
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 168: Reunion(1)

Luke, Nash, Snow, Liam, Klein, and Erdene were all staring at the scene in front of them. They are currently docked on the Eastern Continent, where Marina, Trent, and Mira dropped them off. Snow just stared around in awe at the scene in front of her.

"Wow, this place looks nothing like the Western Continent."

Nash excitedly nodded in response to Snow's remark.

• I know, it's as if this place is a whole new world!

While the others were expressing their awe at the new sights provided by the Eastern Continent, Luke simply stared at it with a blank expression; rather than being awestruck, he has an odd feeling about this place.

"This place... It is close to the early twentieth century... What exactly is this place?"

"What exactly are you saying, you brat? The twentieth century? That is something I have never heard of in my entire life."

Erdene, who was walking beside Luke, caught Luke's attention. Luke just realized he's with fantasy dudes and an ancient being who has lived here since the beginning of the world's creation; of course, they won't know about the early twentieth century on Earth.

"Ah, it's nothing; all I'm doing is spouting nonsense."

Erdene gave Luke a strange look, but Luke just shrugged. After a minute of uncomfortable stares from Erdene, Erdene sighed and started to look around.

"It's been a while since I've been here. This place appears to have progressed for the better."

Luke nodded and began to look around with him.

"Indeed, it appears to be very different from the Western Continent. However, I'm curious: does trading not exist? If the Eastern Continent is like this, how come the Western Continent is completely unaware of such progress?"

"That's something I've been thinking about as well. Perhaps they simply regard the Western continent as a dangerous continent at the moment and seek to engage in as few trades as possible."

Luke nodded as if he understood.

"I see, I understand now, with how the western continent is doing and all the wars, it's not surprising that a place like this won't associate with us."

Erdene simply nodded and sighed.

"Anyway, since we're here, I might as well give you a quick tour of this place."

Luke nodded and turned to face his group, who were still staring at the strangely dressed people walking around.

"Hey, let's get going."


Snow and Liam nodded and began walking alongside Luke, while Klein began to sweat beads on his brow as he looked around. He's never been to the eastern continent before, and the contrast between the west he's used to and the East he's in now makes him nervous. If he is already like this just by looking at the people around him, what will he be like when he meets his wife and daughter? Will he even be able to fit in?

"Klein, what are you doing standing there? Let's go."

"A-ah! Coming! "

Klein then ran nervously towards Luke and the others who were walking away. When he caught up, he heard Erdene begin to speak.

"From what I recall, the eastern continent is mostly known for its fertile soil and stable weather. It is the primary trading partner for the Western continent in terms of new foods and crops. I had no idea it would become such an advanced place after hundreds of years. Maybe I shouldn't have left here in the first place."

Luke looked at Erdene with interest. This is the first time he has heard about it. This was never mentioned before in the novel.

"Have you been here before?"

"This is mostly where I spent my childhood. But, after some... unfortunate things that the humans did here, I decided to simply leave."

"Unfortunate things? What do you mean?"

Erdene shook his head and frowned. He then developed a sudden bitter expression, as if he had just remembered a horrible memory from the past. Whatever it is, it must be so terrible that it made a Spirit look like this and forced them to leave for another continent.

"Well, you see, the humans here are also known for worshiping Spirits as if we were Gods."


Erdene sighed and motioned with his hands for them to follow him. Luke and the others just stared at each other, curious, and followed Erdene. They appear to be making their way towards the city's center. Luke and the others came to a halt and looked where Erdene was pointing. And, to be honest, the situation in front of them is unusual if you are from the Western continent.

"Oh! Nature's Mighty Gods! Please answer our prayers!"

"Oh, Nature's Mighty Gods!"

Liam, Luke, and the others all looked at it with puzzled expressions.

"What on earth is this...?"

"It appears to be a cult even worse than Jay's..."

Luke looked around at the throngs of people kneeling in front of the five large statues in the plaza's center. Many people wearing flower crowns and pure white shirts are bowing down and looking up at the statues.

The five statues into which they were bowing appeared to be enormous, and the faces carved into them could not be seen. The faces are covered in sculpted cloth designed to look like robes. Perhaps the statues are designed in this manner because the sculptors do not know the faces of the people they are sculpting, so they decided to conceal it.

There are four statues of men and one statue of a woman. It must be representing the Spirits of the Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Wood, and the statues appear very shiny but old, indicating how well the people have cared for these statues over the years.

While looking at this completely new and shocking scene, they heard the voice of the man who appeared to be the group's leader.

"Oh, Lord of the Rock! Athos! May you bestow everlasting natural riches and resources on us! May you provide us with good soil to farm on!"

Erdene scowled and crossed his arms. While looking at this, he appears to be irritated.

"Please, it's the Spirit of the Rock, not the Lord of the Rock. And I doubt that idiot will grant you your wish."

The others just stared at Erdene, who was grumpily talking while staring at the scene in front of him as if it were outrageous, and the man kept going.

"Oh, Lord of the Fire! Hefesto! Please keep us warm for the rest of our lives! For the crops, the animals, and ourselves!"

"Tsk, just leave the guy alone, isn't the sun enough for you?"

Luke just sighed as Snow and Nash patted Erdene on the back to cheer him up. They now have a better understanding of why Erdene left the Eastern continent. Being called like this by the people almost every day must be tiring to hear.

"Oh, Lord of the Air and Mighty Skies! Antar! Please send us cool and gentle breezes every day so that the poor suffering farmers can feel refreshed and relaxed during their breaks!"

"That guy is too arrogant to do that; you're wasting your time."

This time, Luke and the others simply left Erdene alone and continued to listen to the people in the plaza's center.

"Oh, merciful Water Goddess! Mira! Please always direct our beloved fishermen in the right direction so that we do not become lost in your vast territory and reach! We will be eternally grateful for your gentle and kind waves!"

Luke looked at the man who was speaking in disbelief.

"Did he just say kind and gentle? Wait until he sees his water goddess in person..."

Luke's words were met with nods from Klein, Liam, Snow, Nash, and Erdene. They have seen the real deal, and they could say reality is often disappointing. Erdene simply sighed and frowned deeply.

"Now it's my turn; I'm curious what they have to say about me..."

"Oh, great Lord of the Woods! Dene!"

"Son of a-"