
I Was Invited Into An Essence Shop And Became A Super Being!

Andrew Nathanael was a regular, working-class man who was having a rather bad run of luck in a small city in Vermont when he happened to be the very first person to step into a small pop-up shop early one morning. To his surprise, the pop-up shop was run by a rather generous random omnipotent being! The creature was more interested in fun than in profit and offered Andrew any, or even all of the essences in the store at no cost. Andrew, after a quiet conversation with himself, decided to try them all. This fateful choice would forever change his life, and the very world he lived in. Join him on a whirlwind adventure that takes him throughout the omniverse as he strives to become stronger and stronger. Please note: This is a Jumpchain story featuring a powerful young jumper who embarks on a journey in a modded, homebrewed jumpchain. If you want to see the jumps, choose your own adventures, and other things mentioned in the story copy and paste, and then visit, this page; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y86nzjNLBybBNM069Y6DoUlfWIQ3A_AAnt2xh-cbAow/edit?usp=sharing and remember to have a great day!

JumpchainWriter · Others
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39 Chs


My voice reverberated out of me and fell on my followers like thunder. And as quickly as I spoke they began to obey. I watched many of them rise up and stare at me reverentially. I felt their admiration seeping out of them, even as I gazed at them.

The figures that surrounded me were almost without exception creatures created by my powers. They were all humans who owed their very existence to my bizarre nature as an essence-entity, and they gazed at me as one might gaze at an artistic depiction of their god.

Further away from the little area where I had been placed while I was resting were my "Companions". They were all far more unique, "heavier" beings who had existed prior to my invasion of this world.

They heard my distinctive, draconic voice and obeyed me as readily as my own powers did. I watched, proudly, as they were wise and respected my commands.

In the world of Elderia, even without my unique nature as a jumper and essence-entity, I was a powerful being. I intended to leverage that as quickly as possible to be efficient in spreading my control and influence throughout this world. Without uttering another word I began to skillfully utilize one of the abilities I possessed; "Sembling".

As my followers, companions, and the locals of this small village watched me I allowed my chest to begin to glow as I activated one of my powerful abilities. I closed my eyes and took a deep, quiet breath. I felt myself beginning to shrink, quite dramatically, and as I shrunk I also felt myself feel a powerful tether to my aspect.

I watched myself, thanks to my favorite surveillance power "Multisense" as I shrunk from being a gigantic dragon to being an impressively tall Chimer elf. My skin took on the color of aged gold, I gained a more lithe aspect than my old human form, and my hair turned into a dark mohawk. As I did this I heard Almalexia quietly gasp, even as my other followers expressed their own forms of astonishment at my new appearance.

During the time that I spent sleeping I had fully absorbed the memories of the disparate souls lurking within the infinite depths of my being. Among those memories were the memories of the figure who brought about the downfall of The Tribunal, even in his very first incarnation; Lord Indoril Nerevar. I was now well and truly that man, as well as myself. I intended to lean into the more coherent understanding of myself that I now possessed.

I opened my eyes and smiled at my companions. At the very same time I rose my hand and willed the almost daedric-looking blade known as "Trueflame" into my open hand. The blade materialized and I wrapped my fists around its hilt.

"I missed you, you strange little thing." I muttered, as I gazed at the sword. The thing exuded a soft heat and the blade was still perpetually alight. At the moment I felt like truly embracing my powerful status as both a divine dragon and as a powerful leader of elves. If I wanted to do that then I thought it best to lean into my identity as the Nerevarine.

Almalexia stepped forward and smiled at me. I turned to her and smiled warmly at the woman.

"Hello Almalexia." I uttered, now far more willing to embrace the strange memories that I had deep within my heart due to the essences I had imbibed. As the mighty pseudo-goddess gazed at me I recalled the warmth of the person my oldest self, Lord Indoril Nerevar, knew her as.

"Hello Nerevar. It is… so good to see you." She told me, a truly lovely smile on her face as she spoke to me. There were degrees to the warmth and love in her voice that it had previously lacked, ones which made me feel that she was being more genuine now than she had previously been.

"My wife… This world is in need of our help. May I ask you to lend me your aid once more? To once more earn the epithet of 'Healing Mother'?" I asked her, even as she stepped into my arms. She nuzzled her head against my chest, overwhelmed by feelings of love for her husband, and nodded.

"Yes my love. If it is to help the elves of this world, I shall once more lift my sword and raise my hands." She whispers, moved by her love for me, for her memories of her husband, and the recollections she had of her final moments in front of my past self, the Nerevarine. A not small part of her remembers the joy she felt when she actually helped people, as well, but that part is smaller than the part of her that is moved by romantic love.

I was still for several moments, holding her in my arms and even lightly kissing her forehead. Eventually we part, and when we do, my two draconic creations move closer to me. They were in their human forms as well, though they had the power to shapeshift back and forth freely. The two of them bowed deeply when they drew close to the two of us and I turned and smiled at them.

"Hello little ones." I uttered, quietly, as I gazed at the pair of them. They were wrapped in clothes that differed from the outfits they had been wearing when we explored Wave Echo Cave. At the moment the pair of them were wearing the robes of Dragon-Priestesses, and they gazed at me with eyes that had a depth of emotion in them.

Their feelings for me were mixed but in positive, powerful ways. My pheromones were powerful and they had been bathed in the back when we were exploring Wave Echo Cave. That, coupled with the raw, innate power of the dragons meant that they saw me as a powerful mate-to-be, but they had also been created by me. Thanks to my eldritch physiology, there were potent consequences to being one of my creations, even if one were a sapient creation of mine.

