
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 170: Reunion(3)

"The wife is here."

Klein gulped and looked nervously at his approaching wife.

"M-Miya... It's been a long time- Ack!!"

Luke and the other's jaws dropped when Miya suddenly punched Klein's gut all of a sudden. The punch appears to be so powerful and hard that Klein almost flew away. Klein then fell on the ground and Lizzie immediately came to her father's aid.

"Dad? Dad?!"

Klein's eyes kept flickering as if he wasn't sure whether to close them completely or not. Klein then forced his eyes to open fully and turned to face Luke and the others. His eyes appear to be pleading for assistance.

"H-help me..."

Luke opened and closed his mouth several times before deciding to simply pretend he doesn't know him. Erdene and the others did the same, which caused Klein to look at them with betrayal.

"Y-you cretins... You said you'd help me talk things out with my wife..."

Luke frowned as he averted his gaze from Klein.

"You didn't say your wife is a heavy puncher..."

"Damn traitors..."

Tap tap tap

Klein and the others flinched as they heard the sound of shoes approaching them. They then started to get nervous when they heard a dark voice.

"Klein, you are getting old, get up. How could you present yourself to your daughter in this manner?"

Klein bit his lower lip and began to stand up with the assistance of his daughter. Klein simply smiled and patted Lizzie on the head.

"Thank you for assisting me in getting up."

"That's nothing, Dad, but are you okay?"

"...I can slightly manage."

Klein then took a slow look in the direction of his wife. He then gulped and began speaking.

"Let's talk about this, Miya..."

"What is there to talk about? And are those your friends? "

When he felt Miya's hot gaze on him, Luke's face crumpled. He then turned his head slowly and smiled casually at her.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Luke Viscellete, and I come from the Viscellete noble family of Reece Kingdom. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Lizzie and Miya were taken aback by Luke's endearing smile. Miya then started to talk with slight nervousness.

"Oh my goodness, a noble... Klein, why didn't you tell me you're with a noble?!"

"Uh I-"

"This is no good! Let's talk somewhere decent!"

Miya then took Lizzie's hand in hers and began walking towards the nearest restaurant. Klein and the others just looked at each other with uncertainty before deciding to follow behind the mother and daughter duo.



Luke and the others are now inside the restaurant Miya directed them to. After they went in and picked a table, Klein and Luke started to explain everything to Miya and Lizzie from the day the two of them met to the war with the Alliance. After Luke and Klein were done talking and explaining everything, the table became eerily quiet. This made Klein nervous.

'Did we walk over a landmine while telling the story? Why is Miya so quiet?'

When Klein heard Miya begin to speak, he gulped.

"All right, let me get this straight. This jerk has been a pushover throughout his career, allowing some random copycat brat to copy his work but doing nothing about it?"

"Cough! Cough!"

Klein began coughing violently, attempting to avoid his wife and daughter's piercing stares. Miya simply frowned deeply and spoke again.

"And, what's more, this young noble master here allowed the aforementioned pushover to participate in the war?"

"Cough! Cough!"

Luke, like Klein, began to cough violently, making Erdene and Liam stare at them strangely. Lizzie simply looked at Luke and Klein, who was coughing and began to ask a question.

"Both dad and the young master appear to be frail and weak; how can they possibly lead the war with that kind of body? Does Reece's king lack judgment?"


Luke and Klein's cough started to get louder. They appear to be offended by what Lizzie said, but they are unable to respond because what she said is partially true. Liam simply looked at them with concern and began to pat their backs to calm them down.

"Sir? Brother? Did you choke on something? Why are you coughing so much?"

When he heard Dos's amused voice in his head, Liam came to a halt.

• Leave them alone kid, their pride must've been stomped pretty hard.


Liam retracted his hand and looked concernedly at Klein and Luke. When Miya began speaking again, their attention was drawn to her. What's more surprising is her voice sounds cracked.

"You fool... Why are you still pathetic after all these years..."

