
I Turned Over A New Leaf After Marrying A Sickly Lord

# domesticfight Luo City’s beauty, Su Anan, was made to marry a sickly boy from the Shen family who was kept in the countryside to overturn his undesirable fate. It instantly became the talk of the town. Many lamented the fact that such a beauty was marrying a blind man. What a waste! But what stood out more was that Miss Su would probably soon become a widow, judging by how frail the Shen family’s son was. Gossip was rampant everywhere, but Su Anan remained calm and decisively got married. This was because she had actually been reborn, and she knew how severe the consequences were after being forced to run away from this marriage in her previous life. So, when she woke up and realized that she had returned to the eve of her wedding, she decided not to run away and would obediently get married. Initially, she thought that she would remain respectful and meet her husband’s needs in the marriage, but she never expected that this ill husband of hers would be so different from the rumors in her previous life… Didn’t they say he was blind? Didn’t they say he was sickly? Didn’t they say he would die soon?! Who said all this? Come out and admit it right now! Su Anan stumbled out of the room, holding her aching waist and sighed from the bottom of her heart. Ah, rumors were really unreliable!

Li Zhixia · General
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40 Chs

It was rumored that Leng Moyan was extremely ugly, so he never showed his real face to anyone. He would always wear a mask whenever he walked around. Gradually, the mask became his unique feature. When the green-faced evil spirit was mentioned, everyone in the black and white sects would know about it.

 Ever since he took over the Hong sect, the Hong sect had been rising to the top. Now, it could be considered the number one sect in the underworld. They even had the most terrifying intelligence network.

 Su Sheng frowned. Anan was an unmarried woman, so it was impossible for her to have heard of Leng Moyan. Therefore, unless she saw him with her own eyes, she would not know who he was.

 Then this made sense.

 He had heard that Leng Moyan was ruthless, but he had a principle that he would never owe anyone a favor.

 As long as he owed her even a little, he would repay her double. So, perhaps in order to repay her kindness, he revealed this information to her.

 After all, the Hong sect's main focus was their intelligence network.

 Su Sheng fell into deep thought. If the information was reliable, he would be doing Yu Du a huge favor by disclosing it. Then, not to mention getting their protection, wouldn't he be able to negotiate terms?

 Min Zhong had never attached much importance to the Su family. All the good business lines had been done by the main branch or direct line. It was too difficult for side branches like them to stand out in Min Zhong.

 Su Sheng had always been ambitious, and the news provided by Su Anan was a great bait.

 Su Sheng didn't give a reply on the spot, but said that he would think about it. He also told Su Anan not to tell a third person about it, nor to mention that she had saved the Man in Black.

 A woman saving a man, if word got out, it would damage her reputation.

 Su Anan nodded and said,"Then I'll go back if there's nothing else. Father, please consider it carefully."

 Su Sheng nodded.

 Su Anan took her leave and pretended to suddenly remember something. "Father, I'll go to the storeroom to see if there are any of mother's belongings left behind."

 Su Sheng was thinking about something, so he waved his hand and told her to go ahead.

 How could she be in the mood to think about the relics now? If Anan's plan was successful, she would get much more than these relics.

 Coincidentally, Cuiyan and Yue Luo had also cut the grape branches. They had also taken away the lily of the valley and other flowers that she had raised before.

 The three of them left, and their shadows were cast in the corridor.

 Su Sheng looked at his daughter's back from the window, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

 Anan's words just now had surprised him. His daughter's thoughts were very clear, and her calm appearance really surprised him.

 When did Anan grow so fast?

 Su Anan walked calmly, ignoring the eyes behind her, and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

 She knew that her father was suspicious, but so what? The information she gave was true and she had explained it. She had also analyzed the pros and cons.

 She believed that her father would go to Yu City.

 No one knew better than her that her father was actually very ambitious, but he had always been pretending.

 He had probably thought of leaving long ago, but the time had not come yet.

 Su Anan's move was just to bring forward the time of her father's departure and to find a more stable backer.

