
I was Reborn as Wolverine

This is a translated Chinese novel . Original name in comments. Reborn as the sole heir of the 19th-century Canadian manor owner. He thought he would make money by practicing boxing, but he took advantage of the industrial revolution to become a giant of the times. In the end, the original owner was a hopelessly sick ! I am also a bastard due to mom's shameful affair with a savage of a human gardener… who was my father's childhood friend..... Wait, what’s up with the claw? James Howlett looked at the bone claws protruding from between his fingers, and became more and more worried about his future.

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Chapter 12 The Simple Way

Mr. Howlett ordered someone to drive the carriage back to the manor overnight. It was already dawn when he arrived, and Canada was very cold in late autumn. He needed to wear leather clothes to keep warm sooner or later. He was shivering under the carriage under a thick blanket.

  The old man's body is really riddled with holes, and it is really exhausting to travel all day and night. James had finished his morning work at this time, saw the family's carriage approaching slowly, and hurried up to meet it.

   "Grandfather!" James saw Mr. Howlett, who was almost unable to stand, and hugged him in his arms, and went upstairs to Mr. Howlett's bedroom.

   "It's okay, it's okay"

  Old Howlett looked at his tall and handsome grandson, his eyes were a little swollen.

   After serving the old man to lie down, the manor's private doctor, who specializes in taking care of Mr. Howlett, quickly came in to check. James stood quietly by the side, the staring light in his eyes looked a little scary.

"How about it?"

   "Mr. Howlett is just too tired. His current age and body can't stand such fatigue. He can recover slowly after resting these days. But, Master James..." The doctor hesitated to speak.

   "Doctor Roddy, please tell the truth." James looked at the hesitant middle-aged doctor seriously.

"You know the situation of Mr. Howlett. He is in his seventies. He suffered from some problems when he was young, but he can't take a good rest when he is old, so it is getting worse now. But the most terrible thing is the accumulation in his heart. The pressure is too heavy, the whole person's spirit is about to be broken...if possible...be prepared."

  James understood Dr. Roddy's cryptic words, and with his knowledge, he also knew that the old man's time was numbered, but things must not be simple with his grandfather coming back from the Governor's Mansion this time.

Staying with Mr. Howlett until he fell asleep, James gently closed the door, went downstairs and said to the maid O'Hara: "Go and ask the housekeeper Wayne to meet me in grandfather's study." O'Hara La La didn't seem to recognize the young master in front of him for a moment, but James' calm but unquestionable demeanor at this moment was more like Mr. Howlett.

   After James finished speaking, he turned and went to the study. O'Hara stayed there for two or three seconds, lifted his skirt and trotted to find the housekeeper.

  Mr. Howlett's study room is very spacious, with its back facing the bright and spacious outer platform. There are not many books. The old man has never read a few books, nor has he piled up books like other manor owners to decorate the facade. More are all kinds of old or exquisite muskets. There are also western bayonets, Persian scimitars, daggers and other weapons.

   Against the backdrop of numerous weapons, the copper-colored floor and furniture decoration of this study were plated with a bit of copper and iron luster. James sat loosely on Mr. Howlett's high-backed wide chair, resting his forehead with one hand, resting the other hand casually on the armrest, and quietly closed his eyes.

   To be honest, Mr. Wayne was shocked at a certain moment after he knocked on the door to signal to come in. The solemn atmosphere in the room seemed to be full of soldiers with live ammunition. He didn't know whether he should speak, which destroyed the silence in this space.

   "Uncle Wayne, what happened to grandfather in the Governor's Mansion." James' voice made the butler deeply relieved. He opened his eyes after speaking, and looked at Mr. Wayne softly.

   "Actually, the governor didn't have any embarrassment or a bad attitude. He let us take away the detained herdsman intact and had dinner with the master." James didn't say a word, waiting for Butler Wayne to continue. "It's just that Smith asked the master something and made a request."

  The butler's face turned blue, and he said bluntly: "He asked if you are the master's sole heir, and wanted you to marry his niece."

