
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 128: First Revival(5)

"So... How are you guys doing?"

While lightly scraping on his plate full of food, Luke asked hesitantly. It's been two days since he returned, and his group is still clinging to him. He then cast an uneasy glance to his companions, who were all staring at him carefully. If looks could kill, he'd already been dead from all the stares he's getting. It's a good thing the kids were playing together in another room or the stares he's getting would be ten times more painful.

Luke simply sighed and attempted to eat a few bites of food, but jumped as he noticed a hand putting more food on his plate. When he turned to see who it was, he noticed Liam putting the food down on his plate. Luke frowned and put his hand on Liam's shoulder to stop him. Liam came to a halt at his touch and turned to face Luke, who was frowning at him.

"That's enough food, Liam. I can't eat all of that."

"But... You are thin."


Luke blinked for a moment before sighing. He then put down the silverware in his hands and spoke loudly.

"All right, let's stop this. If you have any questions, let me know. Ask all you want."

Spencer asked a question right away as if he'd been waiting.

"How are you still alive?"

Everyone fell silent. Luke took note of their stillness and examined their reactions; their expressions suggest that they still don't believe he's here. After all, he was supposed to be dead, so he isn't surprised at all.

"I have a power that allows me to live ten lives."

After Luke stated that, everyone in the room turned to face him. Selena then asked, confused.

"Ten lives? How? When did you gain that kind of power?"

"I got it with Nash before the wedding. You can ask him."

"Oh my god..."

Selena just sat back on her chair in disbelief while Yulia is trying to calm her down. Julius is the next to speak.

"Did the orange-red glow that surrounded your body when you arrived have anything to do with that power?"

Luke nodded and spoke like what they were talking about is just nothing.

"Yeah, basically the power works like this. Whenever I die, I will gain a new ability when I revive."

Klein then proceeded to speak with care.

"And your new ability now is..?"


When Luke activated his new power, the atmosphere grew hot and thick almost instantly. Everyone came to a halt and stared at Luke, who was now surrounded by the same orange-red glow as before. Everyone suddenly felt small, they felt vulnerable, they felt like...

Everyone came to a halt and stared at Luke, who was now surrounded by the same orange-red glow as before. Everyone suddenly felt small, they felt vulnerable, they felt like...

They were looked down upon...


"Defend his highness!"

When they saw dozens of guards pouring in and surrounding Lance, the group and Luke flinched. Luke was perplexed by this but turned his attention when he heard someone cough.



Selena exclaimed, leaping to Klein's aid as he appeared to be suffocating. Lina became aware of this and promptly alerted Luke.

"Luke stop!"

Luke came to a halt and looked across at Klein, who appeared to be struggling to breathe. Bell provided him water right away, while Lina gently patted his back to calm him down. Klein gazed at Luke with surprise after calming down.

"Damn it, Luke! Do you want me to die?!"

"I'm sorry about that. That was the weakest amount of aura though. Anyways, I'm sorry."

Klein and the others were taken aback by Luke's actions. That is the weakest? Is he for real? Klein was on the verge of entering the afterlife with that aura, and he calls it the weakest?!

Lance groaned and rubbed his palm on his face. He then waved his hands to the guards, who were surprised and shocked while looking at Luke. The guards looked at Lance ordering them to get away.

"Get out of here."

"But, your highness-"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

The guards exchanged glances before hesitantly walking away while looking at Luke, who was also staring back at them. After the guards left, Lance sighed heavily and he then interlocked his fingers together and looked at Luke with a glare.

"So you can come back to life... Without ever telling us?"

The group flinched at Lance's statement and then all glared at Luke. Luke never told them about his ability to resurrect... And because of that, they almost went to a total breakdown. Because of that thought, Spencer spoke first, followed by Lina, Selena, Bell, Julius, Klein, and Yulia.

"I'm assuming you're too 'busy' to explain it to us?"

Luke looked away, that's basically the reason why. Damn, Spencer really knows him too much.

"Seriously, you... You're driving me insane."

Luke looked at Lina. He hopes that what she said will never happen.

"You had no idea... How much booze I consumed because of you."

Luke just sighed and brushed his hair back, he can clearly imagine Selena's drunken face, and it's something not worth messing with.

"Should we lock you up?"

Luke flinched at Bell's statement and looked at him with surprise. But what's worse is that everyone seems to be agreeing with him which made Luke frown even more.

"No questions asked, just lock him up. I think I might go fully bald because of this guy."

While listening to their complaints, Luke grumbled and ate some meat.

"I can curse him to never walk again. How about that?"

"Pfft! Cough! Cough!"

Luke pounded his chest; he choked on his food from Yulia's sudden suggestion. Luke then grabbed and drank the water that Lance had placed near him casually. Luke then drank it, took a few deep breaths, and stared in bewilderment at his companions. They were all staring at him, as though a plot was building in their heads. Then Spencer spoke while grinning at him.

"Do you regret not telling us sooner?"

Luke gave them a worried expression and raised his arms in the air as if surrendering. Seriously, they're all terrifying.

"I had no idea I was going to die like that, okay? And if I told you guys I could come back to life, you'd believe I'd gone insane."

Lance frowned and lightly pinched Luke's ear in response to his statement. Even though Lance is extremely annoyed and wants to pinch Luke's ear as hard as he can, he chose not to and just lightly pinched it so that it won't be painful for Luke.

"Who said we wouldn't believe you? You essentially accomplished all of the inconceivable feats that humanity has yet to witness. And now you're afraid to tell us you have the ability to come back from the dead?"

Luke took a deep breath and turned to face the hand that was pinching his ear. He suddenly got nervous as he remembers Lance's wild strength. Luke then let out a burst of nervous laughter and gently holds Lance's hands as if he's sorry.

"All right, I'm sorry. I realized I'd made a mistake, and I'll never do it again. Please let me go now."

Lance had a skeptical look on his face as he looks at Luke. The abrupt change in Luke's tone makes Lance suspect there's more this jerk isn't telling him. This thought made Lance frown even more so Lance sent a message on Luke's head.

• You better tell me everything.

Luke came to a halt and stared at Lance, who was looking at him intently. Luke was deafeningly quiet for a few moments before sighing.


Lance nodded slowly and looked at Luke's group members, who were watching them with curiosity.

"Everyone, leave the two of us here. We're going to talk about something private."