
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 173: Wedding-Crasher(3)

"You guys have guns here?"

Valerie gave Luke a friendly smile.

"You are correct, Smiley. You are very knowledgeable. Too knowledgeable that is it getting suspicious."

Luke remained silent for a few moments before raising his arms in the air.

"Put the gun down. Let's talk things through."

Luke then looked Valerie in the eyes. He could then hear Nash's growls while doing so.

• What is she holding, Dad? It appears to be dangerous. Should I sever her hand?

Luke slightly shakes her head and listened to Valerie.

"Smiley, tell me who you are."

Luke locked his gaze on her eyes for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to the gun nozzle in front of him.

'It appears Valerie is not as stupid as I thought.'

Luke always thought that Valerie is the type to easily manipulate because of their past interactions from within the pirate ship, but it seems like he was wrong. Valerie has done a good job of concealing her fangs from Luke. She is not the Queen of the Underworld's friend for nothing.

"Do you really want to know who I am? Princess?"

"If you keep talking like that, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger. Smiley, I'm grateful to you for convincing me to go back and talk things over with my mother, but I'm not grateful enough to not kill you on the spot. Smiley, you know far too much; now tell me, who are you?"

Luke simply stared at her for a few moments before opening his mouth. He was about to respond when someone cut him off.

"Luke Viscellete, a person with a mysterious past who was unexpectedly taken in by the Reece Kingdom's Viscellete Dukedom. The famed Hero of the East, and the one who has shaken the entire world with his ability to resurrect the dead with the help of the God of Light."

Luke and Valerie turned around at the top of the stairs to see a very fair but sharp maiden looking down at them. She has long, curly, ash-colored hair, deep red crimson eyes, and a commanding but menacing aura that can make you feel weak and small. The Queen of the Underworld, Irene Pierce.

Luke and Irene made direct eye contact. Irene then spoke slowly, smirking down at Luke.

"I'm glad I finally met you, young master Luke. I was planning on contacting you and getting to know you for business purposes, but it appears that I won't have to because you came to me first."

Valerie lowered her weapon, and Luke lowered his hands when he saw her actions. He then turned to face Irene, who was also staring back at him.

"It appears that I no longer need to introduce myself because the Queen of the Underworld already knows who I am and what my background is."

Irene sighed and returned her gaze to them.

"Please don't misunderstand; I was just merely interested in you so I dug a bit of your information."

Irene then returned to her room, followed by Valerie and Luke. Valerie followed up with a question. She appears to be shocked.

"Smiley, you can resurrect the dead?"

Luke looked at Valerie, who was standing beside him, in disbelief. She's acting as if she didn't just point a gun at him. What a terrifying woman.

"By the way, where did you get your gun?"

"Hmm? This?"

Valerie then raised her gun and pointed at it. Luke just nodded.

"Yes, I was wondering where you got that."

"I received this as a gift from Irene. I also purchased a few more from Irene's black market. She stated that the guns come with a variety of strange and bizarre weapons. She said it came from a mysterious seller whose identity is still unknown."

"...An unknown seller, you say?"

Valerie gave a nod.

"He's a strange and creepy dude. Even Irene feels uneasy when she speaks to him."

"Ah, I see."

Luke then fell silent and continued walking. They soon arrived at Irene's room, where Luke noticed Irene sitting calmly on the couch, sipping tea. She is currently looking out the window while dressed in a sparkly and opulent gown. This photo of her made her appear to be a very cool maiden in a wedding gown. Her features are absolutely stunning.

"Please take a seat, you two."

Luke and Valerie then sat on the available couch in front of Irene, admiring her as she elegantly placed her tea at the table. With her cool and sharp eyes, she then looked at Luke and Valerie, who were sitting in front of her.

"May I now inquire as to why the two of you are together and have traveled all the way here to see me? I understand Valerie's reason for coming here, but what about you? Young master Luke?"

Valerie sipped her tea and then pointed her thumb at Luke.

"We met in front of the cathedral, and he said he wanted to help you crash the wedding."


Luke nodded at Irene's surprised expression.

"I'm here to assist you in escaping the Grand Duke. What do you think? Will you let me assist you or not?"