Klein came to a halt and looked at his wife, who was wiping her face with a handkerchief. He then began to hear sobs escape. Lizzie was concerned as she looked at her mother.


Miya pursed her lips and patted Lizzie on the head.

"I'm fine."

Klein clenched his fists as he stared at this. Miya is correct; he is still pathetic. He felt as if he hadn't changed in all those years. He's still the same pathetic drunkard he was before.

"I'm sorry."

Lizzie and Miya turned to look at Klein. Klein then looked at them with an apologetic expression. Klein then resumed speaking.

"You can take all of my money and the properties I've received from the Reece Royal Family. I can also leave and get out from your sights if want to-"

Klein slightly flinched when he heard his daughter suddenly burst out her voice. Klein then looked at Lizzie's teary eyes with surprise.

"Dad, are you going to abandon me again?"

"No Lizzie i-"

"Then why did you say you were leaving? Why do you always leave?"

Klein remained silent as he watched Lizzie cry in front of him. Klein simply sighed.

'Why do I always leave? I'm not sure either. Sorry, Lizzie, but your father is a coward...'

Klein's jaw is clenched tightly. He's at a loss for what to do.

"My classmates always ask me why I don't have a father... Everyone has their own fathers, but I don't know what to say to them-"


Lizzie came to a halt when she felt a handkerchief gently wiping her cheeks. He then noticed Klein gently smiling at her.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying... It's my duty as your father, after all."

When Klein was in the middle of confusion, as soon as he heard how her daughter was suffering from having no father to look after her makes him feel something inside him. He felt a lot more determined about something. He had the feeling that something was telling him he should be brave and not be a coward. As a result, he arrived at this final conclusion. He will never run away again; he has gone through so much just for this moment, and he should cherish it.

Lizzie was stunned for a moment before pursing her lips and smiling.

"I am glad you are back with us again, dad."

Miya sighed deeply and wiped her tears away. She then smiled as she looked at Klein.

"You've finally decided not to be a coward. It took you a long time, you knucklehead."

Klein rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his toes.

"I'm sorry about that..."

Klein came to a halt when he felt someone touch his shoulders; when he looked up, he saw Luke smiling at him.

"I guess I've fulfilled my end of the bargain now, right? The deal ends here then."

Klein gave Luke a hesitant look.

"Are you going to leave just like that?"

"What else I would do here? After all, I only came here to fulfill a promise I made to you. It is time for me to leave now. Klein, have a happy life from now on."

Klein's eyes were solemn as he gazed at Luke. He suddenly felt bitter with this sudden goodbye. Even though he and this kid rarely talks, Klein felt like they've been the best of friends for years. He also has ups and downs with Luke; it's almost as if Luke is a son to him. A hasty farewell like that just didn't feel right.

"Wait a minute, young master."

Klein and Luke came to a halt and looked at Miya, who had caught their attention. Luke then cocked his head to the side while looking at Miya with confusion.

"Yes? Is there something wrong? "

Miya smiled as she looked at Luke.

"Would you like to attend a wedding with us?"

Luke looked at Miya, perplexed.

"A wedding? I'm not sure what a wedding has to do with me."

"It's the grand duke of this kingdom's wedding. He'll marry the day after tomorrow."

Luke remained silent for a brief moment before speaking.

"I appreciate the invitation, but I am too busy to attend a wedding."

Miya and Lizzie looked at Luke, a little disappointed.

"I see, that's unfortunate."

"It's sad to see you move so quickly."

Klein just sighed and speak to the gloomy mother and daughter duo.

"Just leave the guy alone; he needs to rest; he's been through a lot. Anyways, who will the grand duke marry anyways? Must be a lucky girl."

Lizzie pouted and shook her head, confusing Klein. Lizzie then began to speak as if she was upset.

"She is not lucky at all! She is going to marry that corrupt grand duke- mph!"

Klein immediately covered Lizzie's mouth and stared at his daughter in disbelief

"Lizzie, how can you speak badly of the grand duke? You could be killed!"

