
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 118: Start of War(12)

"Voice amplification magic, Spencer."

Spencer gave a nod and cast a spell to Luke. Luke then cleared his throat and began to talk.

"Make the Naval Fleet retreat, Brother Noah."

At Luke's request, Noah flinched and glanced at his younger brother in bewilderment. Luke, on the other hand, appears to be unmoved by his stares, so he sighed in defeat.

"All naval fleets retreat."

The troops nodded nervously and began steering the ships back to land. Luke took a look at this and issued a new command.

"Spencer, assist Brother Noah and the other knights in getting away from the attacking ships and to the shore. In addition... Bring your siblings here."

At Luke's last command, Spencer came to a halt. He then stared at him as if he were insane. Luke sighed as he realized this.

"Don't worry, they're not going to fight. I only needed their presence to inspire the person who will be assisting us in quickly completing this marine business."

For a little period, Spencer was deafeningly quiet. He nodded as if he finally understood what Luke was saying. After that, he quickly began moving and, with the assistance of Liam, transferred Noah and the other knights back to the shore. Noah landed safely on the beach and glanced at Spencer with a puzzled expression.

"What the hell is going on, Spencer-"

"You'll have to wait and see, commander."

Spencer then turned away from Noah and the stunned aristocrats and cast teleportation magic in the blink of an eye. The aristocrats and wizards were all taken aback by the speed with which the magic was cast. They had seen Spencer's announcement earlier that he will be the 22nd Archmage, and it appears that the role is a good fit for him.

After doing the teleportation magic, his four siblings emerged, all of them confused and amazed as they looked around the surroundings. When they noticed their brother staring at them, they began to question him one by one.

"What are we doing here?"

"Brother Spencer?"

"Where is Brother Luke?"

"Are you all right?"

Spencer just patted their heads and nodded. He then turned them around to face the ocean, which Luke is currently gliding above. Luke was the only one left with the foes.

"Uhm... Please excuse me."

The Sujin siblings all turned around to see Snow staring at them as she cautiously approached them. Snow averted their gazes and whispered.

"Nash told me to come up to you guys, uh..."

The four little siblings exchanged puzzled looks with Snow at first, before brightening when they heard Nash's words in their heads.

• All of you! Snow is my older sister! Now I have a Big Sister!

"Ohhh! Really?! That's fantastic!"

"Congratulations, Nash!"

"Do you go by the name Snow? What a lovely name!"

"Waaah! Your hair looks exactly like Brother Luke's!"

Snow became flustered as a result of the siblings' constant greetings, but she soon relaxed. After a little chat with them, they all stared at Luke, who was flying alone in the middle of the ocean.

"All right, now it's time to wrap things up."

Luke sighed and wore his black coat, which Nash had brought for him, over his practically torn white commander suit. He smiled as he took something from his coat pocket. The thing he took out was a rather familiar-looking shell. Luke then smirked at the monster, who was staring at him suspiciously, but Luke was unconcerned and blew the shell.


A few moments later, after blowing up his shell, Luke nonchalantly placed it back in his pocket, and then, absolute silence came after. The aristocrats and adversaries stared at Luke in bewilderment and astonishment, but they came to a halt when the ocean trembled furiously. Every one of the aristocrats and soldiers was terrified except for Liam, Spencer, and the kids, this was because they already knew what was about to happen.

Lily, Josh, Michael, and Jessa all exclaimed at the same time.


"He's here!"

"I'd been missing him so much!"

"I want to play with him later!"

Snow examined the reactions of the siblings besides her before turning her gaze to her arms, where Nash was, and hearing Nash speak in her mind.

• Plankton! We'll be meeting Plankton! Snow, let's play with him later!

Snow gazed ahead with a nod. The enemy ships began to rock back and forth uncontrollably as the ocean waves became increasingly fierce. Even the monster's ship is swaying, which throws him off balance. The adversaries were perplexed and taken aback by this.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Wait! Are those tentacles?"

"What do you mean- wait, tentacles?"

The adversaries then pointed to a gigantic wiggling tentacle that emerged from the water. Soon after, more tentacles developed, eventually leading to the appearance of a massive monstrous-looking head. The adversaries were stunned, and they were all frozen in place as they saw the monster fully emerge from the water's surface and reveal its shape.

Even the nobles who were on the shore were taken aback by this. They were so taken aback that they lost their equilibrium and fell flat on their butts on the beach while staring at the more awe-inspiring behemoth than the black monster in front of them.

"I-is that...?"

"A-a... A Kraken?"

The nobles all covered their mouths from shock. They then all looked at the man who's casually flying above the Kraken with wide and shaking eyes. The man who called this monster like it was nothing, Luke.

"Hello Plankton; it's great to see you again."

Kiik! Kiik!

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time, but could you just take care of those evil men for me? Including that dreadful black monster."

Luke pointed at the black monster and Plankton stared at it- no, more like glared at it. Plankton appears to have already identified the monster as a threat. Plankton did not waste any time and slams his tentacle into the black monster. The monster was aware of this, but it was too late; Plankton had already reached its ship.

Unfortunately for Plankton, he was unable to completely demolish the ship in one go, and the monster is still able to have its footing on water. Plankton was snarled at by the creature, who then ejected three black explosives from its jaws. However, something unexpected occurred...

Plankton simply slapped the bombs with his tentacle as if nothing had happened. Plankton slammed the bombs with his tentacles, slamming them back at the monster in the process. Unfortunately for the monster, when Plankton slapped him with his tentacles, the bombs were already detonating, resulting in the bombs exploding on the monster's face. The monster was able to taste its own destruction.

"Ooooh, that looked like it hurt."

Luke made an ooh face and looked at the monster with pity as Plankton slapped the monster into the ocean. Luke then took advantage of the opportunity, activating his aura and charging at the presently suffocating beast. Luke summoned his strength and thrusts his sword as deeply as he could into the monster.

The creature tried to fight back but ended up sinking with Luke. Luke then snatched his sword from the monster and began chopping off the creature's limbs one by one underwater. After completing the limbs, he positioned his sword on the monster's neck and chopped the monster's head off, killing it instantly.

Luke nodded in satisfaction after confirming the monster's death and started swimming on the surface. He then flew back into the air, flapping his damp wings to dry them. He then witnessed Plankton annihilating the rest of the enemy ships on his own. Luke grinned when he saw this. It appears that he is no longer required to take any action.

Plankton had just destroyed the ships with the occupants on the deck when Luke arrived. While Luke was proud of Plankton's accomplishments, the aristocrats and troops were shocked and terrified, something Luke was unaware of.

Plankton turned back to Luke after annihilating the foes. Luke gave him a friendly smile and used his thumb to motion to the children standing on the beach.

"Go down and shrink yourself; the kids are waiting for you."

Plankton then turned his gaze to the island, where he noticed the Sujin siblings, as well as Snow, waving at him. Plankton sensed Nash in there as well, so he swam towards the shore, changing smaller and smaller as he went. Luke trailed following him, his gaze fixed on Plankton's shrinking form. When they arrived at the beach, his group and the kids greeted them.

The kids quickly went into the ocean to play with Plankton, while Snow approached Luke and took his hand. Luke patted her head because it appeared she was still too shy to interact.

Luke then turned to face the soldiers and aristocrats who were staring at him with wide eyes, but the majority of them were staring at Plankton and the children. Luke groaned as he observed their expressions and spoke in a commanding but calm tone, a voice befitting of a commander.

"The war has come to an end. And we won."