
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 108: Start of War(2)

Nash triggered the teleportation circle while Liam quietly nodded and moved closer to Luke. Luke stated something to his group, who were all staring at him, before totally teleporting.

"Go get ready, Spencer, Yulia, and Selena. Please prepare the giants as well, Grandpa."

Erdene remained silent for a little period before turning to face Luke, who was teleporting away slowly. Erdene smirked at him.

"I see what you're going for, you brat. Very well, I'll tell them."

When Luke nodded, his entire body was transported away.

"Ah, at long last, he's arrived."

Lance then smiled as he stared at the dazzling light that was forming in the room's center. The illumination faded away, and two familiar faces emerged. It's Luke and Liam.

"Hello, your highness once again. Brother Noah, I'd like to greet you as well."

Noah turned to face Luke and Liam, who was approaching them. Luke grinned at him after noticing his stares. To catch their attention, Lance clapped his hands.

"All right, then, let's get down to business."


Lance grinned as he placed the two golden badges on the table and looked at Luke and Noah.

"What's the matter with you staring at me like that? Isn't this something we've already discussed?"

Luke shrugged and reached for one of the badges. He then began to fiddle with it while chatting.

"I didn't expect it to be that simple to receive these kinds of things."

Noah locked his gaze on Luke, who was playing the badge in his hand and pointing his thumb at him.

"Can you tell me why you chose him as the second commander?"

Luke put down the badge and patted Noah on the shoulders.

"He didn't choose me; I volunteered to be one myself."

"Why? You do realize that a commander's job isn't easy, do you?"

"I'm not that stupid brother, you know. But I have to do this to save the life of a friend."

"Life of a friend?"

"I won't bother explaining it to you because you won't get it. By the way, brother, I need your wife."

Noah gave Luke a piercing glare right away. Luke's demeanor suggests that whatever he says next won't be good.

"Why do you need her?"

"I need her to persuade her people not to die,"

Noah moved his entire body towards Luke, staring him down and tightening his hands in rage.

"You want her to go to the battleground with you? Are you insane?"

Luke simply stood calmly in front of Noah's blazing eyes of rage. If this is their first meeting and Luke is still learning about the world, he will most likely gulp nervously as a result of Noah's stare.

"I am not insane, but I do need her to accompany me."

"You bastard-!"

"I'll go."

Noah came to a halt, but Luke simply grinned at the expected visitor entering the office. It is Finesse.

Luke made Nash send a message to Finesse to come here before they arrived. And it appears that she arrived just in time to hear their talk.

"Finesse? What are you doing in this place? It's still early in the morning, and it's cold-"

"Please, Noah, don't treat me like a child. And about the matter of Brother Luke's request. I agree. I'll go there with him."


"Noah, I've already made up my decision; whether you like it or not, I'm going. Please, I need to do this, no- I want to do this."

Noah remained silent for a few moments before returning his gaze to Luke, who was staring at them both blankly.

"It's up to you to keep her safe. You're dead if I find a scratch on her."

With a sigh, Luke shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

"She is my sister, not protecting her would be irresponsible on my part. Just leave her to me."

Finesse then gave a relieved smile and moved over to Luke.

"Thank you so much, brother, for providing me with this opportunity."

"It's not a big deal."

Finesse gave Luke a beautiful smile as he scratched his head and sighed.


After that, Luke and the others shifted their attention to Lance. Lance gave them a friendly grin and rang the small bell on the side of his table.

Ring, ring


Someone burst open the door as soon as the bell rang. It's Paulina.

"Luke! It's been a long time!"


"Haha! My friend, I've missed you!"

Paulina then stepped right up to Luke and hugged him. Paulina glanced at Luke's entire body with a happy face after the hug.

"Perfect! Your body is just how I pictured it!"

"...Excuse me?"

Instead of responding, Paulina made a clapping motion with her hands.

"Bring them in!"

As soon as she said that, servants and two mannequins dressed as commanders entered the room and were placed in the center. Luke looked at the two mannequins and blinked. Their styles were similar, but their colors were distinct. There are two colors: black and white.

The black uniform piqued Luke's interest, and he began to approach it. Paulina's hands, however, stopped him.

"Where are you going? That's the one you're wearing!"

