
I will keep Jumping

Death and rebirth, those were concepts that he was familiar with, but the 'Jump'? No, he had never heard of it before, Adam was a bit surprised by the second chance, what a miracle? Hm? What's the catch? Thankfully, there was someone who could teach him, although a bit... weirdly? He wasn't sure how he could entertain this man with a couple thousand years on his back.

The_Jumper · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Learning the ropes

"So, what exactly is a Jump? Because you've said that a couple of times and I really doubt it has anything to do with this." Adam said as he pushed his feet onto the ground, jumping.

"Of course not, it's something completely different, just wait a moment... I'm trying to find a way to explain it to you." Isaac said as he walked through the giant library of his as he picked a book.

"I think you people have other names for the Jumpers, I believe you call them 'Travelers' and 'Planeswalkers', now, come here as I will show you the aspect of a Jump." Isaac signaled to Adam to appear and upon the approximation, Isaac took Adam's hand and they were suddenly going through the previous darkness at such speed that they were now somewhere that should be completely familiar, yet unrecognizable.

It was freezing, if Adam was being honest, he hugged himself to not shiver, and even then he was sure that he was failing at that.

"To Jump is to use your power in a manner that you could insert yourself into a world's history without repercussion, and to change yourself while at it, although somewhat restricted until you've awoken the Spark within you." Isaac said as Adam tried to find out where exactly he was, before realizing that he was being left alone by Isaac, who walked through the frozen forest almost in a careless manner.

Adam run behind the older Jumper, only to see that Isaac had his arm extended, and as the younger look at the scene Isaac was observing, he felt euphoric, the cold? This feeling was encompassing him of his cold, somehow.

From his view, there were two children, a boy and a girl close to a dead lion, a scene that almost replicated a certain movie that he had seen.

"What?" Adam asked, his voice barely a whisper, the astonishment was through the roof.

"There was a time, I was at the death's door in my world, the same as yours, I had read the books of a certain C.W Lewis, great writer, but when I thought I had given my last breath, the truth is that I realized my first Jump, I think I was already on my 70's when the book was released, the Jump, it... it made me incapable of dying, I've become stronger and stronger, and I'm not the only one who had jumped in the past, but I didn't have the pleasure of having a teacher." Isaac said as the two of them heard the lion, no, Aslan, roar as the frozen forest became ravishingly beautiful once again.

"How?" Adam asked as he got hit by... something, invisible, maybe the air? He couldn't tell, it was too out there to understand, he needed to get a grip on reality.

"Weren't you listening? I have been doing these jumps for the last few millennia, I've got a few tricks on my sleeves, kid."

"Oh." Adam wowed as Isaac mirthfully chuckled.

"You have yet to see the tip of the iceberg kid... I think when we get back at the domain, I will design you a jump, seeing you have no control of your own Jumps." Adam almost screamed in happiness, but tried to reign his happiness, not wanting to be considered a child, or maybe he just didn't want to alert Aslan that they were there if the Lion didn't realize that already.

Okay, so, Jumps are based on Jumpchain, which is a CYOA kind of deal, there is a subreddit for it if you're interested in doing it yourself.

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