
I Turned Over A New Leaf After Marrying A Sickly Lord

# domesticfight Luo City’s beauty, Su Anan, was made to marry a sickly boy from the Shen family who was kept in the countryside to overturn his undesirable fate. It instantly became the talk of the town. Many lamented the fact that such a beauty was marrying a blind man. What a waste! But what stood out more was that Miss Su would probably soon become a widow, judging by how frail the Shen family’s son was. Gossip was rampant everywhere, but Su Anan remained calm and decisively got married. This was because she had actually been reborn, and she knew how severe the consequences were after being forced to run away from this marriage in her previous life. So, when she woke up and realized that she had returned to the eve of her wedding, she decided not to run away and would obediently get married. Initially, she thought that she would remain respectful and meet her husband’s needs in the marriage, but she never expected that this ill husband of hers would be so different from the rumors in her previous life… Didn’t they say he was blind? Didn’t they say he was sickly? Didn’t they say he would die soon?! Who said all this? Come out and admit it right now! Su Anan stumbled out of the room, holding her aching waist and sighed from the bottom of her heart. Ah, rumors were really unreliable!

Li Zhixia · General
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40 Chs

Bringing out Leng Moyan

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Su Anan knew in her previous life that there was a traitor in Yu City.

In his previous life, after guild leader Yu Du found out about the plans of the two guilds, he decided to beat them at their own game and purposely changed the time of the trip to travel with Cai Ying.

A batch of pottery would be delivered to the West Pass on the 4th of April every year, so Yu Du did not suspect anything.

After leaving the West Pass and the North fortress, they had to travel together for a while. After passing the port of Lin 'an, they would then part ways and usually rest at the port for a night.

In his previous life, Yu Du had made use of that night to knock out the guards of the ship and planned to move the smuggled salt onto the ship to beat them at their own game. When the ship was out of the port for inspection, they would be caught red-handed.

But who knew that during the transportation, the Navy governor of Lin 'an, Cai Mingwei, would make a sudden inspection? He happened to see Yu Du transporting salt to Cai Ying's place and arrested him on the spot.

Only then did the people of Yu City realize that they had been deceived.

The messenger understood their plan and had deliberately passed on this information. From the very start, he had just been doing things for the other party and leading them to the trap.

Su Anan remembered that the person in charge of the operation was Fu Hao, Yu Du's second-in-command. In order not to drag Yu Du down, he took all the responsibility by himself, saying that it was all because of his own greed. In the end, he was executed and Yu Du was hurt.

The Emperor hated smuggling. Such an action was equivalent to despising the law and offending the Emperor. It could be imagined that with an imperial decree, Yu City was forced to stop all kinds of businesses. In just a few months, it had been swallowed up badly.

Then when everyone thought that Yu City had fallen, it rose again two years later.

Therefore, if he could help avoid this trap in advance and disclose this information, Yu City would only develop faster. His father had provided such an important piece of information, so it would not be difficult for him to ask for protection.

Not only that, but they could also discuss terms, dividends, channels, and supplies. Yu Du had all of these, not worse than Min Zhong.

Su Sheng's eyes widened in shock after Su Anan's calm analysis. 

"Where did you get this information?"

Su Sheng didn't believe any rumors.

How could a girl know the direction of the Chamber of Commerce in Yu City, as well as its plans and inside information, without leaving her house? He couldn't figure out any of this information.

Su Sheng even wondered if she was still his daughter.

Su Anan knew that she couldn't fool her father with this rumor, so she pretended to be timid and said, 

"To be honest with you, father, this news is not from a small source. Someone kindly told me."

Su Sheng was suspicious. 


Su Anan said the lines that she had prepared.

The gist of it was that a few days before she got married, she went out to pray once and accidentally saved a man in black who was wearing a mask. That man seemed to be being hunted down and was hiding under her carriage. She was afraid, so she didn't say anything and took the man out of the city.

That time, she had indeed returned late and saved someone.

However, the person she saved was not a man in black. He was just a sick scholar. She gave him some silver and asked the people around her to help find a doctor.

However, she couldn't say that now. She had to say that a woman couldn't have heard of such a person's name.

Su Sheng didn't believe her. 

"So the man in black told you the news because he was grateful to you?"

Su Anan said innocently, 

"Yes, he did. I don't know how he knew that I was scared when I married him. Last night, the man in black showed up again and told me the news. He said that it was a way to repay my kindness."

Su Anan added, 

"When the man in black showed up yesterday, I was scared to death. He was wearing a mask of a green-faced evil spirit. It was really scary at night."

"The mask of the green-faced evil spirit and the black clothes?"

Su Sheng suddenly thought of something and asked, 

"Does he have a Jade flute on his waist?"

Su Anan pretended to recall. 

"I think..."

Su Sheng furrowed his brows. 

The mask of the green-faced evil spirit and the Jade flute. Could it be the leader of the Hong sect, Leng Moyan?