
I was Reborn as Shouta Magatsuchi With a Relationship System

I was reborn as Shouta Magatsuchi with a Relationship System should I build a harem or something?

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 6

Getting near Nanahoshi I got a better look at him now as I'm closer to him to see everyone on him and saw beside the magical boy outfit and bunny ears he had a magic wand, no it's more like a short magical staff, and what to seem to be a living loin plushie near him.

Seeing his outfit and accessories I wonder what type of Sacred Gear it is but I didn't bother asking him because I know he's only someone who just awakened a Sacred Gear and he knows nothing about the supernatural world so it's pointless to ask.

Now that I think about it telling newly awaken people about the supernatural side of the world falls to the first person from the supernatural world that doesn't want to kill them or upright ignore them and seeing how those guys before didn't tell him anything but chase after him I'll take upon that responsibility.

Not caring about his feelings I knelt next to him and used one of my hands on his chin and lifted his head so I can get a better look at his face that I had to admit it was cute with his teary honey color eyes looking back at me.

Seeing him like this made my dominant and teasing side act up and I couldn't help but let a chuckle escape my lips as I smiled at him and from Nanahoshi expression I must be coming off as creepy or as a sadist but I don't mind because I found it fun.

After making him look at me I spoke to him in a daunting tone of voice.

"Now now, Nanahoshi, I think we need a good talk now don't we." Shouta

After saying that I got up and turned to Lucoa.

"Lucoa can you pick him up, please. This place isn't suited for our upcoming talk." Scouts

Lucoa hearing my request picked up Nanahoshi and slugged him over her shoulder before standing by my side waiting for me to lead the way.

Seeing her actions I didn't say anything as I can see her smiling like a kid that can't wait to watch her new favorite show so I didn't delay anything and went to an abandoned classroom for the talk I'm going to have with Nanahoshi.

While Lucoa and I moved to the unused classroom Nanahoshi who after being picked up by Lucoa is struggling to escape from her but couldn't as it seems his body is way too weak after overusing his Sacred Gear for the first time or maybe Lucoa has a strong grip on him and he can't escape from it but it seemed to be the formal in the end as the magical boy clothes and magical staff disappeared leaving him in his school uniform.

After a little while of walking, we reached an unused classroom where I took a seat in an unused chair to set in as Lucoa puts Nanahoshi on the ground in front of me making him kneel before me before she goes to my side with her usual smile.

It seems after being made to kneel and the way we are placed Nanahoshi is now really nervous as he's sweating and his teary eyes are back.

Looking at how Nanahoshi is acting I sighed and wanted to start the talks right away before he starts crying and to make things less awkward between us I open the system to change our relationship to make him more comfortable around me.

--- Natsuki Nanahoshi ---


(<-) Classmate 100% (Lockable) (->)

Perks: (1) Unforgettable Classmate (Classmate Perk (Passive))

--- ---

Seeing the status I was surprised to see something new on it other than the usual relationship status but I guess Perks show up as long as the Relationship reaches 100% which is old seeing how the old me didn't try to maintain any kind of relationship with the people in my class but I guess that this might be due to the fact we have been classmates for a year now so being recognized as a classmate isn't that surprising.

After looking at the status I went through the other optional relationships I found one that fits best and that'll be fun for me.

--- Natsuki Nanahoshi ---


(<-) Pet 10% (->)

Perks: (1) Unforgettable Classmate (Classmate Perk (Inactive))

--- ---

After turning the relationship from Classmate to Pet made Nanahoshi look more docile than before and his teary eyes seem to be less intense so I started our talk while looking down at him as he still kneeling on the floor.

"Now, Nanahoshi you must be confused about what's going on, aren't you." Shouta

Hearing my question Nanahoshi nodding his head fast and it was quite a cute action so I got up from my chair and did what I did last time in the music club room by using one hand to move his head to look at me in the eyes.

Looking into his eyes again like this made me feel like I'm in a yaoi if it wasn't for the fact that the feeling we have between us is that of owner and pet along with the fact that Lucoa who I have feelings of love is looking at us like she's seeing an entertaining show giggling to herself happily.

After making him look into my eyes I started to speak to him.

"Now, listen closely Nanahoshi those people who were chasing you are a mage group called The Magical Deck, and as for why it's unknown as I'm not part of them or know them that well but if I had to guess it has something to do with the Sacred Gear you just awakened. As for what's your Secret Gear or how to stop them I can't say as we're not that close for me to say anything but all I'll say is welcome to the supernatural world and if you want to survive, find a backer quickly." Shouta

After I said what I need to say I took out a pamphlet I, well more like the old me, had just in case something like this happens, and if I remember correctly all mages have a pamphlet like this that's meant to intrude the supernatural world to normal people as it saves time than just explaining everything and the old Shouta also had one with him as it was a habit for him to carry one because when he was little he had hoped to make a friend that awoken magic suddenly but as the old Shouta was way too shy so he never made a long term friend and nobody near him awaken magic so the pamphlet became unused but the old Shouta kept hope and carried it up until today and I who just took over his body luckily didn't bother removing the pamphlet from my pockets as I don't use the pocket the pamphlet was in as I carry everything in my school bag and my phone was placed in my other pocket.

After giving him the pamphlet I got up and went to the door with Lucoa to leave but before we reached the Nanahoshi suddenly grabbed my shirt and started to talk to me in a panic.

"Wait, Magatsuchi, you said I need a backer to survive right then could you be my backer, please!!" Nanahoshi

Hearing Nanahoshi words I turned to him and saw an image of an abandoned terry eye bunny behind his back that wants to return to his owner.

Seeing him like this I wanted to hug him but I hold myself back and started to talk to him once more.

"Oh, if you want me as a backer then it won't be easy but seeing how we are classmates I'll make an exception this time." Shouta

Hearing my words Nanahoshi eyes brightened up in an instant but before he could say thanks to me I interrupted him.

"But as you have nothing that benefits me and our relationship isn't that close I'm taking you in as a servant so you better serve me well from now on but if you don't want to serve me you can always reject my offer if you don't want my protection that is." Shouta

When Nanahoshi heard what I said he became a little downcast but he seems to accept his new role very quickly most because he doesn't know what to do now and it's better to by his classmate servant than be round by those some unknown men who were chasing after him.

Seeing Nanahoshi accepted his new role I smiled and gestured him to follow Lucoa and me as we left the school because thanks to Nanahoshi explosion it seems classes were canceled for the day as I can see students leave the school from the windows we passed by.

As we were leaving the school I noticed that the living loin plushie that was laying on Nanahoshi shoulder had a status screen I can open so out of curiosity I opened it.

--- Spade ---


(<-) Pet's Familiar 10% (->)

--- ---

Seeing the name it felt odd but I left it alone because it's not harmful but I still wonder why Nanahoshi named his familiar Spade, I thought he'll name it Tora or something like that.

After I looked at the loin plushie I looked at everyone else and saw that Nanahoshi was staying silent while staying close to me like a dog following his owner as Spade was still on Nanahoshi shoulder was now acting like a normal plushie by not moving around and Lucoa who now I just remember that she still has my phone because I just saw her take it out from between her breast was playing on it to pass the time because she was bord of walking in silence.

After I finished looking at everyone I turned back my attention to the road as we headed to my house as I think of ways to make Nanahoshi understand what kind of world and life he is in now before I send him off back to his own home.



Spade is a character of Mahou Shounen Natsuki X Loveits: Manga