Miya just sighed as Lizzie looked at Klein in disbelief.

"It's true though, that guy is obviously corrupt and evil. Nobody likes him in this kingdom."

Luke began to pay attention as the subject piqued his interest. Miya appears to have noticed it and continued speaking.

"That Grand Duke has almost been caught doing illegal activities but has always gotten away with it by pulling strings from behind. He goes as far as blaming an innocent man for his crimes and got forced to be put into execution. He's not even sorry about it!"


Luke then grabbed a cup of tea and sipped it slowly while listening to Miya rant. Judging by how she speaks, she must've loathed the grand duke a lot. Luke then began to look around him, and he notices a few waiters and customers nearby agreeing with Miya. They all hated the Grand Duke.

"Haa! I feel sorry for the bride. He's even marrying the Pierce family's daughter! Such thick-faced! I feel sorry for Irene... Being forced to marry such a man is every bride's worst nightmare."

"Pfft! Cough! Cough!"

Miya and the others' attention were then drawn to Luke, who had just spit out his coffee. Liam rushes to his aid and begins gently patting Luke's back, while Snow immediately passes him water. Miya then looked at this with concern.

"Oh my goodness! Young master? Are you all right?!"

Luke took a moment to speak because he was coughing, but once he recovered, he immediately shot a question.

"Did you say... Irene Pierce?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, I did..."

"Are you certain this is THE Irene Pierce of the Pierce family?"

"Y-yes! I am certain!"

Luke's mouth dropped open in surprise. He then remained motionless in his stance. He was too surprised to do anything.

'Bloody hell, the Queen of the Eastern Continent's Underworld is getting married?!'

If Marcel is the Western Continent's King of the Underworld, then Irene is the Eastern Continent's Queen of the Underworld. Despite the fact that they are siblings from the same family, they treat each other as enemies in the novel, constantly attempting to conquer each other's territory over the years. The sudden war that erupts in the Western Continent causes them to cease fighting for territory. Marcel became busy defending the Western Continent, while Irene is bolstering the defenses of the Eastern Continent to protect her territory from Ash.

'And that terrifying Queen of the Underworld... Is getting married?! This is not mentioned at all in the novel! What is going on here?!'

Luke leaned back in his chair and brushed his hair back. His mind then began to form theories about how everything had led up to this point, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't figure out why Irene is getting married. Luke became nervous at this point. The novel is taking a completely different turn; if this continues, it will be disastrous for him. He can feel it in his guts, if he kept this situation going he is never going to rest.

"Oh my God..."

Klein looked at Luke, who appeared stressed and concerned.

"What's the matter, Luke?"

Luke's face crumpled up like wet tissue, and he sighed deeply. Luke then looked at Miya as if he had just eaten something poisonous.

"May I... Attend the wedding?"

Miya was speechless for a brief moment before becoming baffled.

"I thought you don't want to go?"

"I've changed my mind.... I want to go- no, I HAVE to go."

"O-oh? Is that so? Well if that is what the young master wants."

Luke nodded and a bitter expression appeared on his face.

"Are we allowed to enter the cathedral, or will we have to wait outside?"

Miya shakes her head. She then puts her hand proudly on her daughter's head.

"Because my daughter gained popularity as a result of her brilliant mind for inventions, she was invited as one of the special guests. She can also bring three people of her choosing inside, and you are welcome to join us!"

Lizzie nodded excitedly while looking at Luke. Luke just sighed and nodded.

"Alright, that sounds great. Thank you."

Lizzie simply smiled sweetly.

"It's nothing; since you're nice to my father, I'll be nice to you! Let's be pals!"

"I'm delighted that such a bright young lady wants me to be her friend."


Klein simply sighed in relief and spoke.

"Alright that is enough, we should go home now. Everyone must be tired, it's been an exhausting day."

Luke and the others nodded in agreement to Klein's words and began to stand up and leave the restaurant. Luke has had a truly long and exhausting day; he can't wait to sleep in a proper bed after the days he's had.