
I Will Live A Better Life!

A man dies and reincarnates into another world. Grasping the emotions left from his past life, he yearns for a better life. However, the world isn't as simple as it seems. "Curses?!" "Demons..?" "Magic..!" "Another world..?!" It seems like his newly-granted life will be wrought with troubles. ***** The starting point will be a mixed anime world that includes several slice-of-life as well as supernatural worlds. MC's cheat is not a system. The story will not be fast-paced. For his appearance, he looks similar to Galahad of Fate/Grand Order. Mix Worlds: Jujutsu Kaisen | Otherworld's Magic is Too Far Behind! | Bocchi The Rock! | Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Other Worlds: Familiar of Zero | Danmachi | Fate/Grand Order | Fate/Apocrypha Chapter 1-14: Mix Worlds Chapter 15 - 98: Danmachi Chapter 99 - 115: Fate Grand Order Chapter 116 - 136: Mix Worlds Chapter 137 - Latest: Fate/ Apocrypha Advanced chapters: Pa****n.com/IdleYoungMaster PS: The list of worlds will be updated as the story proceeds. Also, updates will be one chapter / day during my summer vacation. If you are interested for potential worlds MC would travel, feel free to take a look at the extra chapter. (Cover art not mine. Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2247928)

IdleYoungMaster · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 114: Returning Home

Since the day I longed to go back, I had a silly thought:

"What's the best way to make an appearance?"

I could simply appear in front of Ryuu similar to the Magician X manga that we've been reading. Of course, those were just my musings. I would like to meet with someone first before Suimei.

I am thinking on how I could play this small 'trick' on them.

(A/N: Magician X = Kaito Kid)

'No… How about a simple teleportation magicka? It feels quite bland…'

Things become different when I am facing this decision and not just imagining it.

In the end, I asked Miku about her opinion.

{Connection established.}

{A way to make your appearance? Why not do what goshujin-sama's heart wishes?}


It is actually in sync with my first thought.

'Well then.'

I came close to my King who was staring blankly at the opened docking station. The winds brushed our bodies yet it wasn't able to do anything.

"My King. Do you want to arrive in Britain first?"

"Britain? Wouldn't you want to meet your parents first?"

"That… well…"

I confessed to her.

"I'm going to settle an important matter. After that, I'll meet up with my parents."

"Is that so?"

It is an important matter.

After all, I couldn't let her go to that dorm as she was about to do in the first iteration. At the very least, I could help her take care of herself.

The people in that place didn't care about her condition at all..!

My sight looked at the sea of white clouds. We arrived on Earth's airspace a couple of hours later. I find it quite amusing to see everyone pilot an airship instead of horses. I wouldn't even be surprised if Gareth finds an interest with motorcycles, much as I did.

"Shiina is quite special…"

She has a 'potential' for cursed energy. However, it could only activate sporadically—a semi-open state, if you may. It could cause her to 'see' Demons and Cursed Spirits from time to time, but they couldn't harm her since it 'deactivates' after some time.

It was one of the reasons why I asked Miku to specially monitor her status.

"How about…"

I recalled her first special painting and thought of a plan.


Shiina Mashiro is special.

In the entire world, her paintings are widely recognized. Each work of hers earned her enough fame to be dubbed amongst the ranks of famous painters such as Kauffman, Kahlo, Kusama, Picasso, and so on.

One of her works is made with such a perfect ratio that it was dubbed "Divine Art". Nothing wrong could be seen on that artwork—be it the lighting, color scheme and partition.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter greatly to the girl. She is living in her own world.

'Japan… Manga…'

Her thoughts floated on her head until her steps halted.


As she walked the streets of Britain, she came across a gathered crowd.

It was a public performance.

All she could hear was the strumming and the vibration of the guitar strings. Coupled with the amplifier, it formed a strange harmonious melody.

What's even more strange is the fact it was something she recognized.

'Is this..?'