"I'm perplexed. What is your motivation, and why do you want to assist me?"

Luke bit his lip internally at Irene's question. Why does he want to help her in the first place anyway? Actually, Luke doesn't see the situation that way- He is helping himself which is why he is doing this.

'So that I would not be disturbed in the future anymore...'

Luke then sighed and shakes his head. He can't possibly just say that.

"Well, it's because I'd like to get to know you... And, since you're in trouble right now, I'd like to assist you. Assume I'm doing this to demonstrate my worthiness to be your friend."

"What makes you want to be my friend? Young master?"

Luke took a sip of his tea before speaking. Since the situation has already come to this, might as well take advantage of it.

"I would like to ask you a few questions, nothing more."

"Questions about what?"

Luke then raised his gaze to Irene's. His expression is so solemn that Irene can't help but feel tense.

"I'd like to ask about that anonymous seller who sells you guns."

Irene came to a halt and looked at Luke with interest.

"Is that all you want from me?"

"Yes, that is all."

"Interesting. However, since the two of us will soon be acquaintances, I'd like to give you something more."

"Hmm? And what could it possibly be?"

Irene then gave Luke an elegant smile. Luke just sat there staring at her. Despite the fact that Marcel and she are siblings, their personalities are very different. It's no surprise that the two of them never get along.

"I'll tell you later. All right, shall we get started on the plan?"

Luke began to pay attention and speak after that.

"Ah yes, about that, I was just planning on creating massive chaos inside the cathedral and carrying you out."

Irene and Valerie remained silent as they gazed at Luke. Luke simply stared at them in confusion.

"What? Don't tell me you expected an extravagant plan from a runaway chaos?"

Irene simply sighed and set down her teacup.

"That's impossible; the Duke is a quick thinker. If he notices strange behavior around him, he will immediately shut everything down."

Then Luke cocked his head to the side.

"So I should be close to you so I can yank you away right away, huh?"

Irene gave a nod.

"That's right, you'll need someone to assist you, and since you're alone and Valerie isn't invited inside, you'll have a difficult time escaping with me."

Valerie just looked at the two who were wearing serious looks with a confused face. She then began to speak as if the problem were simple.

"Why can't he just be the priest?"

Luke and Irene fell silent and stared in disbelief at Valerie. Valerie simply shrugged her shoulders in their direction.

"What? Because no one knows I've yet returned and my mother is too busy to be the one to bless the wedding, the bishop or one of the trusted priests will preside over the ceremony. And since I heard that the bishop is currently very sick right now, a trusted priest will be sent on his behalf."

Luke's mouth opened and closed a few times before nodding.

"...That might work."

Irene then stares at Luke as if he's insane.

"Do you really believe this crazy plan will work?"

"I mean, yes, it is possible. I can be close to you and simply ask one of my companions to take my place on the guest list so that they can also assist me in taking you out. It's a win-win scenario."

Irene then frowned slightly.

"What if the Grand Duke recognizes the priest's appearance?"

Valerie then shakes her head with a look of doubt.

"I seriously doubt it. I'm sure the Duke only knows the priest's name and not his face. I know this because the Duke isn't particularly interested in those beneath him. I'm sure he's disappointed that neither I nor the bishop will be in charge of the ceremony."

Irene remained silent for a few seconds before nodding, as if convinced.

"All right, but how are we going to get away from them effectively?"

Luke then grinned and snapped his fingers.

"That won't be a problem; I'll have my group waiting for us outside."

"And how many of them are there?"

"... Three, minus one because the other will take my place as a guest."

Irene then looked at Luke with slight disappointment.

"That's it? Are you even sure you can help me?"

Luke simply sighed and leaned back in his chair. If Irene knew how powerful those two people are, she wouldn't look at him like that.

"All right, let's add two more... And I believe those two are the best candidates for this position."

Irene then cast a curious glance at Luke.

"And who could they be?"

Luke ignored Irene's question and spoke to Nash, who was sitting on his shoulder.

"Bring them both here. Jay and Lina."

• Roger!

