
I will keep Jumping

Death and rebirth, those were concepts that he was familiar with, but the 'Jump'? No, he had never heard of it before, Adam was a bit surprised by the second chance, what a miracle? Hm? What's the catch? Thankfully, there was someone who could teach him, although a bit... weirdly? He wasn't sure how he could entertain this man with a couple thousand years on his back.

The_Jumper · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


"...Strange." The young man said as he looked at his surroundings.

This dark strange void did put him on alert, as he was incapable of telling what would happen in this place.

"Am I d-dead?" He asked, or well, stuttered, surrounded by the nothingness, his question was answered by his own echo, which seemed to infinitely propagate in this place.

He tried to walk in a direction, hoping that there would be something on the horizon, yet there were no answers, just more of the same.

It has passed... time, no way to truly define how long given the circumstances, but he continued to go on, hope was the only thing making him step further the beyond.

At some times, it felt that it was all for naught, but this time, he knew that he had hit jackpot.

"I am here!" The young man coughed as he tried to shout, his throat already hurt from the time he spent either shouting or screaming at this bleak setting.

As he approached the light, he found himself in a completely different place, his eyes were hurting, the light almost blinding him, it was okay.

Anything was better than the dark he was stuck at.

The man found an older man, a visage of wisdom under those vintage glasses of his, the appearance of a man of high society, his clothing were similar to his glasses, something from two hundred years ago.

"I am sorry, but, where am I?" The younger one asked the senior as he looked around, before, it was dark, now, it was a library, one that was bigger than anything he had seen before, limitless, just like the darkness once was.

"You're in my domain. Now is my time to ask, how?" The wise man asked as he took off his glasses, the young one falling onto his knees in pain, asking himself what had just happened.

"I-I don't know! I was stuck in the dark and I decided to walk, amidst the darkness, I found a light, it brought me here." The young one said as the wise one put his glasses back, his anger now subsided, the young man was not feeling pain anymore.

"I wonder... I thought you were something else, but you have 'that', kid." The wise man said as he smiled.

"The what?" The young one asked as the wise man got up.

"The gift to Jump, although uncontrolled, obviously don't have the Spark others have, now can I interest you with a certain offer?" The older man asked the young one.

"Can we at least exchange names? Mine's Adam." The young one introduced himself.

"If we have to do so, my name is Isaac." The wise man answered as he took his bowl hat and put on his chest before putting it back.

"What exactly is this offer of yours?" Adam asked a bit curious.

"I want you to Jump, and after that, keep Jumping." Isaac said as Adam raised an eyebrow, this would take a while to understand.