God Knows.

A song that shook the Internet back in 2015. It was first posted on Nico Nico Douga, but it quickly spread to more populated platforms such as Facebook and Youtube. It was supposed to be a Japanese Pop Song yet it became famous.

As to why it was made popular?

It was none other than the debut song of a Musical Prodigy, a boy with the stage name "Shichi".

What they didn't expect was the unique themes his songs tackled. From depressing songs up to anisongs, he nailed every single one of them. Most importantly, his skills with the guitar is godly.

On that day, five years ago, she met him.

Shiina started looking for any flashes of inspiration. In turn, her family allowed her to go outside but with the supervision of two maids. They didn't wear the flashy maid outfits as one would expect.

Her eyes wandered around her surroundings until something came to her. It wasn't her eyes that received that 'satisfying' experience but her ears.

She had visited several orchestras and didn't find them very appealing. Although, this guitar solo with a strange rhythm managed to catch her interest.


Suddenly, her eyes met with the one who played it. A boy not more than eleven years old possessed the same golden pupils as hers. Shiina's mind stopped working due to… embarrassment.

The boy's look remained to her until she was the first one to move her gaze. Much to her bewilderment, only then did the boy stop looking at her.

"W-well… Since you three are my first audience… What would you like me to play? It would be free of charge, of course."

His slightly-immature voice explained his intent.

The two maids turned to Shiina.

"What would you like, Miss Shiina?"

"Well… Uhm… What…"

Her continuous stutter reminded the boy of his pink-haired acquaintance.

'Bocchi-chan is a standard even overseas, huh..?'

He couldn't blame himself. That was how impactful she was as his first friend.

"That song…"

"God Knows?"

The boy instinctively told its name.

"I… want to hear it in full." Shiina replied to him.

"Hm… I see."

The boy slid his fingers through the guitar's fingerboard. It made a small electrifying noise. It was purely his habit to do things in that way.

He didn't speak further and focused on playing the song.


The first part of the song has begun. It is the part where Nobu needed to tire his fingers out. Fortunately, he was experienced enough.

When the second chorus came, the build up exploded. Coupled with his 'little tricks' that served as an addition and his masterful playing, it started to garner attention.

By the time it ended, all Shiina wanted to know was one thing.

"Its story… What was it?"

The boy simply smiled as he replied:

"You'll know it soon."

'It's been three years… and he didn't come here again.'

She couldn't help but pout towards her friend.

'...Was he angry at me..?'

Shiina thought of that one strange event three years ago. Nobu acted a bit strange and built some distance from her. It disappeared soon after, but she couldn't help but recall it now.

While this frustration started to build up within her, she finally managed to squeeze a gap to see the performer herself.

He had just finished playing 'Eruption' which made everyone silent—due to their sheer shock, that is.

"That was extremely good…"

"No doubt about it. It's like Van Halen was the one in front of us!"

"This is so fucking good…"

One couldn't even help but swear in exclamation.

Unfortunately for them, the man wore a black hoodie and a cap. Only his eyes and lower face could be seen…

…which 'coincidentally' stopped at Shiina.


How could she ever forget those golden eyes?

One of her talents was to never forget about things she saw.

The man smiled at her as he gestured with his cap.

"That's it for the evening, everyone. I hope you enjoyed my performance."

Soon, he began packing his instruments. Nobody really bothered him as they approached him to compliment his skills before leaving.

Although, there came an exception.

"That guitar… Those skills... No way..!"

This accidental revelation left the teenager with chills on his spine. His eyes widened as excitement burst through the roof.

"Are you 'Shichi'?! That was his guitar!"

His shout alerted other people. As long as they aren't living under the rock, they would know about the child prodigy who was even acknowledged by Eddie Van Halen himself!

Unfortunately, he was long gone when they sought him.


"Hey… I apo—I'm sorry about that."

Currently, I am facing an 'angry' Shiina. The small pout on her cheek explains everything.

