the front, where he noticed some of the knights gaining speed and slowly approaching them. Luke just clicked his tongue, since he has no weapons in hand; he needs to do this the old-fashioned way.


The knight who is almost in reach to the carriage just received a solid kick in the face causing him to fell off his horse and land on the solid ground. Irene and Valerie just stared at the soldier who had just been kicked- and then at Luke, who began kicking the knights as they approached one by one. And he's not just kicking aimlessly; he's kicking with technique and style. In the eyes of others, he appears to be floating in midair rather than kicking, making him appear elegant.

Snow and Erdene, who were still inside the carriage, were taken aback by Luke's martial arts kicks. They didn't expect Luke, who looks like he'd be blown down by a strong wind, to do such powerful kicks. Even Nash was thrilled as he observes Luke's powerful moves.

· Dad is so awesome!

"Ho... You are now just revealing your skills, brat?"

Luke simply frowned at Erdene, who was staring at him through the carriage window and continued to defend the carriage. Luke began to breathe heavily after a few more minutes of kicking; his body has become far weaker than before, and he can't even last 30 minutes. He can do well with power thanks to [Herculean Strength], but not so much on stamina especially Selena is not here right now.

'Damn it.'

Luke then decided to stop and goes back to standing on top of the carriage. He then turned his gaze to the hundreds of knights that are still behind their tails, as well as the Dark Eye, who is gliding through the air. The Dark Eye is not yet attacking them; instead, they appear to be observing them, which irritates Luke and Dos. Erdene, who is inside the carriage, just cast a cold glare at the Dark Eye, who is floating in the air.

"Their eyes irritate me."

When he heard Erdene's words, Luke simply sighed and looked at Irene, who was standing beside him. When he saw Irene roll her gown up, revealing her legs, his eyes widened.

"H-hold on, Irene?"

Irene paused in rolling up her gown and gazed calmly at Luke.


"Why... Why are you rolling your gown up?"

"Oh, you mean this?"

Irene then fully rolled up her gown, revealing strapped weapons such as daggers and bombs attached to the inner skirt's corners. Luke's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. No wonder Irene felt abnormally heavy while he was carrying her, it turned out she had weapons in her gown?!

Irene ignored Luke's puzzled expression and grabbed one of the bombs from her gown. And began to remove the pin and throw it at the knights. Luke then snapped out of it and attempted to stop Irene, but it was too late.

"Wait, Irene!"

Luke was too late because the bomb had already been thrown on the ground. It hasn't detonated yet, but it soon will if any of those knights in there accidentally stepped on it. Irene was perplexed as she looked at Luke's shocked expression.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Luke then looked at Irene, dumbfounded.

"Are you insane?! Innocent people could be harmed by that bomb!"

Irene then cocked her head to the side, puzzledly looking at Luke.






Luke then noticed some of the knights stopping in their tracks and closing their eyes. Luke then stared at it, wide-eyed.

"Flash bombs? You guys had flash bombs?!"

Irene smirked at Luke before pulling a gun from her gown.

"Do you think I'm going to bring a bomb to a public place? I have morals; I would never cause harm to the innocent."

Irene then smiled viciously and started to point her gun towards the knights. She then started to fire her shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When Luke looked at Irene's face while she was firing her guns, he was completely speechless. She appears to be having a great time doing what she is doing. And then it hits Luke, he has completely forgotten that Irene was not the Queen of the Underworld for no reason. She is not regarded as Marcel's rival for no reason.

'She is damn scarier than Marcel...'

At that realization, Luke just looked at Irene firing guns with an uncomfortable face. He then noticed Valerie widening her smile and pulling out her guns as well.

"I'll join in the fun as well!"

While Irene and Valerie begin to get busy with their guns. Lina, who was standing behind them, looked at the guns they were holding with trembling eyes. She can't believe that she'll see this type of weapon ever again after that incident in the Brom Kingdom. The shape and sound of the guns remind her of the time she met the mysterious masked man.

"Why... Why is that weapon here?"

Luke then looked behind him and noticed Lina trembling slightly as she looked at the guns. Luke, on the other hand, was more concerned with what she said.

"You saw a gun before?"

Lina then looked at Luke and nodded worriedly. Luke then looked at her with a confused look.


"Back in the Brom Kingdom, together with Liam."


Luke then looked at Lina in disbelief. Why hadn't they informed him of this earlier? Why is he only finding out about this now? Luke then sighed and shook his head. He doesn't know where to focus because there is so much going on.

"Fuck, let's finish this."

Luke sighed and tapped Irene on the shoulder. Irene then came to a halt and looked at Luke, perplexed.

"What is it? Young master?"

"Do you have an extra gun?"

"I don't..."

"Then can I borrow that?"

"What? Do you even know how to use this-"

"I do; it's been a while since I've used one, but I do."

Irene started at Luke with shock for a few seconds before giving him her gun. Valerie noticed this as well and turned to face Luke, who was standing beside her with a gun.

"Do you even know how to use a gun, Smiley?"

Luke looked at Valerie after pausing while he examines the gun in his hand.

"Why don't we try to find out?"

Luke then took a position and pointed the tip of the gun at the knights in front of him. Luke simply stared at the knights, who were looking at him with trepidation. They've seen what a gun can do to someone, so they're on high alert.

"Dance for me."