
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 155: Acknowledgement(9)

"The awarding ceremony for the magnificent feats of the war heroes is about to begin."

Lance's announcement was met with applause from the entire audience. Luke just sipped his wine and stared at him blankly. He is uninterested in the ceremony. He would rather just sleep.

"Now then, we will begin at the infamous 'Fiery Knight' of the kingdom and a strong figure wielding the fiery blade, Liam."

Everyone's gaze then fell on Liam, making him feel embarrassed. He was as stiff as a rock and wouldn't have been able to stand up if not for Lina and Selena pushing him forward, leaving him no choice but to go to where Lance is while carrying the nobles' intense stares. When Liam looked forward, he was greeted by Lance's bright smile.

"I will now award you with the highest medal a person could ever achieve from the royal family, and a piece of land nearby at the royal palace."

The nobles applauded, and Liam allowed Lance to place a gleaming golden medal with diamonds embedded in it around his neck. He was then given a piece of paper that was supposed to be the title to the land he was receiving. After a second of handshake with Lance, Liam was about to leave but stopped when he heard Lace speaking again.

"But that's not all."

Liam looked back at Lance with a confused expression and Lance just smiled naturally and signaled the butler to come close. The butler then approached, carrying a long, luxurious wooden box. Lance then gently took it and handed it to Liam.

"I also award you with a sword made from the most expensive, rare, and tough metal on the planet, meticulously crafted by the kingdom's highest-ranking blacksmiths."

Liam's mouth slowly loosens from shock. He then slowly opened the box to reveal an exquisitely detailed, well-polished, and sharpened sword. This was most likely the most beautiful sword he had ever seen in his life. He then heard Dos say something in a slightly impressed tone.

• Not bad; that should be able to land a decent blow on a dragon without shattering.

Liam's face hardened, and he suddenly remembered the dragon who had almost killed Luke. If what Dos said was true, then he will use this sword's utmost potential when fighting the dragon once again. Liam then turned his head to look at Luke, who was clapping slowly while looking at him. Luke caught his gaze and nodded, giving him a thumb up. Liam clenched his fists on the box containing the sword; it is finally time for him to be the proper personal knight that he claims to be.

"Please wait a moment."

The entire crowd came to a halt and looked in the direction of the voice, where they saw a lavishly dressed woman with thick white powder on her face looking at Liam with rather flirtatious eyes. Liam was puzzled until he heard Lance silently sigh beside him.

"Oh boy, here we go."

Lance then returned to his usual demeanor and answered the woman.

"Is there a problem?"

The woman answered while fanning her face.

"It's nothing serious, but I'd like to know why the royal family would treat a hero so poorly. Is it because the event is being hosted by the Crown Prince? Pity."

Luke stared intently at the woman with the thick white face. He then heard Snow and Nash speaking coldly next to him.

"What did she say?!"

"What does she mean by papa rewarding Liam poorly?!"

Luke just sighed while staring at the two angry children; he then turned his attention back towards the scenario. It seems that despite Lance being on the top of the royal family now, the disrespect towards him doesn't really fade that fast.

Lance made a fake cough and smiled at the woman. He may look like that on the outside, but Luke knows for hell sure that Lance was ready to throw that woman through the window.

"May I inquire as to what is wrong with my methods of rewarding this hero?"

Before speaking, the woman fanned her face for a few more moments.

"First and foremost, his achievement in saving us in the plaza is already praise-worthy, yet he didn't even show up to the king's awarding ceremony, perhaps because this young humble man would like to keep his humble figure, and, of course, his merits to the war. Isn't it more reasonable to bestow the title of nobility on this humble hero? "

The nobles all gasped and began to whisper to one another while casting glances at Lance.

"She is right; he should be at least a baron by now."

"Is it even right to entrust this to the crown prince in the first place?"

"What in the world had the royalty had come to?"

Paulina, Norman, Noah, and Finesse all looked at the crowd with irritated expressions, and the group as a whole frowned in disbelief at how quickly the nobles turned favors with a single sentence from a single person. Nash and Snow exchanged cold stares, while Luke simply observed.

"Ho, look at them all go. If my guess is correct, that lady was sent by someone from the royal family to sabotage Lance."

Luke was speaking when Nash and Snow overheard him. Snow then gave the lady an icy glare, while Nash made a low growl while staring at the lady, who appeared to be cocky now that she had won the crowd's approval.

Liam looked around the whispering nobles with nervous eyes. He was about to speak up when Lance stopped him by blocking his path with his hand. Lance then made another fake cough to get the attention of the crowd before speaking to the lady.

"Pardon me, Miss, but this awarding system has been approved by His Majesty, the King. If he detects a flaw, he will immediately disapprove and request a more appropriate award. Furthermore, I believe this hero, Liam, will struggle to be both a noble and the commander's personal knight at the same time. We are thinking of the hero's well-being here rather than giving him a hard life under the guise of 'reward'."

Following that, the crowd became a little quieter. Liam notices this and breathes a sigh of relief, but it isn't long before he notices the lady opening her mouth again. Liam then overheard Dos's irritated tone.

• All she wants is for you to be a noble so she can marry you. I've seen a lot of eyes before, and hers is definitely a filthy bitch looking for money and fame.

Liam stopped moving when he realized what the lady's intentions were, and it appears that Lance noticed as well, so he tried to block it as much as he could.

Liam then flinched when he heard what Dos said next.

