
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The beginning

In a room adorned with scattered textbooks strewn across the bed, all of them didactic in nature, except for the one Arthur was engrossed in at that moment. Seated in his chair, Arthur delved into the pages of a captivating tale about a hero destined to save the world. The storyline, filled with vibrant characters and allies, brought a subtle smile to Arthur's face as he immersed himself in the animated narrative.

As Arthur relished in the story, the tranquility of the room was abruptly disrupted when the door creaked open. Startled, he swiftly closed the book, allowing it to land gently on the disheveled bed. A woman, marked by a regal yet compassionate presence, entered through the doorway. Her emerald-green eyes met Arthur's, and she spoke with a soft yet commanding tone, "Have you completed your studies, my son?"

Arthur, rising from his chair with an air of respect, responded, "Yes, Mother. I've diligently covered all the required material." His mother, an epitome of sophistication, nodded in acknowledgment. A subtle exchange of expressions conveyed a shared understanding between the two, a silent acknowledgment of the weight carried by the expectations placed upon Arthur's shoulders.

A serene smile graced his mother's face as she continued, "Then, accompany me to the academy." The air in the room shifted, and Arthur, ever obedient, followed her lead. They embarked on a carriage journey towards the academy, the wheels rumbling against the cobblestone streets. A palpable silence enveloped the confined space of the carriage, emphasizing the gravity of the impending events.

Upon arrival at the grandiose academy, the imposing gate, adorned with intricate arcane symbols, opened ceremoniously. Arthur and his mother entered, traversing the expansive corridors with a destination fixed in their minds—the director's office. As they navigated through the hallowed halls, the gravity of the situation was reflected in the set of Arthur's jaw and the unwavering gaze of his mother.

In the director's office, a figure of authority awaited, a smile etched across his face. "Welcome, Lady Alice and Prince Arthur," the director greeted warmly. The room, adorned with shelves of ancient tomes and artifacts, set the stage for the impending examination—an assessment that would determine not only academic prowess but also the trajectory of a royal destiny.

"Arthur, please, take a seat in that chair and respond to these questions," the director gestured, conjuring a floating spreadsheet that glided towards Arthur. The atmosphere shifted, and the intensity of the situation was palpable. The director's watchful eyes hinted at the gravity of the examinations that lay ahead.

"I'll wait outside; give it your best, Arthur," Lady Alice spoke, her eyes reflecting a blend of maternal pride and expectation. Arthur, now seated, felt the weight of the impending evaluation. The quiet hum of anticipation hung in the air as he delved into the challenges presented before him.

An hour passed, during which Arthur tackled each question with unwavering focus. The room, shrouded in the suspense of academia, witnessed the prince's determination etched on his face. The director observed with keen interest, aware of the unique pressures borne by a prince destined for the imperial throne. The examination, tailored to be three times more challenging than those of regular students, sought to discern not just academic prowess but also the resilience of royal blood.

Upon completion, Arthur rose and exited the room. The aftermath of the examination lingered in his sweat-soaked countenance, a testament to the mental exertion he had endured. The silent plea resonated in his mind, "Please, let my performance be the highest."

Lady Alice awaited him by the carriage, her countenance betraying a mix of curiosity and maternal concern. As they departed, Arthur's gaze remained fixed on the sprawling academy, a battleground of intellect and ambition.

Days passed, and Arthur received a summons to return to the academy for the revelation of the results. Accompanied by his mother, the anticipation in the air was palpable as they navigated through the gathering of curious onlookers. Arthur's eyes widened as he saw his name secured in the third position. A shiver ran down his spine, and his gaze met Lady Alice's. "The test proved more challenging than you let on, son," she remarked with a wry smile.

Returning home, Arthur faced the inevitable consequences of falling short of the expected standard. The whip cracked against his back, the searing pain punctuating each strike. Even as he endured this familiar agony, he repeated the familiar refrain, "Forgive me for my incompetence, Mother." The ritualistic apology echoed in the room, leaving Arthur physically and emotionally battered.

Once satisfied, Lady Alice approached, her demeanor shifting from stern to affectionate. She embraced Arthur, a facade of tenderness concealing the harsh realities of their relationship. "This is for your own good, my son. Your mother does everything for you. Do not disappoint me again," she admonished.

As Arthur grappled with the physical and emotional toll of the punishment, he whispered his unwavering commitment, "No matter what happens, Mother, I will become the emperor." Lady Alice, smiling once more, affirmed, "Good boy."

It's my first time writing a story, so I would appreciate any feedback on what I can improve. Additionally, I'm quite new to English.

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