 Passing by the garden, Su Anan stopped and looked at the red begonia swaying in the wind.

 Su Anan couldn't restrain herself in front of the wind, her alluring beauty slightly covered in light rouge.

 The flowers were like cut ribbons, and the branches were like light silk.

 She could still vaguely remember the time when she was playing under the begonia flowers and reciting this poem about the silk begonia. Her father had once praised her dotingly.

 Time flew by. She had grown up and gotten married. Her father had also changed.

 Although her father was cold, Su Anan still had to help. Not only did she not want to be held back by Liu Shi, but she also hoped that the Su family would not be sacrificed in the future battle between the three Chambers of Commerce.

 After all, her father had indeed raised her for sixteen years, and she should repay his kindness.

 She also understood that if a woman was not valued by her husband's family, it would not benefit her if her family fell.

 How could she not understand the principle of "one rises and one falls, one loses."

 She and the Su family were on the same side for the time being and could not be separated.

 She went to the storeroom and took her mother's belongings. The box was full of them. The servant boy carried them and placed them in the carriage.

 When she came, she had empty hands, and when she left, they were full. Cuiyan secretly gave her Miss a look, meaning that her Miss was really great.

 Su Anan smiled and motioned for her to stop talking.

 How could Cuiyan not understand? She changed the topic and asked Yue Luo to see if the grapevines could be kept.

 Yue Luo smiled and said that as long as they were watered, moisturized, shaded, and controlled the temperature appropriately, it would take about half a month to take root.

 Cuiyan was surprised. From Yue Luo's tone, she seemed to know how to grow flowers.

 Yue Luo smiled. She only knew a little.

 Su Anan didn't say anything, and her thoughts seemed to have drifted away.

 The carriage shook, and the curtain rose and fell. Through the gap, one could see the poor alley.

 It was still as damp and gloomy as ever, standing behind the sun. The darkness covered all the filth in the depths of the alley.

 Su Anan was in a trance. She had once been in that alley...

 Time was kind to her, and in the blink of an eye, she was back.

 Reining in her thoughts, she looked at the group of beggars at the entrance of the alley and subconsciously searched around. Then, she thought of something and gave up.

 As soon as she put down the curtain, a thin figure ran out of the alley, followed by a few young beggars who were chasing after him in anger.

 As they chased, one shouted, "Kid, don't you know what filial piety is? You're begging in this area. Don't you know the rules? Hurry up and take out the steamed buns."

 The thin figure was anxious and ran around. Suddenly, he bumped into Su Anan's carriage and startled the horse. The horse neighed and the beggars were startled.

 The coachman tightened the reins and steadied the horse. He turned his head and saw a few beggars fighting over the horse. He cursed, "Are you looking for death?"

 The beggars' attitudes changed immediately. Looking at the carriage, the beggars thought the one inside could be considered a rich man and was not someone they could provoke. They quickly apologized, saying that they had accidentally bumped into the carriage while chasing the child and hoped that the noble would forgive them and not hold it against them.

 Then, he said to the little brat who had rolled to the bottom of the carriage and was crazily eating the steamed bun, "Kid, come out! Did you hear me? Give us back our food, and I'll let you off."

 As he said that, the other two men dragged him away.

 The kid was probably very hungry, so he hid below, his mouth full of steamed buns, and said vaguely, "I'm not coming out. This is my steamed bun. A kind person gave it to me. You're the ones who want to snatch it from me."

 The beggar spat. "So what if someone gave it to you? This is my territory." He gave a look, and the other two beggars quickly went under the carriage to drag him out.

 The boy struggled hard, but he couldn't resist the two men's strength. He turned his head and was pulled out. It was so loud that he touched the edge of the carriage. Cuiyan opened a gap to take a look, and Su Anan also looked at him curiously.

 With this one look, she was stunned.

 It was him.

 "Stop." She immediately stopped the two beggars who were dragging the child. Then, she threw a piece of silver from her purse and said, "Take it, it's enough for you to buy food. This child, don't move."