
I Will Live A Better Life!

A man dies and reincarnates into another world. Grasping the emotions left from his past life, he yearns for a better life. However, the world isn't as simple as it seems. "Curses?!" "Demons..?" "Magic..!" "Another world..?!" It seems like his newly-granted life will be wrought with troubles. ***** The starting point will be a mixed anime world that includes several slice-of-life as well as supernatural worlds. MC's cheat is not a system. The story will not be fast-paced. For his appearance, he looks similar to Galahad of Fate/Grand Order. Mix Worlds: Jujutsu Kaisen | Otherworld's Magic is Too Far Behind! | Bocchi The Rock! | Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Other Worlds: Familiar of Zero | Danmachi | Fate/Grand Order | Fate/Apocrypha Chapter 1-14: Mix Worlds Chapter 15 - 98: Danmachi Chapter 99 - 115: Fate Grand Order Chapter 116 - 136: Mix Worlds Chapter 137 - Latest: Fate/ Apocrypha Advanced chapters: Pa****n.com/IdleYoungMaster PS: The list of worlds will be updated as the story proceeds. Also, updates will be one chapter / day during my summer vacation. If you are interested for potential worlds MC would travel, feel free to take a look at the extra chapter. (Cover art not mine. Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2247928)

IdleYoungMaster · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

Chapter 113: A Proposition

"So, what do you feel?"

"...Nothing special."

After the agreement, we decided to stay further in the Clocktower. I was able to skim through the so-called 'magecraft', which isn't much different from the ones on Tri-Hermes. It is quite similar to magicka's way of manipulating mysteries, though it is dependent on the power of these 'mysteries'.

"Alright. Do tell me if you need something."



A foreboding came upon me.

"You must've noticed something already. It is useless to keep hiding it any further."

"...Yes. You have the same origin as Albion, but you have an aura of decay."

It didn't take long to put two and two together. The 'thing' contained by the broken rifle was dubbed by Atlas as 'Grain' or 'Ether'. This energy appears whenever a strong being dies.

Lancelot, for reasons unknown, has it.

"You didn't ask even if you knew."

"That was basic courtesy."

"I suppose."

The young girl nodded as she flashed a complicated look at me.

"I haven't lied to you. I came from a different version of Camelot… the one those people called the 'British Lostbelt'."

Lancelot started revealing her origins.

"They… no, someone like you came to our world."

It didn't take long to realize who it was.

"Miss Mash?"

Nodding, she continued:

"They sought to oppose the rule of our Queen… Queen Morgan le Fay."


Wait a moment…

Morgan le Fay?

The same cousin of King Arthur who tried to screw with our King's rule?!

This parallel world Camelot is strange, indeed…

"She was the one who gave us our titles as fairy knights. It granted us the power of the Round Table Knights from the proper human history. However, its true purpose is to seal our true forms."

I used five partitions to process everything.

"True forms… Is it harmful for you to revert to that form?"


Then, she shouldn't go back to that form, at all.

"Then… Someone could use your true name to force you into that state."

Once again, she nodded solemnly.

I myself am quite skilled at sympathetic magicka. It is a type of magicka that uses someone's name in order to affect them remotely with magicka. The curses caused by voodoo dolls are one such example of it.

Immediately, I reacted.

"There's no need to mention your true name to me. We haven't known each other for long. It'd only cause discomfort on your side."

"...This is precisely why I am willing…"


From the beginning, I acted according to my beliefs. I encountered these moments several times—that people are willing to trust me based on what they saw from me.

I repay that act with integrity.

If Lancelot is willing to reveal her name, then so be it.

"In my world, I am commonly known as the Fairy Knight Lancelot (Tam Lin). I serve under Aurora, the leader of the Wind Clan."

The serious ambience reached its peak.

"...My true name is Melusine, an incarnation born from the white dragon's remains."


"Just like the fairy of the lake. What a fitting name."


From her reaction, I could see she didn't expect those words.ds.

"I wasn't kidding. It suits you more than Lancelot."

One thing I would like to keep a secret was that the image of my father keeps popping up with that name.

After this awkward silence passed, I took the initiative to offer a handshake. It is merely symbolic—and the second time we've done it—but it represents a renewed agreement now that she revealed her true name.

With a hint of confusion, she received it. I felt a soft yet small hand contact mine.

"We're partners from now on, Melusine."


It was a strange feeling.

Never had Melusine encountered someone as pure as him. He didn't possess any corrupt thoughts. His beliefs aren't as messed up as the faeries' from the British Lostbelt.

Whatever he believed in, that was it. There are no hidden motives whatsoever.

It was simply akin to her meeting with Aurora. This time, however, she is drastically luckier that she encountered him.

'It's strange… but good.'

Melusine thought as she felt his hand. She didn't notice that a smile crept up to her face.

Just then, she felt a series of changes.

Her Saint Graph had unknowingly formed a link with the white dragon's corpse.

It didn't make any changes visibly, but it altered her Saint Graph directly.