Irene and Valerie looked at Luke with confusion but quickly flinched when a bright light suddenly engulfed the room. Throughout this, Luke smirked at Irene and Valerie, who were shielding their eyes from the bright light.

"Meet my group's two Easterners, Lina Clenn and Jay Luther."

The light faded and two figures appeared inside the room as soon as Luke stopped talking. Irene and Valerie then opened their eyes and looked around the room at the two new faces.

"Huh? So, where are we?"

"Oh! It's my Lord- I mean, the young master!"

Lina and Jay then turned to face Luke, who was casually sitting on a chair and staring at them. Luke then simply grinned as he observed their perplexed expressions.

"You are currently in your home continent, the Eastern continent."

Lina and Jay both jumped at Luke's words. Lina immediately frowned, while Jay remained silent.

"Why did you bring me here? Are you here to return me?!"

A loud shout rang out in the room as those words were spoken. It's Jay, and he's now on his knees in front of Luke, on the verge of tears.

"NOOO! Please don't leave me! I will do anything! Anything! Please don't abandon me!"

Lina and Luke just looked at Jay begging on the floor with a blank stare. Meanwhile, Irene was speechless as she watched this scene, and Valerie just stared at Jay as if he were a fascinating fossil. Luke only sighed and frowned. He is now wondering if calling Jay is ever a good idea.

"Haa, don't worry, I won't abandon you. Get up, I called you here because I need your assistance."

Jay immediately stopped crying and jumped back up, looking at Luke as if he were an obedient servant. Luke just frowned and Lina sighed in relief.

"Hoo, I thought you were going to make me go back home, but I guess not, hehe. Anyway, what do you need me and Jay for?"

Luke remained silent for a few moments before speaking sternly.

"I need you to help me crash a wedding."

The entire room was deafeningly quiet. Jay and Lina are staring blankly at Luke, who is grinning at them. Lina soon broke the silence and looked at Luke as if he were insane.

"...Seriously? You want us to crash a wedding? Are you insane?"

Luke sighed and frowned. He then began explaining everything to the two of them. Lina and Jay nodded as if they understood when Luke finished explaining everything to them. Lina then crossed her arms and looked sympathetically at Irene, who was sitting beside her.

"Hmm, I guess I can help you."

Jay's eyes began to sparkle.

"My lor- I mean, young master... Wearing a priest robe? Oh my goodness! It's so pure and holy that it's causing my eyes to blur just from thinking about it! What a beautiful light! "

Valerie then moved closer to Luke, whispering in his ear while casting an odd look at Jay.

"What's up with him?"

Luke simply shook his head. He appears to be under extreme stress.

"I'm not sure either."

Luke simply sighed and stood up, attracting the attention of those around him. Luke then addresses them in a serious tone.

"Let's go, the two of you; you should meet the others now."

Lina and Jay nodded and began to trail Luke as he approached the door. Valerie sighed and began to follow behind them, but before exiting the room, Luke looked over his shoulder at Irene.

"Can you tell me where the priest is right now?"

"I believe he is currently preparing at the top of the cathedral."

Luke nodded and exited the building, leaving Irene behind. Luke and the others then led the others outside the building and began to walk towards the carriage parking area. Valerie is directing them to the location because she knows the cathedral better than they do.

Luke and the others arrived at their carriage and saw Liam coming down to greet them. Liam appears to be taken aback by the presence of Jay and Lina.

"Jay? Lina? What are the two of you doing here?"

Lina simply smiled and waved to Liam.

"We're here to assist you in crashing the wedding."


Luke walked straight towards Liam and patted his shoulders, causing Liam to flinch and look at Luke, puzzled.

"Brother? What is the problem?"

"Liam, go to the wedding in my place as a guest."

"H-huh? Me"

After that, Liam made a nervous face and pointed at himself. Luke simply nodded and tightened his grip on Liam's shoulder.

"Go there and stand-in for me."

"How about you, brother? What are you going to do?"

"Me? I'm going to be a priest."

Liam was completely taken aback by Luke's declaration. Liam blinked a few more times before hearing Dos laugh aloud inside his head.

• HAHAHA! This sounds very interesting! Hey, brat! Let me take over on this one! I'll handle it!