Paulina then pointed to the white uniform, which caused Luke to frown and stare at it puzzled.

"Why white?"

"Because it is pleasant on you! When you're dressed in white, you look like a saint! I can vouch for you because I saw you at the wedding in white!"

"Do you mind if I take the black one?"

"Nope! It's already been constructed to fit your sizes as per his highness's last-minute request, therefore it'll be too big for you! Please, don't be shy! Give it a shot!"

When Luke saw the fancy pure white suit in front of him, he made a poker face. Behind it is a gorgeous white cape with gold laces. It's difficult to imagine him wearing this.

"I... I forgot that I have to go somewhere."

"Eh? My friend, where are you going?"

Luke came to a halt and smiled at the people inside.

"I'm going to get our forces ready. After all, we need everything we have to defend our kingdom."

The individuals in the room glanced at Luke for a moment before recalling something.

This is no longer a joke.

Even though everyone in this room had heard about the war, they were just joking around and trying on clothes as if it were a typical day. They were fools.

But, thankfully, someone is rational enough to point this out to them. Luke is the hero of their kingdom and the continent.

Paulina gripped the fabric she was holding tightly.

'As one would expect from a friend, he is extremely dependable.'

Liam and Finesse exchanged a sweet smile with Luke.

'Brother is truly responsible,'

'Brother is so wonderful, he is so kind that I do not even know how to describe it with words anymore.'

Noah and Lance simply groaned and shook their heads.

'Show off.'

'Even though I knew he was only going elsewhere to escape donning the clothes, you can't help but think of his conduct in a positive light.'

The people in the room then stared as Luke and Liam teleported away slowly. Luke simply smiled at their silent expressions and waved them off. They teleported to their second destination after waving goodbye. The Mystical Forest.

When Luke turned back, he was greeted by the tranquility of a lush forest. The lush woodland suddenly opens up into a broad plain with massive wooden homes in the center. That's where the giants call home. When Luke and Liam took a step forward, some of the giants became aware of their presence. When they notice Luke's presence, they make a beeline towards him. Luke smiled and walked right up to Shawn and Ava, who was staring at him.

Luke greeted them with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Mr. Shawn and Ava, it's been a long time since we've seen each other."

Shawn then glanced at Luke before speaking.

"Are you come to give us information on the war?"

"It appears that Grandpa told you already. Yes, I'd like you to be a part of it."

Ava then stepped in, nervously fidgeting.

"However, don't humans despise us? What if even our allies' soldiers are terrified of us? I'm worried we'll only be a source of distraction."

"What makes you think that?"


Ava put down her fiddling and fixed her gaze on Luke, who was crossing his arms and staring at her.

"Hey, I'm a human, and Liam is as well. But do we fear you?"

Ava came to a halt and bent her head.


"Then don't be concerned about trivial matters. And, besides, you'll all be saving lives; if no one can appreciate what you'll be doing, they're just blind assholes. And if there is a human who will behave in this manner, don't be concerned. They will be taken care of by me. So don't be frightened to run wild; I'll take care of the ungrateful humans for you."

The giants came to a halt and stared at Luke. They were all staring at him. They knew he wasn't only talking to Ava, but all of them after hearing his last sentence.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When Luke heard heavy things tumbling to the ground, he flinched. He then noticed that all of the giants had dropped and stopped what they were doing and that they had begun to put on their iron armor and hammers. Ava began to put on her armor and the hammer that Erdene had given her. Luke grinned when he saw this.

"It appears that you were all prepared beforehand."

Shawn continued to speak while holding a hammer over his shoulders.

"Of course we do, we had already resolved to participate in this a long time ago. So, Young Master Luke, we're counting on you to protect us."

Luke smiled.

"Of sure, you can rely on me,"

Shawn nodded and smiled. They then knelt in front of Luke.

"Commander, we will obey your orders!"

Luke smiled as he took in the scene. He can see it now: their complete victory. His finish line towards his peaceful life.

Meanwhile, Liam and Nash were softly glancing at Luke's smile.

'It appears as this conflict will be over soon.'

'Hmph, this will be simple; after all, dad has me.'

"All right, then, let's go get the other giant."

Shawn and Ava were perplexed when they heard him.

"Other giant?"

Luke gave them a mischievous smirk.

"It's the war's leading giant."