
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 120: Death(2)


Luke came to a halt. He could suddenly feel streams of blood gushing out of his mouth, which quickly turned into rivers. He then shifted his gaze to his stomach. His eyes widened in surprise.

"W-withered... Soul?"

• L-Luke?





Luke ignored his group's yells and instead focused on his stomach. Withered souls in the form of a long and sharp black thorn have been impaled from his back through his stomach. This is unfortunate because, thanks to his earth powers, which allow him to absorb withered souls, his body pulled the withered soul into his flesh right away.


Luke had completely fallen on the floor, coughing blood profusely. His entire body is trembling, he cannot feel anything. With his wide open eyes, he noticed that his group had rushed to his aid. He can see their mouths open wide as if screaming, but he can't hear or feel anything because his entire body has gone numb.

Luke shifted his gaze to the direction he imagined the withering soul had come from. As he glanced at the black-haired man with white streaks smirking at him, his eyes widened even more. As if he were an ant, the man's chilly dark green eyes gazed down on him.

'Oh, yeah... I completely forgot about this guy... Ash.'

Ash seemed to have slipped in while the soldiers and magicians were busy cleaning up. But, since Luke was aware that Nash, a legendary beast, one capable of easily sensing magic, didn't warn him, Ash must have done something to avoid being detected. Tricky bastard.

"Hah! Where did the mighty and unfathomable black coat hero go?! Tsk! I was hoping for something more entertaining, but this is just plain boring!"

From frustration and disappointment, Ash grimaced and groaned. He then smirked at Luke, who was paralyzed on the floor while he was looking at him.

"I shouldn't have expected anything entertaining from a twig- ugh!"


Someone raced at Ash and grabbed his neck with both hands. He was then forced into an adjacent structure, and the power of the person choking him smashed the building. He could also see and feel waves of chilly temperature and mana constantly attacking him.

When Ash's eyesight returned, he turned to see who was choking him and found Liam glaring murderously at him with his veins bursting out of his forehead from rage. For a brief moment, Ash mistook Liam for the devil from hell, with his dark jet black hair and crimson vicious eyes looking at him as if he's going to be eaten alive

Ash then noticed a swarm of icicles and enormous mana spears charging at him at full speed. He feels as if he's out of breath. It's not because Liam is choking him; it's because of the severe pressures he's being subjected to. He sensed a swarm of murderous auras coming from all directions.

But instead of being terrified, Ash burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! Now I see why Luke is regarded as a powerful individual! It's because he's got you! Hahahaha! Without you, none of this would be possible! He's nothing but a useless twig! This is a hilarious find! Hahahaha!"

Liam clenched his teeth even tighter and viciously pierced Ash's body together with Snow and Nash's icicles and mana spears many times. However, something unexpected occurred...

Ash's body began to liquify.

"You fool! Do you think I'm a moron for coming here on my own?! Hahaha! It's time for me to leave because I've already accomplished what I came here to do. Once you're face to face with my real body, I'll play with you for real! Goodbye, fuckers!"

Liam gave the melting body a murderous gaze. Even though he knew the body was false, he stabbed it violently like a madman. He lost it. He's mad.


Liam came to a complete halt and turned back. He then saw Luke's eyes were fixed on him. When he saw Luke gently developing a smile at him, he flinched. Liam's eyes shook as he dashed over to Luke. Liam then kneeled alongside Luke and gave him a worried look.


With tears in his eyes, Liam stared at Luke, who was smiling at him on the ground. When he sensed some individuals approaching, he turned his head. Lance was soon seen panting severely in the company of doctors and other nobility, with Paulina trailing behind him. Lance's gaze was drawn to Luke's body, which was lying on the ground.


Lance dashed over to Luke and assessed his condition. When he notices a black hole in Luke's stomach, he flinches. He then noticed Selena and Yulia panicking as they attempted to remove all of the black things out.

"Everybody stay back! It's withered souls! Stay back!"

Spencer and Klein tried to keep as many people away from Luke as possible, and they stared at the two saints who were doing their best. Selena then spoke, her eyes welling up with tears.

"T-the withered souls are already absorbed by his body... I-I can't-"

Everyone in the room was staring at Selena with desperate and tearful eyes. Selena became aware of their stares and just covered her mouth with her hands while shaking her head and attempting not to cry aloud. Yulia, too, came to a halt and clenched her fists as she gazed down at the ground.

The people's shoulders dropped as they stared down in despair at Luke, who was lying on the floor. With scared eyes, Snow gazed at Luke. Her eyes began to well up with tears. Then she sensed Nash approaching Luke. Nash then placed his hand on Luke's. Except for Snow and Luke, he then spoke slowly so that no one else could hear him.

"D-dad? You won't abandon me, right? R-right? You said you'd eat with us... Please stand up..."

Luke, unfortunately, was unable to hear or feel Nash's touch. Nash became aware of this and proceeded to snuggle up on Luke's side, whimpering and crying.

"Y-you said we'd live in peace and happiness after this... You're a big giant liar... Y-you deceived me..."

Snow bit her lower lip and clutched Luke's numb hands tightly. She then pressed Luke's hands against her cheeks while maintaining eye contact. She then began to talk in a shaky tone.

"D-dad, I-i thought you'd be beside me to protect me from now on? T-then why are you leaving?"

Luke smiled after a brief time of looking at the crying Snow. After that, he begins to open his mouth. Because he can't hear or feel, he can't tell what she's saying, so he just says what he wants to say.

"I... will... not... leave..."

The folks in Luke's immediate vicinity flinched at his words. They then noticed him smiling as he looked at them.

"No one.... was... Hurt... Right?"

To keep tears from falling, Lance closed his eyes and turned to face the ceiling. He can't take it anymore, he can't bear it any longer. This has all happened far too quickly and in such a horrible way. This feeling recalls the time he found out his mother died shortly after giving birth to him. He was alone once more.

"I... Don't... Have... Much... Time..."

Finesse and Luke's group all cried as they averted their gazes from him. They can't stand seeing this. It's excruciating... It's so unreal to think that he will vanish just like that.

Only Liam has the courage to look Luke in the eyes as tears stream down his cheeks and his body trembles uncontrollably. Lance eventually mustered the bravery to look Luke in the eyes, which were bloodshot. He must not cry or appear weak, or he fears Luke will mock him.

Luke smiled as he glanced at the two. He's running out of breath, so he needs to speak rapidly.

"See... You... Soon"

'So don't bury me just yet.'

However, he was unable to say this since his breath had stopped and his body had become utterly stiff. Lance and Liam clenched their jaws as they observed this.

Lance took a deep breath and exhaled to relax.

"God fucking damn it... Fuck."

Liam smiled sadly as he glanced at Luke's body.

"See you in the next life... Brother,"

Hearing the two men, the party that was gazing away concluded Luke's death. They then began to sob uncontrollably. Some are yelling, others are pounding their chests in rage, while others are simply staring at Luke with despair and anguish in their eyes.

The moment when they should have been celebrating their war triumph with food transformed into wailing and grieving for the loss of their friend, brother, father, and beloved commander.