Liam then frowned.

"What? No-"

• Oh, please, these kinds of missions are too much for your shy ass, leave it to me. Allow me to have my fun!

Liam frowned deeply. He looks very upset which Luke notices.

"Is Dos proposing a takeover?"

Liam sighed and nodded.


"Then, at the very least, let him take over for you while you're inside the cathedral. Dos must be very experienced in handling these types of formal celebrations so that he is not as nervous as you are while inside. Once we begin the plan, you will be able to regain control."

Liam remained silent for a few moments before nodding in response to Luke's words. Soon after, Liam's expression changed; it was now Dos's turn.

"Haa! Finally, some fresh air!"

Luke simply sighed and turned his back on Dos.

"Please be quiet and follow me. Lina, Jay, and Valerie go to Grandpa, who is inside the carriage, to get more information about the plan; we will leave now."

Lina, Jay, and Valerie just stared at Dos for a few moments before nodding to Luke's orders and beginning to walk towards the carriage. Luke and Dos then began walking towards the cathedral. Dos then begins to ask questions as he walks.

"So you are going to be the priest eh? How are you going to do that? "

"First, let's go see the real priest."

"Ho... You brat! You're more evil than you look."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Let's go to the top floor, the priest is waiting for us there."

"Ho... Okay then, this should be fun."

Luke and Dos then begin their ascent to the cathedral's spire. Of course, with all the knights guarding every corner, it is not an easy task, but with Nash and Dos's assistance, Luke manages to quickly avoid them and easily make their way to the top.

Luke then comes to a halt in front of a wooden door. Behind this must be where the priest is. Luke simply sighed and opened the door, and as they did so, a holy-looking man in a pure white priest robe looked at them, bewildered.

"Who are you? Intruders?"

Dos then sighs and approaches the terrified priest, who is backing away from him.

"No, we are visitors."


Dos knocks out the priest with one punch. The priest collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Luke simply stares in disbelief, whereas Dos appears pleased with himself.

"Seriously? You just punched him like that?"

Dos then looked at Luke with a frown.

"Kid, we're running out of time here, so I recommend you change your clothes right now."

Luke simply sighed and began to remove his suit. He then turns to face Dos, who is staring at him with his arms crossed. Luke then offers Dos his suit, which baffles him.

"If you're a guest, dress like one by wearing appropriate attire."

Dos' brows knitted together.

"Your clothing is too small for this kid's frame."

"Just wear it; you can't go in as a guest like that."

"What's the matter with my clothes, you brat?"

Luke then looks at Dos with a stare saying 'are you really asking me that?' which deeply annoys Dos. Dos then sighed loudly and snatched Luke's suit.

"Don't hold it against me if this suit rips."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Dos simply scoffed, rolled his eyes, and began to wear Luke's suit. Meanwhile, Luke removes the unconscious priest's clothes and begins to wear them. Luke can easily wear the priest's robe because it is so wide. When Luke was finished with the robe, he looked at Dos, who also appeared to be finished with the suit.

"You... You look very suffocated."

Dos then grinned irritably at Luke, trying not to rip the small suit he was wearing.

"Oh am I now?"

"Just... bear with it for a few more hours."

"For fuck's sake, you should've just brought Jay if you knew this will happen."

"Well, you're already here, so you don't have a choice."

"Haa, let's just get this over with."

Dos then storms out of the room, followed by Luke, who sighs and follows behind him, leaving the unconscious naked priest behind. But then, as soon as Luke and Dos were out of sight, the priest slowly opened his eyes and stood up calmly from the floor. The priest then grabs a nearby sheet and wraps it around himself. He then sighed and took out a communication device from his pocket, dialing it. Soon after, an unknown face appears on the screen.

• What happened to you? Why are you naked?

"Don't worry about it; we have other things to be concerned about right now."

• What do you mean?

"We have some interesting visitors here on the Eastern Continent."

The priest then gave a grim smile as he looked at the open door from which Luke and Dos emerged. He then began to speak while doing so, confusing the person on the other end of the call.

"Things could get... a little more interesting for our lord. The leader of the rats, Luke, is here. Make sure to inform him."