
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 116: Start of War(10)

Luke was taken aback by the scene in front of him. Snow and the teen had been battling for a long time, and neither of them seemed to be giving up. But something isn't quite right...

Luke was concerned as he looked towards the direction of Snow. Snow begins to shiver, and blood begins to run from her nose. He then heard Nash's agitated voice.

• Dad! Snow is freezing!

Luke's expression hardened when he heard those remarks. So that's what the boy meant when he claimed Snow wouldn't be able to use her abilities without him.

Snow's power is harming her body as well.

Luke's brow furrowed and he began to activate his aura.

"Take care of Snow, Nash."

• Got it!

Nash flew straight to Snow and began casting temperature magic on her. He then began to wait for the results but scowled when he noticed Snow was still freezing.

"What the-! Why?!"

Snow then slowly spoke while shaking.

"M-magic isn't effective on me... I... I require natural heat..."

Nash had a troubled expression on his face as he stared at Snow. He then turned his gaze to his paws and then to Snow. He didn't have time to consider, so he ran up to her and hugged her.

"Here! Have a hug! My fur is thick and fluffy, and also warm! I'll make you feel better! I promise!"

Snow came to a complete halt before hugging Nash's soft and warm body back. She felt warm and safe, even if it wasn't enough for her. Nash's tail begins to wag in response to her actions.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Snow remained silent and only nodded. Nash flashed a proud smile and spoke enthusiastically.

"I told you I'd keep you warm!"

"Yes, yes. Thank you."

The teen looked at the sight of Snow hugging air in front of him. He couldn't see or feel Nash, so he assumed Snow had gone insane.

"Heh, take a look at this bitch. She's gone insane!"

"Heh, look at this son of a bitch, he's going to be impaled."


The teenager came to a halt and looked at his stomach. He then saw a blade with a purple aura being stabbed through his stomach from his back. He spun his head around to see Luke's cold and threatening eyes looking at him as blood began to flow from his mouth. The teen's eyes widened.

"Y-you! You're insane! How did you get through my heat?!"

The teenager then turned his gaze to Luke's rapidly scorching clothing and flesh. Luke also appeared to have struggled to get close to him, as he can see rivers of blood pouring from his mouth, nose, and ears. His wings were the only thing that had kept him safe all this time.

Luke smirked as he observed the boy's reaction.

"I've gone through a lot worse heat than this, you brat. Don't take me for granted."

Now that Luke has given it some thought. The heat he had to endure to obtain the phoenixes' power was far greater than what this kid is generating. Of course, this isn't to say that this kid's heat is a joke. Luke could feel his body getting numb and melting because it was so hot. Luke sighed, realizing that he'd gone through a lot and that he needed to rest.

Luke could feel the heat getting to him the longer he stayed close to the boy, so he moved and sliced the boy's stomach. Luke then took a step back to allow himself to breathe properly and move away from the heat. He then turned to face the youngster, who was screaming and clutching his bleeding stomach.


Luke frowned at how loud the boy was becoming and charged towards him, punching him out from within the steam, drawing the attention of the others who were fighting outside. They flinched again when they saw the bloodied body of the boy flying out, followed by the bloodied visage of their leader after him.

Selena and Yulia were horrified when they saw Luke's face. Holy shit he looks like he's been beaten to death.

"Luke! What the hell happened to you?!"

Selena immediately threw the battered foe from her grasp and dashed for Luke, Yulia following close behind. Selena then noticed Liam stopping what he was doing and running towards Luke, who was looking concerned.

Luke didn't see they were approaching and panicked when he saw the boy pulling something from his pocket. Luke then observed the youngster take a scroll from his bag and ripped it. Luke quickly knew what the scroll was for and dashed over to him.

"You son of a-! Don't you dare!"

While Luke was sprinting towards the teen, the teen had already ripped the scroll and began to vanish. Luke tightened his jaw and accelerated his pace. He then began swinging his sword aimlessly.



Since he teleported away, the teen's voice was cut off. Luke panted as he pondered what he had just chopped off. He then noticed a bloodied arm on the ground. Luke let out a sigh.

'Damn it, he got away,'

Luke then panted from exhaustion and was about to fall off when he felt his body being supported. He then noticed Liam looking at him with concern. Luke patted Liam on the back as if to express his gratitude, he then turned to look at the slowly dissipating cloud of steam up at the hill, where he noticed Snow slowly going out while still cuddling the unseen Nash. Luke then looked at her and motioned for her to come close. Snow paused for a second before sprinting up to him and hugging him while holding Nash in her arms.

Luke let out a sigh and patted Snow on the head. He then turned to look into the distance, where he noticed Shawn and the other giants had already completed dealing with the monsters and were now slowly approaching him. He then noticed Klein's iron giant approaching him too, carrying the head of Leo's giant, which was most likely holding the pilot where Leo is trapped in. Klein appears to have already dealt with Leo and gotten a grip of him, which is a good thing. It seems that some of the giants also helped Klein defeat Leo since Leo's giant was so beat up. Luke could also see Spencer approaching him, dragging Adam's unconscious body behind him.

When all of the giants and other allies had assembled behind Luke, Luke then turned to face the enemy mages and the few remaining enemy soldiers. They don't have the courage to fight back now that they've seen what Luke's army can do and how quickly their numbers are dwindling, right?

However, Luke appears to be mistaken, as the magicians have all readied their offensive positions. Luke sighed; these people are so stubborn, aren't they?

"I knew it wouldn't be easy convincing you to give up. Bring her here, Spencer."