It is currently based on Nobu's Holy Grail, albeit it didn't interfere as it deemed it to be harmless.

'What… That's how it was?'

Nobu also detected this change. He abruptly stopped his plan to interfere.With Melusine's name being known to him—the requesting end of their contract—he gained the same eyes that allowed Masters to see their servant's parameters.


Strength: C → B

Endurance: A+ → A++

Agility: B → A+

Mana: A+ → EX

Luck: B → A++

NP: A+ → EX


Somehow, he found this system to be similar to falna. However, her status was displayed with six different orbs of light. They shine brighter the stronger they are.

Only her attributes were shown, with the rest of her abilities such as her Noble Phantasms hidden. As for the Class Skills (of a Lancer), that was already enlisted on the data Nobu found within Tri-Hermes. Only her Personal Skills remained hidden.

'Albion… It should be its recognition towards Melusine.'

An acknowledgement of the one hailed as the 'strongest true dragon' could bring forward absurd changes.

"Are you alright?"

"...Yes. It didn't harm me."

"That's good."

After that, the awkward silence came.

'Yet another Bocchi-chan…'

If Bocchi is the god of introverts with all their characteristics, Melusine took on the characteristic of being withdrawn. She doesn't usually like to express herself. She would only talk when I start the conversation.

'Come to think of it… We'll be meeting again soon…'

Nobu's eagerness to return to their world burned strongly once more.


Three years…

Scratch that.

If my time on Gekai is counted, I was nearly gone for three and a half years. While I am not aware of the time difference between this world and mine, it shouldn't be that big. Galahad would've warned me if it was. He was simply that kind of person; meticulous and direct.

That's where I got the trait of speaking everything that has to be said.

"Britain of your world… I am interested in seeing it."

I stood still in the control center with my King beside me. The rest of my fellow knights are piloting Altair… with heightened interests. Since they have the [Riding] skill as a form of our training as knights, it applied into 'riding' high-end airships as well.

The ones with higher levels such as Gareth easily learned how to pilot it.

Although, Agravain insisted on remaining at our King's side. When the entire matter was over, things become awkward between the two sides. Of course, Agravain kept his feelings in check and chose to be the same old minister he once was.

"...I will make sure it will be done."

I already foresaw a bit of trouble when I decided to bring everyone. I didn't reject it simply because of one thing:

'My King blames herself for my end.'

It was not only me, but she expressed her 'regrets' in which she sent me on that journey in 'vain'. As a Divine Spirit, she got to know many things including the Counterforce—the reason behind Camelot's collapse.

With it, she understood how it contributed to her kingdom's downfall. But, she didn't excuse herself from her faults. If she had led them better, it wouldn't have happened in the first place.

In the end, that was also the reason why she wanted to help me with the troubles in my world.

"All systems check! We're good to go, Galahad!"

{Everything is as Miss Gareth had said.}

{Everyone's help lowered the burden of directing Altair. I am able to focus my current processing speed on our return path.}

Miku's slightly synthetic voice resounded in my mind.

"Thanks for the help, everyone."

I said before pulling out the fake holy grail from my storage space. At this moment, its sole function is to store enough energy to manifest a miracle.

'A copy of the holy grail has been detected. Assimilate its stored power?'

Since I haven't seen the 'possibilities' of this function, I only used it now. If it is merely temporary, returning to my world might prove to be more difficult.


The holy grail within my grasp instantly turned into motes of golden light.

'Synchronization complete.'

'Miracles: Two'

'Charges: Nine'

Surprisingly, the grail gave two miracles as well as two charges. Considering one miracle was enough to strengthen Ein Sof's attack on Goetia, it is very useful. It didn't have something like the Holy Grail, after all.

From what Romani-san told me, his greatest strength as Solomon lies on the ten rings he wore. It was the same Rings of Solomon that God gave him when he chose wisdom out of everything he could have asked for.

'He trusted me that much… I could understand why.'

There are many factors as to why he chose to trust me. One of them is my 'difference' compared to the Galahad he knew. He said that I am 'much better' than the rigid Galahad who seems to know something.

Speaking of him…

I wasn't able to talk to him.

I used everything that I had but I wasn't able to reach him.

'It's strange…'

Just as I thought of him, I found myself transported within a dreamscape. It is purely made of ivory white floor and walls. A clear blue sky served as its background.

"I thought you didn't want to see me… Galahad."

"I sought the most proper time for this meeting."

Galahad appeared at this moment across from me. He had the same appearance as the Galahad whom I usually talked to. However, there is a difference.

Their eyes.

Unlike his eyes that contained a trace of humanity, this Galahad didn't have that at all.

"I must warn you. The path offered by Goetia is the best possible outcome for humanity."


"Beyond him lies innumerable strong foes. Foreign gods that sought to usurp our world, the Lostbelt Kings who wanted to replace history, the Crypters who supported that change, and the self-destructive plan imposed by Chaldea's former director."

He spat out one revelation after another, befitting his title as the Knight of Revelations.

