
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 134: Way Out(2)

"Lanc-! Your Highness! What the hell are you thinking?!"

Luke then rose and looked at Lance in surprise, but Lance ignored him and continued to look confidently at Duke Reo's side.

'This is crazy; he is betting his chance of succession to the throne, the chance that he worked hard to get for years, just for this stupid debate?! Is he for real?!'

Duke Reo took a step back in surprise at Lance's unexpected announcement. This is his chance; if he pushes a little more, he'll be able to remove not only Luke but also Lance, who has been a threat to the second prince, the one they've been rooting for to be the next in line to the throne.

Duke Reo took a deep breath and smiled, looking at Luke's side as if they were insane. And they are indeed insane, insane enough to put their careers on the line for this pointless dispute he started.

"H-ha! The temple hasn't gotten a message from their Gods in thousands of years, but suddenly they've decided to send one? And for who?! A man from an unknown background?! Have the Gods gotten mad?! I'm sure the message is distorted! It's been rigged by this devil to believe that he's really been supported by the Gods! Anyone can easily rig a temple message because it's not been used for years! It might be rigged to anyone's benefit! This devil is no exception!"


Duke Reo and the others jumped from shock when they heard someone unexpected finally raising their voice. They all turned to face that individual, and Luke's grim and dark face greeted them. His face is so dark and scary that it made Duke Reo have chills down his spine and cold fingertips for a second.

Luke was unconcerned with the glances he was getting and continued to glare at Duke Reo. He is mad, completely, and purely mad. He was filled with wrath. The situation has gotten too ridiculous to be taken lightly.

Lance sacrificing his chance to the throne made him mad. So what will happen if Duke Reo ended up proving that he is a devil? Then that must've meant that all of his hard work and efforts to take Lance to the top to become king will all go down the drain. He cannot take that! That's ridiculous!

Luke clenched his teeth and his rage caused many veins on his head to explode. Lance noticed this since he is beside Luke and started to become nervous. Was betting his chance to the throne a bad move? Well, he really has no plans to take the throne right now and he is sure that Luke will end up winning this debate anyway. He expected Luke to be greatly moved and thankful, but it appears that he is not. Instead, he looked pissed.

'I think I enraged him than make him touched... What have I done...'

Lance began to laugh nervously as he realized Luke may beat him up as a result of this. He now deeply regretted his actions.

'Should I give him gold and expensive kinds of stuff later?'

As Lance is busy thinking about how he could continue to live later, Luke kept glaring and spoke in a cold voice.

"Lance, your highness... Sit down."

Lance flinched and cautiously looked at Luke.


"I said, sit down."


Lance obediently sat down on his seat. Dos merely shakes his head and looks at him as though he's pathetic. Meanwhile, Duke Reo was perplexed as he glanced at Luke.

"God of Light? What exactly do you mean?"

Luke took a deep breath and spoke after calming down.

"I was resurrected by the God of Light."

Everyone in the room dropped their jaws in disbelief at Luke's unexpected announcement. The room went completely quiet again, but not inside Luke's mind, he is currently hearing two sets of voices in his head.

First is Nash.

• What do you mean, Dad?! Who is this God of Light? Are you sure you want to do this?! How are you going to prove it!?

Second, and the one that Luke is focusing on, Joe.

• Hey, the God of Light is whining right now, wondering why you're blaming him.

Luke sighed and spoke inside his head.

'Could you guys assist me with this?'

Joe burst out laughing.

• Yes, we can. But I am confused about one thing. Why the God of Light? Why didn't you pick the God of Darkness or the Goddess of Fortune to be the scapegoat?

'These people believe that I am the devil. If I choose the God of Darkness, they would say that I am truly related to dark things and will curse them to death. They will also say that I should be an outcast like the witches and necromancers or even worse, executed for all people to be safe. If I chose the Goddess of Fortune then they might say that I am exchanging the luck of this kingdom for lives causing this war to happen. So far, everything around me has been tied to death, destruction, or darkness, so I wanted some light. I need a light being on my side to make them all shut their traps once and for all.'

· Ho...

Joe made a short gasp before chuckling.

• The God of Light has listened to your reasons and has agreed to assist you. However, you should be aware that this is not a free service.

Luke smiled and nodded. He already expected this.

'What is the condition?'

• Simple, make him have contact with Lance.

Luke flinched and shifted his gaze to Lance, who was staring at him strangely. Luke then suddenly remembered that the God of Light originally planned to make Lance into his child but did not manage to do so for some reason. Luke now understood the reason but frowns again.

'How the hell am I supposed to do that?'

· Want a hint?

Luke frowned and nodded irritably in response to Joe's suspension.


· The hint is. His mother's lullaby.

Luke came to a complete stop. His mother's lullaby? How is that related to the God of Light? Is there supposed to be a hidden code in that lullaby? And more importantly, if his lullaby is connected to the God of Light, then that must've meant that his mother is also connected to the God of Light. Who is Lance's mother, exactly?

Joe began to speak in his head again, interrupting his stream of thinking.

• All right, now that you've agreed, let's get started. When you are ready, the God of Light will take action.

Luke sighed and just decided to deal with the lullaby matter later and looked straight at Duke Reo's eyes.

"Are you looking for proof that the God of Light is assisting me?"

"T-that's right! How are you going to show that, huh?!"



Duke Reo began to sweat profusely as he observed Luke's cold demeanor toward him. He appears to be at ease, no, he appears to be confident.

'Don't tell me... He really has proof?'

Luke ignored Duke Reo's anxious expression and began speaking.

"God of Light, come forth and show your presence to these lowly beings who do not believe in your power."

In his brain, Luke could hear Joe laughing.

• Haha! That is a good one! The God of Light likes it too!

A dazzling flash of light came behind Luke just a few seconds later. People had to close their eyes firmly and cover them with their palms because it was so bright and blinding. But the light is still too bright that covering their eyes is futile.

"W-what a dazzling light-!!!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"I can't see anything! Help!"

The sounds of the nervous and scared nobles that are on Duke Reo's side resonate within the brightly lit room. After a while of panicking and nervousness, the light slightly subsided making the people inside the room open their eyes once again. Everyone blinked and rubbed their eyes, and when they had recovered their vision, they were confronted with a startling image.

An Angel of Light. Behind Luke appeared a gorgeous perfect man with long bright golden hair, and with no face because his face is obscured by light, and large dazzling wings. It's a real angel. They are witnessing the appearance of an angel... Only the fortunate few will have the opportunity to see this being once in their lifetime...