• Let me take over, kid. This should be fun.

Liam gulped, and as he did so, the lady finally spoke.

"Because the King is currently ill, he must not have time to-"

"Shut up."

The entire audience gasped and turned their heads to the unexpected source of the voice; they then all saw Liam, who appeared bored and laid-back. Luke simply shook his head.

"Dos Is at it again."

While staring at Liam, the lady exclaimed and fanned furiously.

"What exactly do you mean by that? Do you know I am doing this to defend your rights?!"

Dos frowned and dug a finger in his ears.

"Did I ask you to do it?"

The entire audience gasped once more. Ruth, along with the other kings, queens, and representatives at the center table, were all stunned by Liam's words. Jasper, Eleanor, and Alexia were among them.

"What the hell happened to Liam?"

"Why is he like that? He looks so different."

"Not only that, but his aura shifted as well."

They then exchanged puzzled and perplexed looks. The others didn't notice because they were too focused on Liam, whose demeanor had abruptly changed.

"Look here, Miss that could not just sit and appreciate, I do not know you and I never asked for your help on this."


"If I had to guess, you just wanted me to become a noble so I can be safe to marry eh?"

"That's ludicrous-!"

"I know you do, so shut up."

The shock caused the crowd's eyes to widen and their mouths to open wide. Then everyone turned to look at Liam, who was just rolling his eyes, and the lady, who was flushed with rage.

"You ungrateful jerk!"

"Clean your face that is full of asthmatic powder first before speaking to me."


Paulina immediately covered her mouth after bursting a laugh while Norman pursed his lips, trying to hold back a giggle. Noah just looked at this with sharp and observing eyes while Finesse looks worried.

"Now, then..."

Dos walked forward, his head turned to the side. He was walking towards Luke, who was becoming increasingly uneasy as he approached him. Internally, Luke cursed.

'This son of a bitch, don't tell me...'

As if Dos could hear his thoughts, Luke's nightmare came to life. Dos stepped in front of Luke and smiled brightly, just like Liam used to. What he just said next was so spine-chilling that Luke felt trapped and uneasy.

"Master, could you please assist me in resolving this woman's misunderstanding?"


Dos giggled softly and brightly which looks so wrong and cursed to Luke's vision.

"Oh, don't play dumb master, now please get up."

And as if his life in on the line, Luke gripped tightly on the table and tried to resist Dos pulling him up from his seat. He had no plans to let go until he heard Lance speak.

"Oh, my goodness, has my little brother decided to come and help his big brother? You don't have to, but I am deeply moved."

Luke's eyes twitched aggressively and he glared murderously at Lance and Dos. He wanted to rip off their smiling faces.

'I'll kill you! Both of you!!!'

Luke had no choice but to be dragged against his will to the center, where all eyes were fixed on him. Luke took a deep breath to calm himself and prevent himself from choking the two smiling guys beside him to death, then turned to face the woman.

"As you may have heard, Lady, I am Liam's master."

The lady tried to hide herself rolling her eyes, which Luke undoubtedly noticed.

"I already know that, commander."

Luke stopped himself from giving the woman a judging look before speaking.

"As you know, everyone obeys their master."

After that, the lady frowned.

"Where are we exactly going in this conversation?"

Luke then smiled.

"That means I get to decide whether Liam gets married or not. And I'll decide whether or not the woman was worthy of being his wife. And as for the reward, I believe the medal and sword will be sufficed for Liam, who isn't particularly materialistic."

The lady and the audience both gasped in surprise. Luke simply shrugged his shoulders, while Dos whistled and Lance shook his head in disbelief.

• Dos, my turn.

Dos flinched a little when Liam spoke up, but he just smirked.

"Very well then."

The lady slammed the table and glared angrily at Luke.

"That is preposterous! You are basically controlling his life!"

"I had no qualms about it, miss."

The crowd's attention was drawn to Liam, who spoke suddenly. They then noticed him smiling brightly and inching closer to Luke as if he were a trustworthy knight. Luke squinted as he looked at this.


The lady expressed her disbelief.

"H-ha! You are okay with him controlling your choice?! "

"Yes, and it is my choice to be that way ever since I swore to be his personal knight. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be even here in the first place so I am just as grateful. And also, I had no plans on getting married, ever."

"W-what?! "

"You heard me, miss. I had no plans to get married. My master is just fulfilling my wishes than controlling me."

The woman took a step back and let go of her fan. She then clutched her chest as if she couldn't believe what he was saying.

"R-ridiculous... You are wasting your talent by not spreading it!"

Luke and Lance slightly frowned while the rest of the group looked at the lady with utter disbelief. Liam then gave a sweet smile.

"No, I'm using my talent as a good knight would, to protect my master."

The lady then began to breathe heavily. Her heavy and thick make-up appeared to be hitting her nose as she struggled to breathe. Lance took a step forward after that.

"Escort her out."

The knights nodded and dragged her out. Luke simply sighed, relieved that everything was finally over, and walked back to his table. He then signaled Liam with his finger while walking.

"Go get your new sword and return to the rest. Flaunt your sword to them or whatever."

Then Liam smiled.


Luke then held the back of his neck as if he's really stressed. He then slumped back in his chair. Snow and Nash simply smiled and patted his back.

"Good job dad!"

"You and Liam were amazing back there!"

Luke sighed again and sipped his wine. He then heard Lance speak once more.

"Now that the slight turbulence was settled, let's continue, shall we?"