"If humanity did not accept Goetia's proposed path, humanity would come to face these worsts."

"It is choosing the lesser evils, then."

"You are correct."

I am too familiar with his… my former ways.

For the sake of the greater good, I wouldn't hesitate to choose the lesser evils.

A trace of normalcy might still be found within my past self, but not when deciding an outcome that could influence the majority.

In this regard, I am truly inhuman.

"He must have given you these revelations." I asked. "Then, He must have mentioned another possibility."

"...The chances of humanity surpassing them on their own is close to nil."

"But He said it."

I am right.

The one who bore Ein Sof (Neverending)...

His vision could truly see far into the future. Then again, it was stated in the Bible that He only proposes while man disposes. It should be attributed to higher-order beings' transfer into the Reverse Side that acted similar to the Spirit Realm.

"There is only a low possibility of it occurring. Spelling the end of those foreign gods doesn't end things." Galahad spoke calmly. "This world forsaken by gods and wills alike faces endless danger. Once humanity becomes the enemy of the universe, it would be too late to reverse it."


I decided to open all nine partitions that I have. 387 million thoughts were processed by my mind along with its partitions. I weighed everything objectively—that included the probability of these events occurring.

In the end, I acknowledged his worries. But…

"...Haven't you forgotten something?" I asked. "If the humanity of this world isn't enough, then how about the humanity of other worlds?"

If probability isn't at your side, all you need to do is to break it. I have done that several times back in Gekai.

I believe I would be able to find people from other worlds who could help us in this regard.


Even Galahad fell silent upon my proposal.

"Anyways, it is time to let the young girl inherit your power. You didn't want them to succeed, yet they would inevitably defeat Goetia."

"...How could you say that?"

"I shall keep it a secret."

This is precisely the reason why Romani trusted me; I am far too different from my past self. With Galahad's inclination to be just and right, plus the humanity I gained… These were enough to be trusted by him.

"So, what would you choose?"

"...Then so be it." He replied. "I shall let your plan work out."

"That's good to hear."

Then, without any warning, I returned back to reality.

"Are you alright?"

My King noticed this change of mine.

"Yes, it's nothing much. I only had a talk with someone."

"Is that so…"

When I met her gaze, I saw a trace of concern form over her mature appearance. To be honest, I am quite unfamiliar with this appearance of our King. The changes were too big to disregard them.

After processing everything Galahad said, I focused on the matter at hand.

Utilizing one of the miracles within the grail, I formed an 'anchor' to this world as well as a predicted pathway.

'Consume one miracle to accomplish the desired outcome. Continue?'


With that, a large-scale distortion wrapped around Altair before it immediately 'sucked' us out of this world. Our surroundings turned black before the change occurred.



The airship 'left' the world where I previously came from. Still wrapped within this intangible yet prominent distortion, we started our journey to enter another world.

"This is…"

"These are the stars we see in the sky?"

Gareth and Sir Bedivere mouthed their curiosity towards the next scenery.

We are greeted by the sea of stars. Then, a 'well-lit path' appeared within our sights. It was characterized by a thin white line.

At the end of it lies a very familiar sight:

A round blue planet.

"Earth… It took a long time to return…"


In a luxurious temple within the desert, there was one such being that remained undeterred by the series of events. He had neither shown any will to interfere in the events 'mandated' by heaven.

Since Nobu and the rest didn't need his help, he remained obscure until everyone's disappearance.

The Old Man of the Mountain watched as the Singularity collapsed, reverting to its former 'proper' form.

"The foreigner shrouded from heaven but has its blessing…" His deep voice muttered these words. "How big would the changes you will bring..?"

"It is nothing short of miraculous. Truly… Was it the possibilities held by other worlds?"

"A Galahad who went into another world… I am sure it isn't merely caused by the other world."

Davinci responded to Ozymandias' musings.

After the singularity was over, the remaining servants 'joined' Chaldea. Their Saint Graphs were bound into the FATE System. Thus, they wouldn't truly disappear when they die. It is precisely the reason why Chaldea only grew in strength as they progressed towards more Singularities—the Heroic Spirits within their ranks only grew in numbers.

"Indeed. He is talented in his own right. His personality is also suited to garner more allies."

"Well… He's more friendly than I thought. Isn't that right, Romani?"

Davinci looked back to the acting director who grabbed a cup of coffee. The bits of caffeine within it jolted his drowsy cells awake.

"Yeah… He is the most ideal knight to exist, more so that he has attained his humanity."

"Ha! Humanity and self-sacrifice are the most crucial aspects of heroes and he has both!"

Even Ozymandias couldn't help but 'compliment' him.

"A hero… He is indeed one."

Romani smiled as he agreed with him.

"You're missing a crucial thing." Davinci pointed out. "Women."



The Pharaoh and former King of Israel, two beings who had multiple lovers, couldn't react. Romani was impacted by it the most, simply because of the number of his lovers in the name of 'diplomacy'. They numbered around 1,000 as a result.

In the end, Davinci's argument remained strong.