
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

A lie

Arthur sighed softly as he entered the classroom, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of how to approach Selene. She was the missing piece he needed, as the rest of the class seemed easier to control. Upon opening the door, he was greeted with the usual sight: Selene lying in the corner of the room as if she didn't care about anything. She had even placed a cloth that looked soft and full, her hair falling over her face. She appeared incredibly fragile while sleeping, her expression relaxed as if she didn't care about anything while she slept, nothing like her typical cold demeanor.

What impressed Arthur the most was the way she ignored the noise around her. After all, Nicolas and Sophie were fighting, and the room had been in training mode for quite some time. Due to this, there were no chairs or desks. Jhon cheered for Sophie as he watched the fight. "Go, Sophie! Beat him!"

Arthur approached Jhon and greeted him, "Hey Jhon, how long have they been fighting?" Jhon responded, "It's been about 7 minutes." Arthur extended his hand and shook Jhon's hand, completing the greeting.


So Arthur decides to observe the fight for a while. It's clear that Sophie has the advantage due to her long-range attacks, although Nicolas's magical control is better. It's incredible how he can switch enhancements while fighting. He moves quickly at one moment, with a physique focused on agility and speed, then becomes muscular with high strength and endurance the next. On the other hand, Sophie uses only fire for large-scale attacks in large quantities without any specific control, an inefficient method, Arthur thinks. Nonetheless, Sophie still maintains the upper hand due to her large mana pool. Arthur considers how much better she would become when she learns to manipulate electricity and gains better mastery of her magic.


The fight seemed like it would take a while to end because, although Sophie had the advantage, she couldn't hit Nicolas very well. He was smart and knew what to use at the right moment.

Putting his plan into action, Arthur approached Selene, who was lying down as usual. As always, Arthur smiled and greeted her, "Selene, how are you?" Selene opened her eyes and looked at Arthur in silence, staring without saying a word or showing any expression. In fact, her expression was cold, as if he were a nuisance.


Arthur looked directly at her, her golden eyes gleaming like the purest gold, and her blue hair shining like moonlight. Undoubtedly, she was beautiful, but beyond that, she exuded a strong presence and strength. Arthur reached out his hand to her, confident that he could make her a part of his plans. According to his mother's teachings, quiet people like her were usually easier to manipulate once you got close enough.


Selene simply stopped looking at him and laid back down without shaking his hand. She spoke quietly, "Don't bother me."

Arthur frowned for a moment and moved away from her. He sat down in another corner, feeling more frustrated than he had anticipated. He had always been treated with deference, and Selene's response was a departure from that. However, he hadn't had much interaction with anyone besides his mother in the past, so he didn't have many comparisons beyond his classmates.

The fight between Sophie and Nicolas ends, Sophie approaches Arthur with a smile and says, "I won."

She is clearly excited and extends her hand to shake Arthur's. Arthur, sitting down, returns a smile with a thoughtful expression, and shakes Sophie's hand. Sophie jests, "Great Arthur, when you become emperor, don't forget to give me a grand position."

Arthur shifts position to kneel and takes Sophie's hand, kissing it on the back, and says, "Of course, esteemed lady."

Sophie steps back a bit, embarrassed, her cheeks flushed. Arthur looks at her with confusion, while Nicolas, approaching, says, "Arthur, don't mind her reaction. Commoners aren't used to this. She's just a simple country girl who doesn't understand such honor."

Sophie looks at Nicolas, "Who's the country girl here, Mr. loser?" she says, her smile starting to turn cruel.

Jhon steps in between them, "Come on, guys, calm down. Let's relax now. You've both fought today." They both back off after giving each other one last look.


Jhon sits down next to Arthur. "They've been arguing like this for a few days now, but honestly, I think it's a good thing. In the beginning, Nicolas just ignored us, so I'm glad he's talking to us now."


Arthur listens to Jhon in silence, contemplating. 'A noble and a commoner getting along, could that be possible at this level? According to the books, yes. But according to his mother, no. He himself only pretended to get along with Jhon and Sophie, seeing them as mere disposable pieces. As for Nicolas and Selene, they naturally had more value as pieces for Arthur due to their families.'

Jhon continues, "Nevertheless, the most surprising thing was you, Arthur. I'm glad that you always treated us well and helped us from the very first day. It was something new for both Sophie and me—a school filled with nobles, and we were right in the classroom of a prince. Sophie seemed confident, but she was scared deep down. I myself was afraid of what might follow. So, thank you for your kindness on the first day in the magic affinity class."

Arthur smiled back at him. "I did what anyone would do."

Jhon smiled and got up, walking over to Nicolas to have a conversation. Before leaving, he said one last thing to Arthur, "I'm glad to be in the same class as you. I'll do everything I can to help you become the emperor."

Arthur glanced at him for a moment before looking away. 'Life was a game,' his mother had said. She believed that relationships were only meant to serve one's own benefits, and that's how he should think. The value of a relationship was solely based on what the person could offer him. If they had nothing to offer, there was no need to get close to them. The moment they lost their value, those ties should be severed.

Arthur closed his eyes and focused on himself. He felt the floor beneath him, which seemed a bit cold and hard, much like the wall against which he leaned. He concentrated further, listening to his heart beating: thump, thump, thump. It was beating at a normal speed, yet it felt somehow melancholic. Memories from the hero book he used to read flashed through his mind. A warrior who fought against evil, formed true bonds, and saved people without expecting anything in return. 'Perhaps I should become that,' he thought. At that moment, his mother's face appeared in his mind, her emerald eyes staring at him with the same coldness as when he failed at something. Those eyes, he couldn't afford to disappoint them.

Arthur dismissed his foolish thoughts. 'Everything is going well; I shouldn't stray from the path. To become the emperor, I must do whatever it takes.'

He glanced at Selene, still lying down. 'She's the last piece needed. Everyone has an emotional weakness, something to which they are most attached. Given the chance, I'll approach her and make her my main piece.'

Arthur observed the others in the room: Nicolas and Jhon were engaged in conversation, with Jhon seeking advice from him on various magical topics that a commoner wouldn't have access to. Sophie, on the other hand, was creating fireballs and juggling them in the air, seemingly enjoying herself while also honing her control over her powers. At least, that's what Arthur assumed, although it appeared to be just a playful activity for Sophie. Finally, he returned his gaze to Selene, who remained as quiet as ever, sleeping like a doll.