They also revered me as their creator and worshiped me as a divine dragon. To them, I was a perfect embodiment of masculinity, creation, and goodness which was a nice way to be viewed.

"Before we go any further… Allow me to name you two." I tell the two dragons. This made their eyes widen in pleasant surprise. I approached the two of them and place my hands on their heads.

Their human-like forms provided them with a helpful shield for trying to disguise their emotions but it didn't work on me. Thanks to a number of facts intersecting with each other I had a sort of unlimited empathy that was perfect for me enabling me to understand even their alien emotions. And as I gazed at the two, I saw the joy they felt as clear as day.

My hands began to softly glow as I touched the tips of the heads of my two creations. I gazed at them as an artist might have gazed at his magnum opus, with eyes filled with both pride and joy, and I began to speak.

"Twin dragons, creations of my own two talons… Be unnamed no more. Forevermore be known as Britsulkren," I said, adding that last part as the name of one of the dragons.

"Britsulkren" was a name I devised from the language of the Dovah of Tamriel and meant "Beautiful Day Break" in their language.

"And as Aazvahdinziil." I stated, a glorious smile on my face as even more words in the language of Tamriel's dragons escaped my lips. "Aazvahdinziil" was a name that meant "Mercy Maiden Soul".

As I uttered them I felt the raw potency of even the very words of Tamriel's dragons. They were so tethered to the magic and reality of that setting that even their words were powerful, and I could feel that as I uttered the words. As the dragons heard them they shuddered, which I felt thanks to the parts of my hands that were tapping their heads.

While speaking I sensed the subtle activation of some of the perks I only possessed because of the disparate sets of memories that I possessed as the composite soul of various heroes of Tamriel. The perks were deep inside of me, and in order for me to fully unlock them I needed to behave in ways that reflected the heroics and heroism of their initial wielders; the Champion of Cyrodil, the Nerevarine, and The Last Dragonborn.

By utilizing the powerful voice and words of The Last Dragonborn I was beginning to feel the slightest fraction of his powers flowing into me. I shuddered as I realized what that meant; in order to truly master the mightiest powers available to dragons I needed to be like a dragon. The two dragons gazed at me lovingly as they accepted their names and Aazvahdinzil began to smile at me.

"Thank you Inthurriahmul." She uttered, responding in the same language and even giving me a nickname! "Inthrriahmul" meant "Master Lord Husband", which made me chuckle as I turned my gaze onto the sly dragoness.

"You're a clever little thing." I muttered, playfully, as I accepted the nickname. As I spoke I watched color rush across the face of the dragoness, and I quietly heard her surface thoughts. They were all excited variations of one simple sentence. One sentence was repeated ad nauseum.

"Master has given me a name!"

The dragoness was quite cute and like her sister had a bit of a crush on me. Nevertheless, I could understand her excitement on some level. When you had a crush on someone it was easy to be delighted by even their littlest actions.

Everyone around us watched our interactions with fairly open curiosity. It felt funny to see so many people who'd identify themselves as "Lesser" when it came to comparing themselves to the dragonesses and I stare so directly at us. Their eyes were practically glued to the two dragonesses, watching them enraptured.

I gazed at the dragoness for a second longer before wrenching my attention away from her and back to the more immediate matters at hand.

I took a few steps and stepped out of the small tent-like structure that had been erected around my sleeping form. In doing so I was able to more fully feel the warmth of this world's bright sun on my skin and I was able to feel the full impact of the breeze on me. It felt quite nice to be standing outside in the warmth of the sun's glow, almost like how the "Me" that was in Encanto was feeling.

I basked in the sun's rays for a few moments before I clapped my hands together with a joyful smile on my face. The sound rang out and I felt everyone snap their attention back to me.

"Alright listen up. It is important that we begin to send the word out of our existence and for us to plan our first actions." I began to explain, immediately readying myself to be hurled into the dangerous and exciting world of politics.

At the same time, I examined the people who had been gathered by my wish-granting. Among their ranks, I had a queen, a former crown-prince, and several other people of importance, which would serve me well. I had plans that depended on me gathering power after all, so I sincerely needed to accrue power.

"Who here can write?" I asked, even as I studied the dozens of individuals here who were loyal to me. I watched many, but not quite every one of my followers, raise their hands. That made me frown, but thankfully I was able to merely glance at my followers and reveal my nature as a generous god.

"Hmm… For those of you who can't quite read, I have a present." I explained to the quiet audience I had standing in front of me. I glanced into the eyes of every villager who hadn't raised their hands and I sighed internally.

I then reached inwards and decided to just use "Skill Creation" to be cheeky and skip a teaching montage. When I was activating it I could feel the ways that I could easily cheese that power, but I didn't want to teach people something this basic and well known to many people.

I gave myself an instant language teaching skill and I was about to refocus on the world in front of me when some of the mental theaters I possessed were shut down again by a powerful computer-like voice that spoke into my mind from seemingly everywhere and nowhere at the very same time.

[Hello Andrew I am the A.I. created by Ben when you first consumed one of the 'System' essences. I am the A.I. from the 'Generic Gamer Jump'. Please proceed to use me however you wish. We have a lot of work to do.]

The voice had a weird sort of neutral-sounding to it, almost as if I had just come across the love-child of a special-VR headset and the world's most annoying pacifist. I closed my eyes and opened my hands in front of my followers and companions who couldn't read, and I began to emit the skill to read to those nearby who lacked it by activating an aura of mine and allowing it to radiate out of me.

I began to smirk as I felt my plans to begin creating a utopia very very slowly starting to inch outward of the infinite realms of my mind and into the real world. In time I planned to make this village the home of some of the world's most educated populace, and this power was a handy very first step towards that lofty ambition.