Spencer glanced at Luke before sighing and fixing his glasses. Spencer then cast teleportation magic and Finesse's figure started to appear. Finesse slowly blinked open her eyes and took a look around. When she saw her brother's injured face in front of her, she flinched. She has a worried expression on her face as she looks at him.

"Are you okay, brother?"

"Hmm? Yes, I'm as fine as I've always been."

All of Luke's allies glanced at him in disbelief. He doesn't appear to be in good shape, given the amount of blood covered on his entire body.

Finesse gave Luke a serious expression. She clenched her hands after that. She saw everything from the recording device, no- it wasn't just her... All of Reece's saw how the battle went through the large screen of the plaza and their video devices. It was harrowing, agonizing, and terrifying to witness. But they must all keep an eye out since their commander, their hero is present. All they could do for him was watch him fight and cheer him on.

But seeing Luke's condition up close and personal was heartbreaking for her. She then groaned and turned around to face the people behind her. She then noticed her people, the Paliath mages, staring at her. She then stared at them with a stern expression on her face.

"Is this what you'd all hoped for? War? Why did you go to war in the first place? All of you, tell me."

The mages remained mute as they gazed at their princess, who was glaring at them with enraged eyes. No one dared to say anything. Finesse's fists were clenched.

"Do you believe siding with the obvious foes will help you reclaim Paliath? I'm sure mother and father will be disappointed in us if they are still alive. They never taught us to fight; instead, they instilled in us the ability to accept and forgive. What do you think I married Duke Viscellete of Reece for? I did it because I wished for calm to return. Paliath and Reece were on the verge of reuniting when I accepted his hand in marriage. But you all came here and began this horrific conflict with the Regle Alliance. I am a mother now! And it was heartbreaking to consider that my son's earliest years were spent seeing a conflict that my people had started."

The mages all glanced down at the ground after that. They were ashamed. They believed that by doing this war, their princess and their former kingdom would return, but it was all for naught. And now they've discovered that their princess doesn't want it either and they're unhappy since they realized what they just did was shameful. What exactly have they been doing?

Finesse took a deep breath and exhaled to relax. She then took something out of her pocket and held it up for everyone to see.

"This is the Archmages' Medal. The archmage's influence over mages is symbolized by this token. I'll give it to someone deserving. Someone I know who will never harm you and will show you the right way. I am no longer deserving of this position because I am now simply a regular mother, so..."

Finesse turns around and walked towards Luke. Finesse then took Luke's hand in hers and placed the medal in his palm. Luke stared at the medal in a daze for a few moments before realizing what had happened. But it's too late now, for Finesse hugged him closely and patted his shoulders with a broad smile.

"I'll hand them over to you, brother. I am confident that you, more than I, will make the best decisions for them."

Luke couldn't say anything since he was speechless. Finesse chuckled and looked at Spencer.

"Please take me home, Spencer."


Finesse vanished on the battlefield in a second when Spencer nodded and performed teleportation magic on her.

It was completely silent. No one dared to speak up.

With frightened eyes, the mages gazed at Luke. They then began walking towards him while avoiding the giants' gazes. They all kneeled towards him once they were close enough. After that, the chief mage spoke.

"Please show us the proper and peaceful path... We'd like to learn from you and assist you in order to make amends for our heinous sins."

Luke groaned and closed his eyes. He scratched his head shortly after opening his eyes.

"I don't have the knowledge or ability to lead all of you. I wasn't born with the ability to be a leader or to be a mage."

Luke was met with stares of disbelief by the magicians and allies. Sure, he isn't gifted in the realm of magic, but his claim that he wasn't born to rule was dubious. Luke appears to have noticed their gaze and warmly smiles at them.

'Hmm, now that I've stepped down, they could be wondering who will guide them.'

Spencer flinched as Luke grinned and turned his head towards him. Spencer then stared at Luke, as if he had a bad feeling about something, but Luke ignored him and handed him the medal. Luke then made a heavenly smile and patted Spencer's tense shoulders.

"This particular friend of mine is at the level of an archmage. He is gifted and patient when it comes to teaching others. He's the appropriate person for you guys to have as a leader."

Spencer glared at Luke, who simply smiled back. Luke then drew Spencer's head closer to his ear and whispered something to him.

"I'm sure your siblings would be proud of you if you become the Archmage."

Luke could then hear Spencer groaning and snobbishly walking past him. Luke simply smirked at his actions and just let do Spencer do his thing.

Spencer then came to a halt in front of the magicians and gazed down at them.

"First and foremost, get up. I despise conversing with people like this."

The mage flinched and immediately stood up straight. Spencer then took a look at each of them individually.

"Now that you've seen how Luke gave me the medal, that means he entrusted you all to me. I needed to do this since I couldn't say no and also wanted to discipline you guys."

The mages all looked at Spencer with puzzled expressions.


"That's right. Since you guys are all now under my care, I don't want to see you guys get distracted by someone pointing elsewhere or having a lack of magic coordination. It appears that the Regle alliance simply took you in without providing you with the necessary care."

The mages flinched and stared at Spencer, their eyes are trembling.

"Y-you... You're that guy-?"

"Yes, I am 'that guy' as you called it. To be more exact, I was the one who drew your attention to a random spot by pointing, allowing me to flee more easily. Now is the time to put an end to your clumsy behavior and become the proper and trustworthy magicians for the kingdom that your princess expects of you all."

With their cheeks reddened, the mages all glance down at the ground. They are now really ashamed. Spencer sighed as he saw this.

"Now that we've made our objectives and positions here very clear. Let me begin by introducing myself..."

Spencer adjusted his glasses and wore the medal he was holding. He then wrapped himself in green mana and stared at the mages, who were in awe of him and his mana.

"My name is Spencer Sujin. The 22nd Archmage."