   What Butler Wayne couldn't understand was that James, a young man in his early twenties, didn't have the slightest joy of hearing about marrying the governor, let alone doubt, anxiety, or even anger. He seemed to think it was, normal?

   "Is that all?" James finally took up the conversation and asked in a slightly tone.

"Master James! You may not know how much this is too much!" The butler said anxiously: "Smith wants to annex the Howlett family completely through marriage. The master is old and has no energy to deal with resistance. Once he leaves , you married the governor's niece again, the family is equal to..." James waved his hand to stop the butler's gaffe, and asked quietly: "Is that all?"

"That's all." Butler Wayne was a little discouraged. He felt that the James he saw when he entered the door was a little more oppressive than Mr. Howlett. This young master has no idea how troublesome things are.

"Very well, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Wayne, please take good care of your grandfather in the next few days, don't let him bother with family affairs, and rest at ease." James lightly asked Wayne butler, he thought for a while and said: "Don't Worry, things will pass." Then he walked to the huge terrace outside, as if blowing a breeze.

   Butler Wayne really didn't know what else to say, and left the study without thinking about James' last meaningful look.

With eagle-like eyesight, James could clearly see a horned deer thrown down by a cougar on a distant hillside, and the deer's neck was bitten by a sharp mouth. more powerless. James curled up his mouth a little happily, enjoying the comfort of the autumn wind blowing on his body.

   "This is still a wild and chaotic era. Many problems are too simple for me."

Governor Kevin Smith spent a lot of time convincing his wayward and delicate niece. In fact, this so-called niece is just the daughter of a distant cousin in the Smith family. When he was promoted to governor, this cousin brought his daughter He came to congratulate him, and claimed that this unworthy child had never seen the world and lacked experience. He hoped that His Excellency the Governor would take "discipline" with him.

  Can also take care of some trivial matters in life on weekdays. My family members always know how to take care of others than the servants in the brutal colony. Seeing the beautiful mind and face of this girl named Xinier, the governor readily agreed and secretly brought her to Canada. Considering that the governor's wife could not go with her in the first few years, this niece is her only "relative".

"Madam will move in next year, you will be angry if you stay, and that James Howlett is very young, I heard that he is tall and handsome, he will not lose you. I also want to try to have a husband Xinier still doesn't know how to take care of people like before..."

  The governor smirked and "disciplined" the niece who was lying on her lap. The young girl said that she must tell her uncle more about how wronged she was today, and panted and hugged Governor Smith back to the bedroom.

  James wants to go out to eat and drink at night. The dark clouds tonight are very thick, and the stars and the moon are not visible, which is suitable for doing business. He ran towards Yellowknife, where the Governor's Mansion is located, avoiding people and avenues along the way, galloping between forests and mountains, enjoying the pleasure of speed and strength while running with all his strength.

   One pounce, one leap, whether it is a mountain stream, a boulder, or a cliff, it is like walking on the ground. Mr. Howlett had a day's journey in carriage, and James arrived in less than two hours. Seeing the huge brightly lit manor not far away and the soldiers patrolling from time to time, he slowed down and approached slowly, calmed down his slightly panting breathing, and observed the environment of the governor's manor.

  He considered going directly to the door openly and aboveboard, and by the way, he could also exercise his skills that he had only practiced for many years but never actually fought. At the same time, he could feel his own strength more intuitively. But there is really no need to kill for no reason, it is enough to solve the problem.

  James took advantage of the gap between the patrols to jump over the wall more than two meters high, and landed on the ground lightly like a civet cat without making a single movement. He touched the corner of the manor, jumped and climbed to the roof, and searched for the governor's room according to the location structure of the manor.

  James twitched his nose a few times, smelling some special fishy smell, and vaguely heard the woman's panting. He jumped onto the balcony and looked through the window at the short and fat middle-aged man entangled with a young girl in the room. He knew in his heart that the Lord was right and he had found it.