"I was on a long journey, you see…"

"But you didn't add me on Insta… or even Facebook and Line."

"...I forgot."

I had this urge to confront my past self.

Back then, I thought that I would only cause her death if she came near me. That was a kind of fear I didn't dare challenge from the fourth to the seventh iteration. Then again, I lacked strength at that time. The worst thing that could happen to me at that time would be reviving my loved ones.

Even if they would come back alive, the trauma was already inflicted. Add to that my messy state of mind before…

It's natural to make these mistakes.

"You didn't even say it to me..!"

"I'm really at fault here…"

I wryly smiled.

"Stupid Nobu." (Nobu no baka.)

"Right… you are planning to be a mangaka."

"Nobu should become my director."

Recalling these memories, I really promised something like that. I was quite good at creating narratives due to my first-hand experiences with what people deem as 'fantasy'.

"When will you leave for Japan?"

I asked even though I knew the answer.


"Hm… That's good, then. We could go back together. It's time to return after this journey."

"It took three years… where did you go?"

Gekai and Jerusalem popped into my mind. What follows next are the sights I found all over the world when I was on the Singularity.

"I went on a trip around the entire planet."


She went silent for a while.


Shiina abruptly stood up while holding the tabletop. Her face suddenly came close to me.

"That's amazing. What did you see?"

"Calm down… I have them stored on my phone."

I said as I pulled out a sleek silver phone from my pocket. It was one of the compact supercomputers I made in the form of a smartphone.

After entering the biometric passcodes, I was able to access its gallery. There, I captured the sceneries all over the world.

I handed over that phone to her, which she received with glimmering eyes.

"...Wow." She swiped over one of the pictures and asked, "Where was this?"


In the Singularity, I found several new ores in Antarctica. These are the ones suitable for heat quenching the most—their perfect match, I daresay.

"Have you seen the penguins?"

"Yeah. They should have some pictures there."

After a while, she handed over my phone back.

"I know what my next subject will be."

"Penguins, Antarctica, and Aurora Borealis?" I asked.

"That's right. I will add the missing things later."

For the first time, I found solace talking about mundane matters. It feels quite… unfamiliar to me. After everything I had gone through, there's somehow a mismatch for it.

Most importantly…

I touched the wristwatch hidden under my sleeves. They felt the complex feelings that passed through me just now.


I recalled my time with Shiina.


When I was caught in melancholy, her confounded look brought me back to reality. Tilting her head had a different effect. It made her more… cute.

"I'm alright." I spoke. "Since it's already nighttime, I'll come with you on your way home."

"Is that fine?"

"Yeah, really."


Since the little 'prank' was over, I removed my black hoodie and cap. It unveiled my full appearance. Surely enough, I felt the gazes of everyone in this cafe concentrated on me. Together with Shiina's beautiful looks, we became the center of attraction inside.

"Let's go."


Seeing her surprised look, I wondered:

"Was my appearance that shocking?"


After the meeting with Shiina, I decided to cross over the entire Europe by myself. With my flight magicka developed to this extreme stage, I was able to fly without the need of [Arbiter]. Now, it purely serves to empower my combat strength by increasing the intensity of my control over mysteries.

In a flash, I was greeted by the familiar sight of Kyoto Tower.

The hustling and bustling of this city never changed even after three years had passed by.

Soon, I descended. I found myself in a very familiar place—the playground I used to hang together with Bocchi-chan.

All of my memories with this place sprang up. It felt sentimental remembering them now.

Three and a half years…

Quite a long time had passed, indeed.


The ends of my black overcoat fluttered along with the wind.

Sensing a 'huge' presence, I looked at my back.

There, a strange blindfolded man kept mumbling to himself.

"Yes, yes… You were that kid back then?"

"Your memory is still as sharp as ever… Satoru-san."

The strongest contemporary Sorcerer made his unexpected appearance.